Huawei President Ren Zhengfei responded to the US ban on the sale of Huawei's parts and technology in the United States in an interview with Nikkei on the 18th.(Archives Photo Acts Acts Affairs)

Huawei will not allow the United States to replace management, nor will it accept US supervision or withdraw from the US market.Huawei President Ren Zhengfei responded to the US ban on the sale of Huawei's parts and technology in the United States in an interview with Nikkei on the 18th.

According to the Japanese media report quoted by the Hong Kong Newspaper and the Taiwan United Daily News, Ren Zhengfei said that the company has been preparing to respond to the United States to block, and self -develop the necessary parts and technologies through design companies such as Hisilicon Semiconductor.

He pointed out that the impact of the US ban on Huawei's business is limited, and it is still optimistic about Huawei's long -term prospects.He pointed out that Huawei did not resist any laws and emphasized that it would not be the same as ZTE. It would be allowed to replace management and accept the supervision of the United States.

Ren Zhengfei also told Japanese TV that Huawei would not do business in an unpopular country and revealed that it might completely withdraw from the US market. Huawei restarts Brazil's smartphone business will start local production

Huawei has restarted the smartphone business in Brazil and maintained a plan for product production in Brazil after conducting strategic evaluation.According to Sina Technology, Huawei closed consumer -level business in Brazil in 2015, but launched this week and launched two high -end products, namely P30 Pro and P30 Lite.

Unlike the operation method of cooperating with operators 5 years ago, Huawei is currently working with major Brazilian retailers.In Brazil, operators only account for 1/10 of the new equipment.

Two mobile phones sold on May 17 are not part of Huawei's local production plan in Brazil.The company plans to produce more basic mobile phones in Brazil.

A year ago, Huawei announced that it would restore mobile phone business in Brazil.At the time, Huawei said that he would cooperate with Positivo, a Brazilian consumer goods manufacturer.The latter will be responsible for the import and sales of the product, as well as providing Huawei's products to provide after -sales and technical support in Brazil, and it is possible to produce product production in the future.

However, the cooperation agreement between the two companies was subsequently terminated.However, according to Brazilian media reports, Huawei stated that it is still negotiating with POSITIVO and other third parties to support the company's local production plan in Brazil.

Brazil is the fourth largest smartphone market in the world.The market research company IDC predicts that Brazil's equipment sales will rise in 2019.Mobile services will become one of the most important growth areas of the Brazilian information and communication technology industry.

In 2019, the growth rate of Brazil's information and communication technology industry will reach 4.9%.Among them, mobile devices will increase by 18%to US $ 245 million, accounting for 38%of all IT expenditures in Brazil in 2019.

According to IDC data, equipment sales will not be high, but consumers will spend more.Analysts predict that smartphones with a price of more than 10,000 miles (about $ 2454) will begin to sell through Brazilian retailers.