On June 3rd, the Beijing Court Judgment Information Network announced Feng Lizhi's bribery judgment.A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily noticed that the 160 million yuan lottery business fee due to the 5.851 million yuan and abuse of authority was lost.The Second Intermediate Court sentenced for 17 years in prison for bribery and abuse of power, and fined 1 million yuan.

The total of more than 5.8 million yuan in bribery in 3 years

The reporter from Beiqing Daily learned that Feng Lizhi, 58, is a Hulan in Heilongjiang (born in November 1960). He had previously worked in the Welfare Lottery System of the Ministry of Civil Affairs for many years and served as the assistant assistant and market director of the Fucai Center.In September 2008, Feng Lizhi was promoted to the deputy director of the Fucai Center; since April 2010, he also serves as the chairman of Beijing Zhongcai Online Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhongcai Online).

After trials of the Second Intermediate People's Court of Beijing, from 2010 to 2013, the defendant Feng Lizhi used the deputy director of the Fucai Center and the chairman of the Zhongcai Online Company, which was responsible for the issuance management and policy research of China Fook Online (including Kaile Lottery).And propaganda work, in charge of the convenience of Zhongcai Online Company and other positions, accept the entrustment of He Mou, general manager of Zhongcai Online Company, and help China Lottery Online Company in terms of business operations, profit dividends and other aspects.RMB 15 yuan, asked He in the office of Fucai Center, and received 3 million yuan through others by others.

Two gold bars received by He in the parking lot of Beijing Central Holiday Hotel (1000g each, equivalent to 641,000 yuan).Feng Lizhi also accepted the entrustment of Liu Mou, chairman of the board of directors of Huacai Company and the legal representative of Tianyi Company, to timely recover the contract funds paid by Tiancai Online Company in time, continue to cooperate with Zhongcai Online Company and not reduce the point of mentioning the Tianyi company.Helping the proportions and other matters, it has received a total of 860,000 yuan from the RMB from Wangfu Tea House and other places in the Wangfu Tea House in Xicheng District, Beijing.

Feng Lizhi and above have been equivalent to RMB 5.851 million.

Due to bribery, the national fiscal loss is 160 million

The trial of the Second Intermediate People's Court of Beijing found that from 2010 to 2013, Feng Lizhi served as Deputy Director of Fucai Center, and was in charge of Zhongcai Online.The profit distribution plan from 2010 to 2012, and decided to submit the leadership team of the Fucai Center to study and pass, resulting in the loss of 16,0316,100 yuan of lottery business expenses that should be paid, causing major losses for national interests.

According to previous regulations, China Lottery Online is responsible for the operation, technical services, data management, and funding collection management of Zhongfu Online, which is the issuance fee of 5%of the total sales of Zhongfu Online Lottery.In fact, these 5%belong to business fees, rather than consignment fees, and should be paid to the state treasury and included in budget management.Zhongcai Online Company only provides technical services, not a substitute sales agency.

On July 1, 2009, the Lottery Management Regulations issued by the State Council stipulated that the business fee of the lottery issuer and lottery sales institution was paid by the lottery issued by the lottery issuer, the lottery sales agency to the central financial account and the provincial financial account for monthly.Two line management.

In the judgment of the Feng Lizhi case, the testimony issued by Bao Xue, the former director of the Fucai Center, stated that: Zhongcai Online did not put lsquo; Zhongfu Online RSquo;As a dividend of profit, it violates the lottery management regulations issued in 2009.I asked Feng Lizhi to go to the comprehensive department of the Ministry of Finance to report the implementation of the two lines of the collection of funds and the revenue and expenditure of issuance fees. After that, Feng Lizhi reported that the Ministry of Finance did not clearly explicitly operate.

In the end, He Mou, who was able to make a profit, said that after sending the gold bars and borrowing of 4.35 million to Feng, Feng Lizhi thought that he would think more for his interests, so when submitting the dividend plan for the leadership team of the Fucai Center,The rules are executed.

He said: I still remember one day in 2010, Feng Lizhi told me in his office that the 5%extraction ratio of Zhongcai's online online has attracted social attention. Bao Xuequan asked him to discuss a downside plan with me.Feng Lizhi hinted that I was dragging time, and Zhu Zizheng, director of the four departments of Fucai Center, talked slowly, and at the same time made me prepare the reasons for the opposition.Feng Lizhi once told me that he made a fight with Bao Xuequan.From 2011 to 2013, the proportion of dividends increased year by year, 25%in 2010, 28%in 2011, and 28%in 2012.If Feng Lizhi strictly controls, my proposal cannot be passed.

He was sentenced to 17 years in prison for lottery corruption case

In the judgment, the defendant Feng Lizhi, as a state staff, used his convenience to use his position as the deputy director of the Fucai Center and chairman of Zhongcai Online Company to obtain or illegally accept the property of He and Liu.For the benefit for the two, its behavior has constituted a crime of bribery, and the amount is particularly huge, and it should be punished according to law.As a national staff member, Feng Lizhi is commissioned by the Blessing Lottery Center as the chairman of Zhongcai Online Company and is responsible for operation and management.Agree and decide to discuss it and approve, causing major losses of national interests. The behavior has constituted the crime of abuse of power, and the circumstances are particularly serious, and the punishment should be punished according to law.

In the end, Feng Lizhi was sentenced to 17 years in prison and fined 1 million yuan.The detained in RMB 5.21 million and two gold bars was seized, and they were confiscated and paid the state treasury.

According to the information network of the Beijing Court Judgment Information Network, after the verdict, Feng Lizhi did not appeal and the judgment was effective in the first instance.During the transfer of execution, Feng Lizhi was found to be ill, and his relatives applied for overseas execution.After the opinion of the Beijing Procuratorate, in March 2019, the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court decided to implement Feng Lizhi temporarily.

Text/Reporter Zhang Xin Ye Wan Coordinated/Zhang Bin