In December 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee was held.At this meeting with great historical significance, the Party Central Committee made a decision to formally restore the party's disciplinary inspection authority and elected the Central Disciplinary Inspection Commission composed of 100 members.

In the past 40 years, the Chinese disciplinary inspection and supervision system has undergone major changes.Politics learned from China Founder Press (the only professional publishing institution of the National Discipline Inspection and Supervision System, hosted by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission) that in order to record the changes in China's discipline inspection and supervision in 40 years, it was approved by the leaders of the State Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection last year.China Founder Publishing House interviewed 40 retired veteran comrades of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Recently, a book of the Story of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission I have experienced by MDASH; MDASH has been published by China Founder Press.The editor of the book Wang Chuchu said that these 40 comrades have different age, different experiences, different jobs, and some have given up better treatment and better conditions.After graduating from university, he entered this disciplinary committee, and he spent his entire work career here; some were transferred from the local area to drag his family to Beijing.

In half a year, from the heat of the heat to the cold autumn to the cold winter, more than 40 interviews, no old comrades were late, and no one proposed a pick -up request.Wang Chuchu said that when the interview was over, when they proposed to send a car to send the old comrades back, they often took out a thin bus card to refuse.

These 40 old comrades have had many cases of cases.In politics, Liu Shaoqi's unjust cases handled by these old comrades were rehabilitated. Lin Biao and Jiang Qing's anti -revolutionary group cases, Xiamen Yuanhua cases, and Cheng Kejie cases and other cases.

Tour inspections found that Wu Changshun, Bai Enpei, Shen Peiping, Qiu He and other clues:

To inspect the cadres, we must first do the right and right, and have a righteousness

Among these 40 retired veteran comrades, several of them participated in the central inspection work after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Ren Aijun, the former inspection commissioner of the Central Inspection Team, entered the Fifth Inspection Team of the Central Committee in 2006.During the inspection after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, many provincial and ministerial officials were found to have problem clues.

Ren Aijun said that after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the first stop of the Central Committee of the Central Committee was Chongqing.Tan Qiwei, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal People's Congress and deputy secretary of the party group, was seriously disciplined. We learned through the conversation in this inspection that we had timely grasping the evidence materials from the clues.Later, my inspection team also visited Yunnan, Tianjin, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.The problems of Bai Enpei, Shen Peiping, Qiu He, Sun Huaishan and others were discovered during the inspection, and the problem of Wu Changshun was found during the inspection of Tianjin.The inspection team found that the problem clues must be done carefully, and the grass can not be shocked. The work pressure is great.

From February to April 2016, the ninth round of the Central Committee inspected the first four provinces such as Liaoning, Anhui, Shandong, and Hunan, and adopted the form of one trial.Ren Aijun said that whether he was looking for someone or looking for information, it was particularly attentive.Kung Fu was reluctant to have a careless person. In the conversation, a problem in the original material was found, and finally the former deputy governor of Anhui Province Yang Zhenchao's serious violation of disciplinary problems.We quickly docked with the disciplinary inspection and supervision room. As soon as the inspection was over, Yang Zhenchao was filed for review.Chen Shulong, the former deputy governor of Anhui Province, Cheng Han, former deputy department of the Provincial Department of Justice, Zhou Renqiang, former chairman and party secretary of the Provincial Transportation Holding Group Co., Ltd. Zhou Renqiang, and other serious disciplinary issues were also discovered during this inspection.

Ren Aijun also recalled that during the inspection, the person who wanted to report the problem to the inspection team was sometimes worried about being retaliated, unwilling to show up easily, nor did he want to come to the inspection team.We will ask their opinions on the phone and ask them to choose a place.On one occasion, a reporter met at a hotel and proposed to use a secret number to connect. He was sitting on the sofa of the hotel lobby and took a newspaper to watch it. Our comrades also took a rolling newspaper.We went to the appointment according to his request.When I arrived at the hotel, I found that someone was sitting on the sofa and holding the newspaper, but as soon as the other party saw us, we immediately stood up and went.Immediately afterwards, the other party called again and said that there were a lot of cameras in this place, and I had to find a place without a camera to talk again.Later, we changed another place to meet, and finally learned a lot of useful clues from this reporter.

Born in December 1953, Peng Wenyao, the former head of the central inspection team, entered the work of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission in 1981. He successively entered the Central Inspection Team in 2009 and retired in 2016.

Peng Wenyao believes that as a inspection cadre, we must first do a righteous person and have a righteousness.With righteousness, then you have the confidence. It must be a solid heart, dare to adhere to discipline, dare to touch hard, and dare to adhere to principles.Real corrupt elements are afraid of inspection. After hearing that the central inspection team enters, the legs are soft and panicked. No matter how good the psychological quality is, you can also see a little bit.

Cheng Kejie case:

The first national leader who was sentenced to death for corruption since the founding of New China

Cheng Kejie was the first national leader to be sentenced to death for corruption since the founding of New China.Liu Zhenbao, former member of the Case of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

According to Liu Zhenbao, in December 1999, the leaders of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection instructed that the trial room requested the trial to speed up the trial of the Kjee case, and reported to the central government before the Spring Festival of the following year.We intervened in advance and immediately transferred to the formal trial. The comrades of the investigation team continued to send the files to our office.At that time, we had a larger office. Six people were one house, and we couldn't walk at night. There were no beds. Everyone could only sit on the sofa for a short while or lying down half a rest and work overtime.In response to many special circumstances, many plans were raised, working hard, and finally came up with more accurate trial opinions. They approved unanimously at the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and reported to the central government.

Liu Zhenbao believes that from the perspective of the trial work, the trial report of the Cheng Kejie case is also a great innovation, which has changed some of the previous writing documents. The structure is more reasonable, the language is more refined, and the description is more accurate.A template.

Jackie Chan's trial scene

In addition, Liu Zhenbao said that the Capital Case was also a pioneering process.On April 20, 2000, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held a press conference to announce the investigation and punishment of Chengkeje's serious violations of discipline and law.The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was decided and approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to expel Chengkeje's party membership; it is suggested that the Standing Committee of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Congress to dismiss the position of the National People's Congress of Chengcie. It is suggested that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress cancels the position of vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.On April 21, the Standing Committee of the Ninth People's Congress of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region held the seventeenth meeting to dismiss Cheng Kejie's 9th National People's Congress and report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for record.On April 25, the 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress held a plenary meeting, and decided to revoke the position of vice chairman of the Ninth National People's Congress Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress.

In 2000, Cheng Kejie was sentenced to death for bribery and performed in September of that year.

Han Guizhi case:

Following the clues deeply, the local political ecology

Liu Zhenbao also mentioned that the handling of Han Guizhi's case is also a special procedure.

Han Guizhi was the deputy secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and the chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference.On May 29, 2004, Han Guizhi was removed from all the positions of the party by the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee.On June 10, the Seventh Standing Committee of the Ninth CPPCC of Heilongjiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference passed the free Han Guizhi CPPCCResolution of the seat.

Liu Zhenbao said that at this time, she was a party member who had no position. Without any position, she should be decided by party committees at the same level, but the party committees at the same level did not investigate.Later, we drafted the decision of punishment. With the approval of the central government, the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee made LSquo; double -open RSquo;

This procedure special treatment is based on the requirements of the party constitution and according to the specific situation at the time, a more reasonable and proper way adopted by the facts, the political effects, disciplinary effects, and social effects are good.Liu Zhenbao said.

In 2005, Han Guizhi was sentenced to death for bribery.

Diao Rui, the former director of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the China United Nations Office of Hong Kong, said in memory that Liu Liying, then deputy secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, led the Han Guizhi case.The Han Guizhi case was over without saying that the work of Han Guizhi's work was over. Comrade Liu Liying organized the team to dug down the clues and deal with it seriously according to the different situations involved in the case.Through this case, we also found out the bottom of the Heilongjiang cadre team and the local political ecology.In the same case, there are Liaoning Moma cases and Hebei Lizhen cases. These are very typical cases in the inspection work of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission.

Xiamen Yuanhua Case:

Severe punishment of a group of criminals hidden within the customs

At the end of the last century, the Xiamen Yuanhua case attracted much attention. This was the first major economic crime that was investigated and dealt with since the founding of New China.Diao Rui, former director of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Hong Kong Office of China, also participated in the investigation.

According to Diao Rui, in April 1999, the Discipline Inspection Team and the Supervision Bureau of the General Administration of Customs received a 74 -page report letter to reveal that Xiamen Yuanhua smuggling criminal group used various means to smuggle tens of billions of goods.On April 20, according to the instructions of the Central Leadership, the Supervision Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection established 4middot; 20 project teams to mobilize special forces to conduct a comprehensive investigation with the General Administration of Customs, the Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme Procuratorate, and the Supreme Law.This case has been checked for a long time, and I stayed in this investigation team for a year and a half.Later, there were more than 600 personnel involved in the case, and nearly 300 people were held criminally responsible.Among them, nearly 150 criminal liability for criminal crimes.Lai Changxing, who fled in Canada in 1999, was repatriated in July 2011.On May 18, 2012, Lai Changxing finally pleaded guilty, was sentenced to life imprisonment, and confiscated all personal property.

Diao Rui said that the investigation and punishment of the Xiamen Yuanhua case severely punished a group of criminals hidden inside the customs and promoted the improvement of the customs and regulations.During the case handling, the leading comrades were the first to soldiers, under the above rate, and personally.

Investigating the Xiamen Yuanhua case, He Yong (then Deputy Secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and Minister of the Supervisory Department) is the leader of the leadership group. The daily schedule is full, and it is impossible to stay in Xiamen for a long time to handle related affairs.As a result, he used a weekend to work in Xiamen for a few consecutive days every month to listen to the reports of various project teams and arrange the arrangement.Sometimes when the case encounters an important node, he will rush to the front line in time, analyzing and studying the case with comrades such as public security, customs and other departments, and put forward specific guidance.Diao Rui said.

Hu Changqing case:

The Beijing University Graduation Certificate and Bachelor of French Studies in his archives are all false

Hu Changqing was the first deputy senior official to be sentenced to death since the reform and opening up of China. Diao Rui also participated in the case.

Diao Rui said that we were investigating Hu Changqing's case. In the later period of investigation, in addition to finding economic problems, he also found that he and the party were aggressive and fake passports.We asked him to talk to verification. During the conversation, he admitted that the trustee had a visa to Singapore with a fake passport.But the two fake passport we found did not go to Singapore's visa, one of which had a Malaysian visa.

In order to figure out this problem, he found the third passport, and Diao Rui asked Hu Changqing to talk, so that he handed over the passport with a Singapore visa.Hu Changqing looked at the two passports and pointed at the Malaysian visa.I am very strange. To him, you graduated from Peking University. Why can't you even distinguish the English visa in Singapore and Malaysia?He was embarrassed and vague, playing with us.I felt wrong and transferred the original file of his archives, but found that the Beijing University Graduation Certificate and the Bachelor of French Studies of Peking University in the archives were all fake.

In early March 2000, Hu Changqing was sentenced to death for the second instance of the crime of accepting bribery, bribery, and huge amounts of property. He was sentenced to death and was executed that month.

The former vice chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Government entrusted to Middot; Shabier case:

The first provincial and ministerial cadres that were investigated and dealt with after the establishment of the supervisory department

In November 1986, the State Council asked the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to approve the establishment of the supervisory department; in December of the same year, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress decided to establish the supervision department according to the State Council's request.After more than half a year of preparation, the Supervision Department was established in June 1987.

Gu Fangzheng, born in 1925, participated in the establishment of the Supervision Department.According to his memories, at the time, Wei Jianxing served as Minister of Supervision and had three major tasks that had just been formed: investigating foreign economic contracts; investigating officials to ensure economic construction in the direction of socialism; investigating major cases.

At that time, cases were particularly emphasized to investigate and deal with cases involving senior leading cadres.Gu Fangzheng said that at the time, the former vice chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Government investigated and dealt with Tosa Bill, who was revoked and expelled from the party for bribery and supporting speculation, illegal resale activities.At the time, it also belonged to a major case.

Gu Fangzheng recalled that Shabil was pulled down by a female businessman who mainly do cantaloupe business.At that time, Urumqi's train transportation capacity was limited. Whoever could transport cantaloupes would make a lot of money immediately, and Shabil batched her merchant to let her transport cantaloupe.Shabil has little money to accept bribes. The key is to use the power in the hands to support the female businessman to make huge profits.

Gu Fangzheng said that Shabil has also had a ideological struggle and wanted to find the party secretary to explain the problem, but in the end, he did not speak until the incident.Savil did not admit about related issues, but we had conclusive evidence and stated to him truthfully.Because he has a good attitude, he will eventually give leniency and avoid criminal prosecution.

Speaking of the reform of the national supervision system, Gu Fangzheng believes that this is an extraordinary initiative. The full coverage of supervision of public officials who exercise public power is a leap from quantitative to qualitative change.

Two case trial:

The processing policy is to save the majority of education, and the number of punishment is very small

Xu Yi was born in 1927. He entered the work of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in February 1979. He had handled the case of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Anti -Revolutionary Group (also known as two cases), and was later transferred to the 6th room of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. He retired in December 1989.

Xu Yi recalled that in the spring of 1979, the leadership group of two cases was established in the central government. The team leader was Hu Yaobang, the third secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.Xu Yi's approval team is mainly responsible for the approval of the sanctions of cadres at or above the deputy provincial and ministerial level.This task has a lot of work, many people, so they are divided into six groups.I am in charge of southwest and northwest, and sometimes I also participate in the trial of other groups.

Xu Yi said that the first thing he arrived was to receive the materials of the case. The materials of the Lin Biao case were in the Ministry of Public Security, and the materials of the Gang of Four were in the Central Office.It took a while to count the work. After handover, they were pulled back to the two cases. There were about dozens of boxes, all of which were carried by themselves.There are many case materials from various provinces and cities. We will pick up people and materials from the airport and carry the materials of the large bags.

At the beginning, there were several people who participated in the work of the two cases. The people were very nervous and the office conditions were very difficult.Xu Yi said that at that time, the Party Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the trial of the two cases were educating the majority of education and saving the majority of punishment.Comrade Hu Yaobang also said that comrades in the two cases should not just look at his mistakes or crimes in one aspect, and from the entire historical background, what mistakes he made and what the nature of these mistakes is.

So in actual workersIn China, we must accurately grasp the policies, try to judge as little as possible, discipline and criticize education.Of course, the most fundamental spirit is to seek truth from facts, which is important.It is not possible to handle unjust or false cases. The facts must be clear, accurate, accurate, properly punished, and complete procedures.Documents and materials investigators must sign for themselves to lead the leadership approval, so they must be serious, because this is not only responsible for the organization, but also to themselves.Xu Yi said that the two cases of dealing with the two cases have very important political significance to the chaos, the original source, and the division of right and wrong. It has reversed the reversal of the party in the party and restored the party's fine tradition.Base.

Liu Shaoqi's injustice rehabilitation:

Chen Yun's instructions are very critical

Born in 1927, Yang Youzhen went to work in the Central Supervision Committee in 1955. After the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection resumed reconstruction, he returned to the authority.He had participated in the rehabilitation of Zhao Xue in the case of Liu Shaoqi.

Yang Youzhen said that in 1979, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission's first plenary session discussed the decision to deal with the backlog of the backlog, and the recovery of the recovery of the case of unjust, false and false cases was one of the three important tasks after the recovery of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission.Among them, Liu Shaoqi's case is undoubtedly the most impact and the most difficult.

It is proposed that there is a tortuous process of rehabilitation of Liu Shaoqi.Yang Youzhen said that the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee discussed some major political events in the Cultural Revolution and also discussed some historical issues.Correct the wrong conclusions made by old comrades such as Peng Dehuai, Tao Zhu, Bo Yibo, Yang Shangkun, etc., but Liu Shaoqi's case was too great and involved in many major political issues.It is just that there is no bourgeois headquarters headed by Liu Shaoqi.

In early February 1979, Sun Daguang, the director of the State General Administration of Geology, wrote to the then Secretary -General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Hu Yaobang, and the Party Central Committee, and suggested to re -examine the case of Liu Shaoqi.Hu Yaobang transferred the letter to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee for review.On February 23, Chen Yun asked the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the Central Organization Department to investigate the case of Liu Shaoqi on the letter from Sun Daguang.This instructions are very critical to the rehabilitation work. Without his instructions, the case will not be started, and the review will not be started.This shows that the review of the case was agreed by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and was determined by the central government.Yang Youzhen said.

In April 1979, the Liu Shaoqi project review team was led by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and some people were transferred from the Central Organization Department, the army and other countries.Yang Youzhen recalled that Wang Heshou convened the comrades of the review team to meet and talked about two points. The first point was to seek truth from facts. Without a frame, a careful investigation was conducted to make the problem clearly; the second point was to find out other suspicious issues.

After more than half a year of thorough investigation and repeated checking materials, the crimes imposed to Liu Shaoqi were denied one by one.In November 1979, the review team submitted a detailed review report to the central government.In February 1980, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee passed a resolution for Liu Shaoqi.Soon, the Central Government held a grand memorial service for Liu Shaoqi in the Great Hall of the People. Chen Yun went back to Beijing from Hangzhou to participate.