On the afternoon of June 14, the reporter learned from the Beijing Communications Division that Ning Bin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the former principal of Beijing Jiaotong University, suffered a traffic accident on the 14th on the 14th. He died of unfortunately after rescue and was 60 years old.Academician Ningbin's farewell ceremony was scheduled to be held at 10 am on June 18th, and was held at the Eastern Auditorium of the Babaoshan Funeral Hall in Beijing.

According to the official resume, Ningbin, a native of Yuncheng, Shanxi, born in May 1959, control system engineering (rail transit operation control) experts.In 1982, Ningbin graduated from the Railway Signal of the Telecom Department of Northern Jiaotong University. He obtained a bachelor's degree in engineering. In 1987 and 2005, he obtained a master's degree in engineering and doctoral degree in engineering at Northern Jiaotong University.Ningbin made a systematic contribution in the field of rail transit train operation control systems (including subways, general speed railways, and high -speed rail control systems, which is one of the pioneers and leaders of the digitalization of rail transit and networked signal systems in my country. He has won the Grand Grand Grand Grand Grand Grand Grand Grand Great Grand Supreme Award in the railway industry, and in 2016, he won the He Liang Heli Science and Technology Progress Award.Ningbin was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2017, and just stepped down as the president of Beijing Jiaotong University last month.