In response to U.S. officials' decision to delay Huawei for 90 days, Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei said that it didn't make much sense, because Huawei had always used American chips and half of its own chips.

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According to the Beijing News, Ren Zhengfei said in an interview with Chinese media today that after the Meng Wanzhou incident, Huawei judged that the US sanctions time would be advanced, so it was decided to work overtime during the Spring Festival.Cleansing workers and service staff have been prepared for this month.

Ren Zhengfei said that in order to integrate into the world, despite the low price of Huawei's autonomous chips, it still bought American chips.Ren Zhengfei responded to the United States delays the implementation of the ban: the significance has not been prepared

The US Department of Commerce announced on Monday (20th) that it would delay the implementation of the Huawei ban for 90 days in order to allow Huawei's suppliers and customers to have time to adapt to the ban.The United States will issue a temporary license to the Huawei exporter for 90 days to delay the implementation of the Huawei ban in several US exporters, and the validity period will be calculated from May 20.

US Minister of Commerce Ross said in a statement that the temporary license will give telecommunications vendors with time to make other arrangements and give the Ministry of Commerce space to formulate long -term measures for the United States and foreign telecommunications vendors currently relying on Huawei equipment.

The temporary license means that the existing Huawei mobile phone users and the US suburban broadband network are temporarily unsuccessful.The Wall Street Journal quoted insiders reported that Google will suspend the original plan to suspend cooperation with Huawei.

In response to the distribution of temporary licenses, Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei said in an interview with Chinese central media this morning: 90 days have little significance to us because we are ready.

Last week, the U.S. government included Huawei and its 68 affiliated companies on the entity list, and banned American companies from supplying parts and technology to Huawei without being approved by the US government.

In this regard, Ren Zhengfei said that American politicians underestimated Huawei's power, and Huawei's 5G would not be affected.In terms of 5G technology, others must not catch up with Huawei for two or three years.

He said that Huawei can produce the same chips as American chips, but this does not mean that Huawei will not buy American chips anymore. Huawei will not easily and narrowly exclude American chips. However, once supply is difficult, Huawei has backup.

He acknowledged that the depth and breadth of the United States are still worth learning. Although Huawei has achieved the forefront in 5G, the gap between China and the United States is still large in terms of overall countries.

Recently, some local units and enterprises have called on employees to carry forward patriotism, resist Apple mobile phones and use Huawei mobile phones.Ren Zhengfei responded indirectly: Our family is still using Apple mobile phones, Apple's ecology is very good. I also send them Apple computers when my family goes abroad. It cannot be narrowly believed that Aihua is Aihua mobile phone.

When his daughter and Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada last December, he had Apple's mobile phones, tablets and laptops.

When it comes to my family, Ren Zhengfei said: The most sorry for my life in my life is my child. I was too busy when I started my business.There are exchanges.I owe them.

It is worth mentioning that Ren Zhengfei also said during his visit this morning: Do n’t scold American companies, and scold American politicians.We are all the main entities in the market, and we have the fate of the same breath.However, this sentence was later deleted from CCTV's live broadcast.

The following are three interpretations of Ren Zhengfei this morning:

1. Huawei's 5G technology leading world is not affected by the US ban;

2. Release goodwill to American companies, and may expect American companies to lobby the US government to abandon Huawei in order to safeguard their economic interests;

Third, play the warm card and guide international public opinion to continue to pay attention to and sympathize with Meng Wanzhou, Canada.(Lianhe Morning News Beijing Special Commissioner You Run Tian report)