< /p> Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei was interviewed by more than 20 Chinese media at Huawei Shenzhen headquarters today.This is the first time that Ren Zhengfei was interviewed by the Chinese media after the US ban issued.(Broadcasting Company)

After the US Trump administration ordered the ban on the sale of parts to the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei last week, the US technology service company Google suspended its business cooperation with Huawei. The major American chip manufacturers also announced the suspension of the supply of Huawei.

However, Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei said in an interview with Chinese media today that the 90 -day temporary license in the United States does not make much sense to Huawei, and Huawei has been prepared.He also emphasized that Huawei 5G will not be affected. In terms of 5G technology, others will definitely not catch up with Huawei for two or three years.

According to the Daily Economic News, Ren Zhengfei, Chen Lifang, senior vice president of Huawei, and Zhu Guangping, deputy dean of Huawei Strategic Research Institute, were interviewed by more than 20 Chinese media at Huawei Shenzhen headquarters today.This was the first time that Ren Zhengfei was first interviewed by the Chinese media after the US ban issued.

In an interview, Ren Zhengfei said that his family is still using Apple mobile phones because Apple's ecology is very good.I also sent them an apple computer when my family went abroad, and could not narrowly think that Aihua was Aihua's mobile phone.

Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei will not easily narrowly eliminate American chips and grow together, but if there is difficulty in supply, Huawei has backup.We were half from the American chip during the LSquo; Peace period, and half from Huawei, and we cannot be isolated in the world.He also believes that although Huawei can also be a US chip -like chip, it does not mean that Huawei will not buy it.

When answering CCTV reporter Dong Qian, Ren Zhengfei said that the 90 -day temporary license in the United States didn't make much sense to Huawei.We are ready, but we are very grateful to American companies. They have made a lot of contributions to us. Many of our consultants come from American companies such as IBM.

He said that the depth and breadth of the United States are still worth our learning, because many small companies are super sharp.But in our line (5G), we have achieved the forefront, but in terms of overall countries, the gap with the United States is still large.

Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei's 5G is definitely not affected. In terms of 5G technology, others must not catch up with Huawei for two or three years.Our capacity is still very capable, it will not exceed the negative growth of our company, and will not hurt the development of the industry.

On the other hand, Ren Zhengfei said: We sacrifice individuals and families. It is our ideal, in order to stand on the world high, and for this ideal, sooner or later, there will be conflict with the United States.It is reported that this is an interview with the Chinese media on January 17 with an exclusive interview with the Chinese media group visit and the CCTV Face -to -face column, and Ren Zhengfei accepted the Chinese media group again. The U.S. government provides a three -month wide limit to rural enterprises using Huawei equipment

The U.S. Department of Commerce provided a 90 -day broad -limit US broadband company using Huawei's equipment on Monday.

According to Bloomberg, a notice published on the federal bulletin on Monday shows that the temporary license covers the continuous operation of existing networks and equipment and support for existing mobile phones and other limited operations.

US Minister of Commerce Ross said in an email statement: This license will allow existing Huawei mobile phone users and rural broadband networks to continue operations.It is reported that the temporary license period is valid for three months until August 19.

Ross said at Bloomberg TV last week that the government has formulated plans to deal with the situation facing the rural providers that use Huawei equipment in existing 4G networks.

Earlier, the Trump administration included the Chinese telecommunications giant in the blacklist, asking US companies to apply for special licenses to sell products in the world's largest network equipment manufacturer.The Trump administration's threat of Huawei stirred up in the global supply chain on Monday and affected some large component manufacturers.