/> The American Times Magazine announced yesterday that the 100 most influential figures in the world in 2019, Ren Zhengfei, founder of Huawei, was on the list.(AFP)

The German Economic Weekly quoted Ren Zhengfei that it was preparing to sign an free spy agreement with the German government to promise that Huawei will not install any backdoor on the Internet to solve the security concerns of the outside world to participate in the construction of German next -generation 5G mobile communication infrastructure.

(Berlin Comprehensive News) Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, a Chinese communications equipment giant, revealed that Huawei has proposed to the German government to sign a spy agreement to sign a problem to reduce Germany's concerns about Huawei's participation in the country's 5G network construction.He also thanked the U.S. government to block Huawei for free publicity, and the new season's performance will not rise.

According to the report of the Central News Agency and Reuters, the two German media published an exclusive interview with Ren Zhengfei the day before yesterday.Among them, the German Economic Weekly quoted Ren Zhengfei. Last month, Huawei had negotiated with the German Ministry of the Internal Council, and was preparing to sign an free spy agreement with the German government.Safety concerns of a generation 5G mobile communication infrastructure.

Ren Zhengfei calls on the Chinese government

Ren Zhengfei also called for a similar autonomous spy agreement to sign a similar bonus agreement and abide by the EU data protection law.

The German Economic Weekly quoted sources as early as February that German Chancellor Merkel hopes to reach an agreement with China not to conduct a spy activity with China.

Last month, Germany set more stringent standards for network equipment suppliers, but Huawei was not listed as a special treatment object alone. It only indicated that the same rules should be applied to all suppliers.

In an exclusive interview with the German Business Daily, Ren Zhengfei said that the first quarter of this year Huawei's revenue increased by 30.6%year -on -year, and the profit increased by 35.4%year -on -year.He pointed out that it is necessary to thank the American politicians who are constantly calling on the world to abandon Huawei and help Huawei to propagate.He questioned the United States that he was not afraid of anything, but why he was afraid of a little white rabbit like Huawei.

Ren Zhengfei reiterated in the visit that Huawei did not install the back door on the equipment, and emphasized that China has no law to ask Huawei to install back doors to monitor or steal foreign information on the equipment.At the same time, he criticized the United States as a strategic weapon similar to a nuclear bomb.He believes that the motivation to block Huawei in the United States is unwilling to catch up with its technology.

At the same time, Ren Zhengfei pointed out that the trade battle launched by the United States has made the world aggressive and unbalanced, and some Western countries will stand side by side.But if China and Russia also participate, the world may erupt a new cold war.

In addition, the American Times Magazine announced yesterday the 100 most influential figures in the world in 2019, and 5 Chinese were selected, including Chinese President ..., Ren Zhengfei, and scientists He Jiankui, and Douyin's parent company characters due to genetic editing babies.Zhang Yiming, the founder of the festival, and Zhang Kejian, director of the National Space Administration of China.

The list of top 100 influential characters in the times is divided into five categories including pioneer, leader, idol, artist and industry Thai Dou.Ren Zhengfei was included in the Thai fight.In the evaluation of Ren Zhengfei, the Times East Asian reporter Charlie Campbell wrote: The influence he has now means that no power can ignore Huawei.

On Monday, the US Wealth Magazine announced the list of 50 most influential business leaders in China in 2019, Ren Zhengfei.Fortune's comment on Ren Zhengfei is that as a father, he is just right and loses the emotion of the calf; as a boss, he implicitly shows that he can be flexed and stretched out without losing the principle.