Beijing Youth Daily June 14 news, in early June, American expert David P. Zupko was hired as the deputy director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Tsinghua University.This is the first foreign deputy director hired by Tsinghua's reform and opening up since the reform and opening up.In fact, Zhu David has been in Tsinghua University for a year, and has served as a consultant to Tsinghua Canada in the past year.One year ago, he and his wife came to work in Tsinghua, and brought the two daughters because they thought that children needed a double culture to grow environment, not just bilingual environments.Coincidentally, David Zhu will participate in the implementation of the Tsinghua International Capability Program, which is also involved in implementation, is also determined to create an international, multicultural compatible campus environment.

Treating with Chinese colleagues

In early 2017, his wife who worked at the School of Management of Yale University visited and worked for half a year at Tsinghua University.In early 2018, Zhu Dawei and his wife sought to work together.After hearing this news, the Education Director of Tsinghua University asked him to talk about it, so a year ago, the family of four of their family came to Tsinghua.

Zhu David's position is the consultant of the Dean of the Academic Affairs, providing policy suggestions for the Director of Academic Affairs, and providing strategic analysis and decision -making support for global competent education, academic policies, teaching and curriculum reform measures. He only served as the deputy director of the International Department in June this year.His resume is a bunch of world -renowned universities mdash; mdash; he has served as a management position in many world -renowned universities in many world -renowned universities, including executive associate academic director of Yale University and associate academic director of the University of Chicago.In terms of treatment, a reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily learned that Zhu David was treated with Chinese colleagues.

American famous schools are moving like icebergs, Tsinghua University is changing with the moon

Zhu David's abandonment of the position of famous American schools chose to work in China and Tsinghua. Is there any other reason for the family?In order to answer this question, he first compared the similarities and differences between Tsinghua and famous American schools.

He said that Tsinghua University and famous American universities are: they want to recruit the best teachers and best students in the world.The difference is that Tsinghua's information transmission in management is more unobstructed and effective. The new policy is implemented at a stage and the new requirements are conveyed one by one. The efficiency is extremely high.Everyone in Tsinghua is thinking about how to make things better every day. The method is determined and immediately starts to start.Surprisingly, David Zhu used the word formalization on the famous American university he had worked.Taking Yale as an example, he said that Yale's advantages come from his long historical accumulation, but at the same time, it also caused him to be very cautious in formulating policies.He described the work and life of famous American universities like the iceberg movement (as slow), and Tsinghua University is changing with each passing day.He believes that universities should be constantly developing and changing, and Tsinghua University is going to a large number of innovative projects, which is why he chose Tsinghua.

This is because we are deepening the reform of mdash; mdash; like our country.Zhu David's superior, the director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Division, added that there are not many people like Zhu David who have senior management experience in China and the United States.He will return to the United States in the future, and such experience will be very important in resumes.

Help Tsinghua International's Internationalization for Four things a year

Different from the general speculation, the focus of the work of Zhu Dawei's entry into the International Division is not to the outside world, but to the inside.The publicity of Tsinghua's publicity is that he will participate in the promotion of the Tsinghua Global Strategy and International Capability Program.Excellence management is one of the nine strategic directions of Tsinghua's global strategic strategy. It is a useful attempt for the reform of the personnel system of Tsinghua institutions to join the team of high -level professional management talents from high -level professional management talents to the construction of world -class universities.

Zhu David told the North Youth Daily reporter that in the past year, he has done four main things: one is to provide a comparative study of academic policies and student management of Tsinghua, the United States, and European universities;The analysis of the organizational framework was analyzed; the third was to participate in the 25th education work seminar of Tsinghua University held last year; the fourth was that the English version of the new version of the school's transcript was completed yesterday, and this year's graduates will use it.Next, as a member of the working group of the International Department, he will be committed to improving the school's recognition of the internationalization of campus. The goal is that by 2020, international students and scholars who will not speak Chinese can come to Tsinghua to study and visit in Tsinghua without obstacles.Children need a multicultural growth environment to have a broad mind and vision.He moved out of his wife's educational philosophy and said: The same is true of universities. A university that allows multiculturalism can be a world -class university.Tsinghua finds me to do this.Photography/Yuanjie

Dialogue: China shocked me

Reporter: Why do you and your wife both abandon the positions of famous American universities and come to China and come to work in Tsinghua?

David Zhu: More than two years ago, my wife visited Tsinghua for a short time. I worked here for half a year. During this time, I took my two daughters to see her. It was my first time I came to China.At that time, China shocked me: the people here are very friendly and the food is so delicious.More importantly, the economy and society here are developing rapidly, and we love this country.At that time, I also observed Tsinghua University. Compared with the famous American universities I have worked, one is working hard to change, and one has not changed almost all year round.Compared with the two, I prefer things that are constantly developing and changing.Therefore, at the beginning of last year, my wife and I decided to join Tsinghua.This is an easy decision.

Reporter: Please compare the similarities and differences between college students between Tsinghua and American universities and famous universities in China and the United States?

Zhu David: Let's talk about school first.Tsinghua campus is very huge, with regular layout. The biggest difference from American universities may be that she has a fence.The university of Yale developed with the city of New Hei. The university has no walls and no boundaries between the city.The same is true for the University of Chicago. On the wall of the city center building, nearly 100 scholars who have won the Nobel Prize, including Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao, are the pride of the school.

Besides students.In my opinion, the same places of Chinese and American college students are very clever and hard.Yale students are characterized by many ideas and many problems.Tsinghua students are from various parts of China. Their background is relatively large. People with different backgrounds learn and live together, and they will collide with many sparks mdash; mdash; This is also a place where Tsinghua University is interesting and developing.I have n’t been to the student dormitory of Tsinghua, but I like to observe them in the student cafeteria.

Reporter: Your two daughters are elementary school students. Where do they study after coming to China?

Zhu David: We sent them to the primary school affiliated to Tsinghua University.This is our thoughts, and it is in line with their wishes, and as far as I know, there are many foreign children like them.

Reporter's notes: Gu Yuetang in 310, seeking new Tsinghua

Guyue Hall, the office location at the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Tsinghua University, is a classic courtyard house with a history of 310 years.He once lived in Wang Guowei and Liang Qichao. Zhu Ziqing wrote the three monarchs of the lotus pond and the three monarchs of Ai Weijie here. Qian Zhongshu came here to find his girlfriend Yang Yan.

Today, there are five foreign staff in the International Cooperation and Exchange Office.In addition to Zhu David, Sima Yun from Australia, who worked in the office of former Australian Prime Minister Lu Kewen, was encouraged to learn Chinese and came to work in China by Lu Kewen.They are seeing China and Tsinghua, which are rapidly developing; Tsinghua needs the international vision and thinking way they bring.In this regard, Tsinghua University and Zhu David have a common understanding: continuously seeking change and innovation can we move towards the world.