Yunnan Daily published two reports on the fourth edition of the Female President Kong Caimei in the fourth edition on June 5th, reporting to say that Kong Caimei squeezed out multiple business owners like a bloodworm and became a routine lender.He swears his fingers and has been slavered for a long time.The following is the full text:

Notice of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission of Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on Kong Caimei's serious violation of discipline and violations

In order to fully demonstrate the resolute attitude of the provincial party committee and the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission to effectively maintain the serious attitude of the party's discipline and the law and purify the political ecology of the financial field, further serious discipline and regulations, strengthen supervision responsibilities, and educate party members and leading cadres at all levels. RecentlyKong Caimei, a former member of the party committee and deputy governor of the Bank of Yunnan, reported a notification.

Kong Caimei seriously violated political discipline. She sangered with others for establishing an offensive and defensive alliance, fabricating false situations to the organization, and fighting against organizational investigations.Seriously violated organizational discipline, violated the report of personal matters, and concealed many personal major matters; the organizational concept was indifferent and disciplinary awareness diluted, and the recruitment of the employees of the Bank of Dian Bank was intervene in illegal regulations.Seriously violated the discipline of integrity, illegally business -oriented enterprises, engaged in profit -making activities, and held non -listed companies shares;Seriously violated work discipline, poor supervision, and has a major leadership responsibility for huge losses to state -owned assets.Seriously violated national laws and regulations, and by arranging multiple subordinates of the Fortune Bank Sales Department to obtain marketing costs with virtual expenditures and the way to intercept some employees' performance salary to form a small vanks controlled by it illegally possessing and suspected corruption; utilized usePower and convenience, provide help, seek benefits for others in handling loans, collect bribery and property by others, and suspected bribery crimes.Loan the huge profits to others, suspected of the crime of re -loan; and the owner of the private company, Kang Mou used a deception method to deceive the loan of the Fortune Bank of the Bank of Business Department, and then returned the unable to return, causing huge losses in Fugong Bank, suspected of deceiving the loan;Instructed the criminals of the evil forces to deliberately hurt others and violate the law of punishment for security management.On February 1, 2019, after research by the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Commission and submitted to the Provincial Party Committee for approval, it was decided to give the former party committee member of the Fortune Bank and deputy president Kong Caimei to expel party membership and expel public office to transfer it to the procuratorial organs suspected of crime issues.The prosecution in accordance with the law is transferred with the case.

Kong Caimei seriously violated discipline and violations of laws and laws reflected that as a party member leading cadre, he did not believe in Marxism -Lenin to believe in ghosts and gods, and cultivated the care of the party organization behind the head, relaxed the transformation of the world outlook, life, and values.There is no existence, and the party's purpose is abandoned.Kong Caimei has participated in superstition activities many times, and even brought Mr. Feng Shui to the office to watch Feng Shui, set up Buddhist cods, hang spells, print religious books with public funds, worship a living Buddhist Buddhist Buddha as a teacher.Its behavior seriously damaged the party's image, severely corrupted the party's reputation, severely corroded the party's body, and severely defiled the purity of the party.

Confucian Mei ’s serious violations of discipline and laws reflected that it was full of selfishness, and the law of the party and discipline was as nothing to do.During the period of the general manager of Kong Caimei as the general manager of the General Office of the Bank of China, he ignored the party's discipline and state law and the various systems of banks, and used his powers to set up small vaults to harm public fertilizer and private.She arranged for her subordinates to withdraw a large amount of cash from the small vault account for their use on the grounds of moving the new residence in the new residence.Confucius' housing rents, daily life costs, round -trip schools and air tickets traveling with her boyfriend, Kong Caimei arranged subordinates to extract from a small vault.Taking national property as a private wallet and wantonly embezzle state -owned assets, the nature is extremely bad.

Kong Caimei seriously violated discipline and laws reflected that its values were seriously distorted. It was a bank governor during the day and the owner of the underground money village at night.As a party member leading cadre, Kong Caimei did not cherish the honor and power given by the party and the people, and did not establish the correct values, and lost himself in the greed of money.During the assistance of the president of the Bank of the Bank of Fortune and the general manager of the business department, Kong Caimei received a huge loss of state -owned assets by knowing that many private owners' loan materials and false use of loans were false and false use of loans, which caused a huge loss of state -owned assets.In addition, Kong Caimei also used these private business owners to use money to borrow themselves, friends, friends, and acquaintances, and lend them to them with high funds lended from their own banks.Lord, he became a routine of a bank coat to loan the dealer.Kong Caimei regards power as capital as a bargaining chip for personal interests; her selfish desires are extremely inflated, their desires are smoked, and they have no choice but to collect their wealth.

Kong Caimei seriously violated discipline and laws reflected that his violations of discipline and laws were in the same match, and relatives and friends of greed for money and friends went out of the horse.As a leading cadre of a party member, Kong Caimei did not take the lead in building a good family style. Not only did he engage in power and money transactions, but his husband Yang Chonghua, as the chairman of the Kunming Land Investment Company, was also unlikely.Crime; Kong Caimei not only collects money herself, but also commands behind the scenes, indulging in relatives to play his spokesperson.Kong Caimei used family influence to help private business owners get mining rights, let his nephew and private business owner partnership, receive huge benefits to transport, and make unjust money.The mine made huge profits. As a result, the bamboo basket was empty, and the stealing chickens did not erode rice.Kong Caimei used her family and faces that had been accumulated for many years, and used to make profits for her and relatives. In the end, the family had caused a bad social impact.Kong Caimei's family rules are not strict and the family style is not right.

Kong Caimei seriously violated discipline and violations of laws and laws reflected that her flying and empty eyes were all, and their subordinates were in order to make their subordinates.Kong Caimei is very domineering whether it is at home or in the unit.Discovering her husband Yang Chonghua derailed, and persecuted Yang Chonghua to cut his fingers to swear and write a guarantee; after noticing that Yang Chonghua had an improper relationship between men and women, he could not live without the heaven.Individual indignation, after success, she still said madly in the office, and did not end well with her.Kong Caimei has long regarded her subordinates as their servants. If there are no compensation for housekeeping services, those who help them buy all kinds of luxury goods for their enjoyment, help the management account to trade, and even have their knees to worship and do practices.Hellip; hellip; these subordinates were slightly unsuccessful, Kong Caimei scolded or even threatened with work mobilization and deduction performance. Many subordinates were long -time by Kong Caimei. They dared to say great harm to their body and mind.As a party member leading cadre, Kong Caimei did not take the lead in implementing the party's policy to care for the cadres and the masses around him.Essence

The report emphasized that the party committees (party groups) at all levels in the province and the majority of party members and cadres must set up four consciousness, firm confidence in four self -confidences, and achieve two maintenance, and effectively unify their thoughts and actions ...In the central spirit, it was unified to the central and provincial committees to comprehensively and strictly govern the party, party style and clean government construction and anti -corruption struggle.We must strengthen their ideals and convictions, improve the party's understanding, and absolute loyalty to the party.No matter how far you go, you must not forget why the Communists set off, and no matter what time they can lose the soul of the Communists.It is necessary to know the awe, predestination, and keeping the bottom line, and to be clear and honest and honest.We must treat and exercise power correctly, resolutely keep the bottom line of discipline, take the leadKeeping the Consumer Guidelines of the Communist Party of China, paying attention to family tutoring and family style, consciously doing the model of integrity and self -discipline, integrity, and integrity.It is necessary to adhere to the party to manage the party and strictly govern the party, promote the spirit of struggle, and resolutely implement the political responsibility of governing the party.Party committees (party groups) at all levels should earnestly bear the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, strengthen political education and political leadership.Political ecology promotes the party's various tasks to be carried out in an orderly and effective development.It is necessary to strengthen the party's leadership of financial work. There are corruption and corruption, and greed must always maintain a high pressure on corruption in the financial field.Party committees and governments at all levels in the province, as well as financial regulatory authorities, financial institutions, and financial institutions must conscientiously compare the typical opposite of the opposite side., Resolutely keep the bottom line of no systemic financial risk, and resolutely win the battle against risks.

Greedy and domineering faith is lost

Mdash; MDASH; Earlier Party Committee Member of Fuyun Bank of Yunnan Province and Deputy President Kong Caimei seriously violated disciplinary violation cases

In the financial industry of Yunnan, Kong Caimei, a former member of the party committee and deputy president of Fuyun Bank, is famous for its strong domineering. What kind of person is it?The reporter asked the case personnel to describe her in a few words. The case handler replied: greedy and domineering, lack of faith, willful use of rights, public and private distinction, only profit is map, ignorance hellip;

I always think that I can fish a little bit. If I am not greedy and greedy, I will not come to this day.Compared with you, you talk about dedication, work is hard, but the income is not high; I talk about eating and wearing a name, full of money, and never bought the mobile phone hellip; hellip; in the interview, Kong Caimei's wordsIt was impressed by reporters.

A banker who used to be unlimited and in the industry, how can he step into the abyss of self -loss step by step in the industry?


Small vaults in private, take the bank as your own account room, how do you spend it if you want to spend

As a financial enterprise, Fuyun Bank has a marketing expense accounting account. The original intention was to better expand the business, but Kong Caimei turned this subject into her withdrawal machine.Through the way of collecting marketing expenses and the method of intercepting part of the performance salary of employees, a small vault controlled by it is formed. Among them, Kong Caimei illegally occupy more than 3 million yuan.

I think lsquo; small vault rsquo; I have made everyone earn and will not be found, so use the stool of the job to take the operation of the current year -on -year account and re -opening an account.Kong Caimei came out of the secret.

She arranged for her subordinates to withdraw 660,000 yuan in cash from the small vault on the grounds of moving the new residence in the new residence.In the living expenses, to the school and travel air tickets, Kong Caimei all took hellip; hellip; this seemed to be Kong Caimei's private wallet.

In order to obtain more money and interests, she hit her mind to the power in her hands.

In 2013, a real estate company in Kunming was preparing to apply for a loan at Fun Yun Bank. Kong Caimei saw the company's legal representative Li Mou wearing a expensive jade pendant to ask for the name of the trial.The company's up to 600 million yuan of loans were successfully approved.

At the beginning of 2013, Kong Caimei saw two sets of leafy rosewood furniture, so he called to notify Kang Moumou, a demolition company who was looking for a loan in Yunnan.The loan applied by the Bank of Dian Bank naturally passed the approval.

With a million annual salary, Kong Caimei was not satisfied, and pondered how to make money and make a profit all day.During the approval of the loan, Kong Caimei learned that a number of private business owners had a shortage of funds, so she breeds the idea of high loan.

Kong Caimei took the funds raised by herself to borrow high interest rates. During the day, she was a bank governor and was the owner of the Qianzhuangzhuang at night.The huge loss of Fuyun Bank, but Kong Caimei had the interests of tens of millions of yuan.

The honor given to me by the party and the country has enough, and the treatment is generous. I just have money to go to this step.After being reviewed and investigated, Kong Caimei recognized his mistakes.However, such confession and awakening come too late.

Strong domineering

Whether at the unit or at home, talk about it, and drive the employees as a nanny to drive at will

Kong Caimei has developed a strong character since she was a child. She is very strong whether in her family or in the unit.The employee of the unit became a clock of her house, cleaning, stacking beds, and washing dishes and cooking.

I would rather make others jealous of me, and I don't want others to say that I can't.Therefore, I am very domineering, forcing employees to force it very tightly. Even if I am too much, they can only swallow the voices and dare to say.

Due to Kong Caimei's strength, her husband Yang Chonghua and his appearance were separated. The two had no other common language except for money benefits.

The Kong Caimei couple will buy a vehicle worth millions for family use. After the full payment of Kong Caimei, it is believed that Yang Chonghua should be issued by Yang Chonghua.Yang Chonghua stretched out the hand of bribery and asked the private business owner Wang to bribe 1 million yuan.In October 2018, according to the clues of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Yang Chonghua, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Kunming Agricultural Development and Investment Co., Ltd., accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Kunming Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision of the Kunming Discipline Inspection Commission for suspected discipline and law.

Kong Caimei's nephew Wang lost his parents since he was a child. Kong Caimei's care and care made Wang feel the warmth of motherly love, so he vowed to repay Kong Caimei after growing up.

After Wang graduated from Wang Mou's technical school, Kong Caimei not only masked many violations of laws and disciplines, but also arranged for Wang to hold real estate, hold non -listed company shares, and host the mine hellip; HelloP;What happened.Wang, a pair of illegal white gloves, finally put himself in the end.

If time can be reversed, I must be a citizen who abides by the law, must be a good daughter, and must be a good mother.Kong Caimei regretted tears.

Lost faith

Don't believe in Marxism -Lenin to believe in ghosts and gods, don't ask Master Cangsheng

After the night goes too much, I will always be embarrassed by peace.In order to obtain calmness, Kong Caimei began to be convinced by signs.Kunming's Zhenqing Guan, Chicken Mountain in Dali Binchuan, and famous religious attractions such as Qinghai and Tibet all left the footprints of Kong Caimei Jingxiang.In October 2009, a living Buddha went to Kunming to event, and Kong Caimei rushed to the living Buddha's residence to meet, and immediately converted to the master name, named Jiang Yongzhuma.

In order to seek life, disaster relief and refuge, Kong Caimei strictly followed the guidance of Mr. Feng Shui, hanging spells at home, setting up Buddhist natgies and hanging spells in the office, and even the color and number of fish in the fish tank were allocated according to the master's order.Kong Caimei also used public funds to illegally printed religious books, which caused a bad impact among the cadres and employees of the Fuyun Bank.Even when he couldn't get away, and was unwilling to miss Liangchen Ji, he actually arranged employees to go to Taoist outlook to worship and do things.I also know that it is wrong to do this, but I think that others do not know, the organization can't find it, and holding such a fluke.Kong Caimei told reporters.

There is no precepts in my heart, fearlessness, and unwillingness to learn. Kong Caimei, who fell into the eyes of the money, gradually developed to the degree of ignorance and fearlessness, and even confrontation of organizational censorship.

Without serious education, I just walked in a form.Either the warning film or the book, all read and learned, but did not enter the mind, forgot to see if you made the same mistake.Kong Caimei realized his mistakes after falling off his horse.

In order to escape the responsibility and deal with the investigation, after hearing the sound of the wind, Kong Caimei made several confession with the relevant personnel and set up an offensive and defensiveEssenceWhen the facts are clear, the evidence is clear, and the interrogation is targeted, Kong Caimei still sets up obstacles to try to avoid the problem of the task force mdash; mdash; do not explain, do not take the initiative, and not acknowledge.The many false situations she provided to the organization to greatly interfere and obstruct the review.

However, no matter how cunning the foxes, they couldn't fight for sophisticated hunters after all.Through a large number of hard work, the task force finally found out the fact that Kong Caimei's disciplinary and law was violated.After investigation, Kong Caimei seriously violated political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, and work discipline, and was suspected of corruption, bribery, high -profit loan, and fraudulent loans.A total of more than 3.18 million yuan in violation of discipline and law.

I live up to the cultivation of the party and the organization for myself.When I was sick, I was sick, and when I was sick, the party and organization cared about themselves, did not abandon themselves, did not dislike myself, and saved me hard, educated me, and helped me.I regret it!It is too late to regret the end of the confession. Waiting for Kong Caimei will be the severe punishment of the law.