The Chinese ambassador to Chile, Xu Bu, responded on the day before (13th) on US Secretary of State Pompeo issued a statement such as corrosive investment in Chinese investment that Pompeo's allegations were ridiculous and said Pompeo had lost his mind.

In an exclusive interview with the Chilean media three o'clock, Xu Bu said that the United States did not make substantial contributions to the economic development of the Latin American countries, but accused China of economic and trade cooperation with Latin America and China to invest in Latin America.Xu Bu also said that Pompeo had lost his mind and walked too far, and called him a pseudo -gentleman.

Bloomberg reported earlier that Pompeo spoke in Chile on Friday that China and Russia's development projects and leaders of Venezuela President Madro through funding failed, thereby spreading confusion in Latin America.

Pompeo also said that when China launch activities in Latin America, it often injected corrosive capital into economic blood, injecting vitality into corruption and eroding good governance.

The following is the full text of interviews from the website of the Chinese Embassy in Chile:

Pompeo has lost his mind and walked too far

The highest level representatives in Chile refused to remain silent against China during the visit of Chile.In an exclusive interview with three o'clock, Ambassador Xu Bu denied that China's investment was corrosive, Chinese companies engaged in spy activities, and China was not a reliable partner. At the same time, it affirmed Chile's foreign policy and said that the relationship between the two countries would continue to strengthen.

First, after Middot; Pompeo visited, did you think the Pinela administration stood on the side of the United States?

Chilean President will have a state visit to China on April 24 and attend the second Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum.We have learned that the Chilean Senate, Speaker and former President Frey will accompany visiting China. I think this shows that Chile has a long -term importance to the in -depth development of relations with China.We respect the foreign policy pursued by Chile.

2. Middot; Pompeo's speech in Chile has a lot of content specifically for China. What do you think of this information?

His allegations with China have no basis.He even said that China killed hundreds of Americans and promoted terrorist activities.Mr. Pompeo has lost his mind and he has gone too far.

Chile is the host of the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization Conference and Climate Change Conference this year. Pompeoko focuses on how to contribute to the economic development of the Asia -Pacific region, how to contribute to the process of promoting regional integration, how to contribute to the promotion of the world economy revitalizationHow to contribute to the challenges brought to the world for climate change.However, he didn't care about these issues, but focused on attacking other countries.

3. He accused China of investing in corrosion, breeding corruption and erosion of good governance. He said that China is not a reliable partner hellip; hellip;

This accusation is ridiculous.Economic and trade cooperation between China and Chile has brought real benefits to the development of the Chilean economy.The United States has not made a substantial contribution to the economic development of the Latin American countries, but accuses China of economic and trade cooperation with Latin America and China to invest in Latin America.Mr. Pompeo is a pseudo -gentleman.Last year, China invested more than $ 6 billion in Chile, and China Zhi trade exceeded $ 42.8 billion, which was much higher than the $ 24 billion in Zhimei trade.The benefits of China -Zhi economic and trade cooperation are mutual.

4. Is the United States a reliable partner?

Pompeo claims that the United States is a reliable partner of Latin America, and I think he underestimated the memory of the Latin American people.Historically, the United States regards Latin America as a backyard, and often conducts military interference or sanctions against Latin American countries. Such examples, including the United States' ruthless blockade for Cuba for more than half a century. President Trump wantsThe border is built, and the United States has very little aid to Haiti and Central American countries.The Chileans are also very clear that Chile's development achievements are not the result of the American alms.

5. Is Huawei, as Pompeo said to provide espionage services for the Chinese government?

Pompeo's allegations of Huawei's controlled by the Chinese government are completely malicious lies.In fact, in February this year, the British National Network Security Center believes that Huawei's 5G construction does not pose a security threat.

U.S. allegations are just a guise of security and attempts to stifle the legal and legitimate operation of Chinese high -tech enterprises.

Moreover, the United States was shouting to catch a thief.As we all know, the United States uses high -tech companies to tingle other countries. They are worried that if these countries use Huawei products, the United States will not be able to continue to use their products to engage in spy activities.

6. Do you think Chile will succumb to stress?

For a long time, the United States has been pressured by other countries to ban Huawei products, but it has failed in Europe and New Zealand.I believe that the Chilean government will make a wise decision because Huawei's 5G technology is at the world's most advanced level.

Huawei has been in Chile for many years and has undertaken projects such as southern optical cables to win the recognition of local partners.What we currently see is that Chile welcomes Huawei to increase investment and cooperation in Zhi.

7. Will China's investment in Chile continue to grow?

Chinese companies have noticed that Chile has continued to grow in economic and political stability, so it is increasingly interested in investing in Chile.

President Pinela's state visit to China will strengthen this relationship, and the two parties will sign a series of agreements in the visit to promote cooperation in various fields.

8. Do you like Pompeo's approval to extend the Venezuela crisis?

How to solve the problem of Venezuela and whether Maduro is a legal regime, it should be determined by the people of the party.Do not interfere with other policies that China has always adhered to. If the United States really cares about Latin American democracy and human rights, it should immediately stop sanctions on other countries. It should immediately adopt measures to promote the development of Latin America, not just a promise of empty cavities.

Nine, Chile and the United States have the same position on the issue of Venezuela. Is there a difference between Chile and China?

Both Chile and China oppose military intervention in Venezuela, both advocate solving problems through peaceful methods of dialogue between parties.Each country has its own position on specific issues, but we should focus on the same thing.

Pompeo said that the United States will use all means including military interference to solve the Venezuela problem.At this point, he tried to cover up the differences with other Latin American countries such as Chile.The era when the United States has become the world police and world judges has passed, Pompeo should get rid of hegemonicism and cold war thinking.