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Hu Xijin, the editor -in -chief of the China Global Times, said on Twitter today that as far as he knows, China will take major retaliatory measures to respond to the list of Huawei and other Chinese companies in the entity list.(Twitter screenshot) Regarding the list of Huawei and other Chinese companies in the entity list, the editor -in -chief of the China Global Times Hu Xijin today (31st) posted on Twitter that according to his knowledge, China will take major retaliatory measures.

According to Hu Xijin's news, Hu Xijin said that according to his knowing, China will take Major Retaliative measures to respond to the United States to include Huawei and other Chinese companies in the entity list.

Based on what I know, China Will take Major Retaliative Measures Against The us Placing Huawei and Other CHINESESESESENIES on Entity List. IJING Will Not Wait Passively and More Countermeasures Will Follow.

—Hu xijin Hu Xijin (@Huxijin_GT) May 31, 2019

Hu Xijin pointed out that this measure means that Beijing will not wait passively, and says that more counterattack measures will appear.

Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported earlier that the US Department of Commerce announced in the middle of this month that Huawei and 70 related companies will be included in the entity list, which means that without the approval of the US government, it will not be able to buy components from American companies.The Ministry of Commerce subsequently decided to delay the implementation ban for 90 days.