Source: Taiwan United News Network

Kaohsiung Mayor South Korea Yu stated yesterday and was willing to take responsibility without losing honor and disgrace, but there was no way to participate in the preliminary selection of the current system.The Kuomintang Central Committee responded that the preliminary method will be fully discussed and resolved by the Central Committee. It is hoped that South Korea ’s Yu can also participate in the primaries.

The statement of South Korea ’s Yu and the party’ s central affairs seemed to have their own words and have no intersection, but it also vaguely revealed that the two parties have been contradictory in the attitudes of various election issues for a long time.The knot of South Korean Yu and party chairman Wu Dunyi started to start with a bowl of braised pork rice.

● There is no bowl of braised pork rice!

South Korean Yu registered the mayor of Taipei in March last year, and asked the Party Central Committee to give at least a bowl of braised pork rice with fake actions.He frankly said that he has not won the resources given by any Party Central Committee since this time, no money or salary, and none of them. He also laughed at the mud bodhisattva to cross the river and it is difficult to protect himself;I now raise a lot of bowls of braised pork rice.

The Kuomintang responded that the Party Central Committee does not have grain now, because the party's property under the Cai Yingwen government will restrain the legal property of the Kuomintang with unconstitutional means, resulting in the difficulty of the party's financial resources.EssenceTherefore, candidates for all counties and cities need to raise their own campaign funds, which also affirms their combat effectiveness.

● Shooting Chen Ju sow provoke

The Kuomintang chairman Wu Dunyi visited the Yunlin Association of Kaohsiung City one week before the election to draw votes for South Korea.In order to run the mayor of Kaohsiung for the mayor Huang Junying, who had been his deputy mayor, he was unhappy by a person who was forged by a person for pseudo -walking worker., Fat, walking like a big fat sow.The film caused controversy after exposure.

The Kuomintang Cultural Commissioner Tang Deming took the lead in clarifying on the same day, saying that Wu Dunyi's conversation did not name the name. Everything was a media speculation. Unless someone automatically seated, the Kuomintang did not comment on the matter.

As the storm gradually expanded, South Korea ’s Yu held a super Saturday party in Fengshan and issued a press release saying that he also hoped that the person who helped him choose the relationship would not have evil words or make any personal attack.

Wu Dunyi also apologized later. He explained that Huang Junying was his long -term friend. He suffered a fake walking work incident and ended up with 1114 votes.With adjectives, I think I am out of words. I think I should apologize and bow to Chen Ju.He expressed his apology to Chen Ju or any injured person.

● Wu wants to call Handa Zhu?

South Korea ’s Yu defeated his opponent Chen Qimai in Kaohsiung City. The voices of the presidential election were very loud and unexpectedly disrupted the layout of the primaries of the President of the Blue Camp.South Korean Yu said in an interview with the media person Huang Guangqin on March 11 that he reiterated it again that the 2020 election was not within his consideration; the host asked if he was registered in the party in April to register the party?He responded not to, he would be a person who was both honest and serious, and announced that of course I continued to complete. Four years of office, he would continue to do it.

Regarding the term of the mayor of the mayor for 4 years, when the South Korean Yu meeting interviewed, he asked the reporter who said!This statement also triggered Han Fan to encircle Huang Guangqin.

According to media reports, in order to suppress Zhu Lilun, the mayor of New Taipei, the largest opponent, Wu Dunyi not only adjusted the proportion of party members and polls, but also intended to delay the primary school schedule to drag. On the one hand, he continued to sprint.If necessary, call South Korea Yu to replace Zhu Lilun to increase the legitimacy.

● Special invitation or calling list?

Faced with the sound of Korean and Korean sounds in the party, the Kuomintang expects to start nominations for primary elections in mid -April, intending to call the mayor of Kaohsiung, South Korea, to passively invest in the party's primary election.In the interview, the Kuomintang chairman Wu Dunyi threw a special invitation to South Korea to participate in the primary election, and said that he would take the steps at the appropriate time.

After the words were invited to throw out, opponents Zhu Lilun and Wang Jinping, who had already expressed their statements in the party, were dissatisfied with Wu Dunyi, and the party gradually had a consensus. It may be a collection of recruitment methods, the opponent who passively accepting the recruitment, and participating in the nomination primary mechanism.Then participate in the primary election. This is the most fair principle of fairness, and now it is also a more agreed way for all parties.

Wu Dunyi emphasized that if South Korean Yu was elected president, the service scope was not only Kaohsiung, but the country.Therefore, the original promise to Kaohsiung will be together with the construction of the entire country, and will not be sorry for Kaohsiung.

At that time, South Korea ’s Yu in Macau responded that they were constantly ordering orders and making friends on the front line. At this time, what did the Party Central Committee think, but now I do n’t think about it.East and western, making friends, and marketing Kaohsiung is the main purpose.

● Wu Hanhui extended the Han camp for another consideration

In order to coordinate the time schedule of the presidential nomination method in the party, Wu Dunyi originally scheduled to meet with South Korea Yu on April 5 to discuss the willingness of the president to choose the president, and would meet with Zhu Lilun and Wang Jinping on the 7th, 8th.Exchange opinions.However, the South Korean Yu camp will be postponed on the 18th on the grounds that the 2020 presidential election is not planned at this stage, and the preparations for visiting the United States will be postponed on the 18th.The Kuomintang therefore announced that Wu Han will be postponed.

The South Korean camp said that for South Korea ’s Yu, the only possibility of running for 2020 is consensus within the party, and the Kuomintang must have him. Then he comes out for the party.Therefore, before Wu Dunyi had seen Zhu Lilun and Wang Jinping, if Han had a forefront, how to say something wrong would even be interpreted by the outside world as if he had talked to Wu Dunyi and forced him to retreat.

After South Korea's Yu visited the United States to return to Taiwan, the Party Central Committee also actively arranged the meeting time.Wu Dunyi said that time would be finalized, because Han also expressed his hope that he would meet him as soon as possible after returning from the United States. He had asked Vice Chairman and Secretary -General Zeng Yongquan to arrange it; the time was not determined, and it would be convenient to pick both parties.

● Wu Dunyi announced that he would not choose 2020

As the party chairman, Wu Dunyi has been questioned whether he has not chosen the president, and has been questioned as a player and referee that may be selfish, and Wu Dunyi continued to appeal to Wu Dunyi in front of him.On April 10, Wu Dunyi finally gave a conversation in the Central Committee. Regarding whether he was running for president, Wu emphasized that he had no willingness.

The South Korean Yu camp has also responded that there is already a consciousness to bear the burden. However, South Korea ’s Yu has not been willing to run for president. Even if he meets Wu Dunyi in late April, he will express unavoidable war.

● Guo Taiming puts it into the primaries?

Hon Hai's chairman Guo Taiming stated last week and was willing to invest in the Kuomintang President's primary election to add variables to the party's primary election.On the same day, Wu Dunyi also awarded Guo Taiming's honor in Zhongshu to recognize his love and contribution of his party, which means that Guo Jiming is strong.

South Korea ’s Yu responded that seeing excellent talents and appropriate people came out to pick up heavy burdens. I felt very happy. The sky collapsed and one person was tired. The two came together and felt more comfortable!

It is rumored that the Party Central Committee's attitude has been changed from the original Korean card, and South Korea ’s Yu said that I do n’t want to speculate like this. This guess is just to make everyone more and more unhappy. He said that I hope that Taiwan is getting better and better, and the Kuomintang can be happyHeart, think about those darkest, unhappy, and unhappy with the party department every day. I don't want to think about things like this.

● Wu deny the negotiation of the Quanyou secret room

South Korea ’s Yu issued a statement except for whether to run for the 2020 presidential election yesterday, saying that at this time, I was unable to participate in the preliminary election of the current system.It also criticized the Kuomintang's political power and the hot rooms.Wu Dunyi denied that he emphasized that there was no such thing, everything was fair and public, and there were no wealthy.

In the interview, Wu Dunyi repeatedly recruited the priority of the call. If South Korea ’s Yu had a little inconvenient to register, he mentioned before that he would call him to passively participate in the primaries to compete fairly with the party members of the registered primaries.

The media questioned whether the Party Central Committee would further amend the preliminary selection rules in order to benefit Korean Yu to participate in the primaries. Wu DunyiOf course, it will be convenient. There is nothing inconvenient, because the use of calls is to avoid Han's initiative. Maybe Han has a scruple, which is the truth.

The South Korean Yu camp and the Party Central Committee continued to move. The presidential election had not played. The party's civil war started first.