On March 28, the eighth meeting of the 12th Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial Committee of the CPPCC closed at Zhengzhou.The meeting passed the position of Yang Zhengchao no longer served as the director of the Population and Resources and Environment Committee of the Henan Provincial Political Consultative Conference.Political affairs noticed that Yang Zhengchao held this position in January this year, and no longer has just been just two months.Previously, he had long worked in the disciplinary inspection and supervision system for a long time and was called anti -corruption pioneer by the media.Before serving as the CPPCC, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Deputy Director of the Provincial Supervision Committee.

On the afternoon of the 29th, a staff member of the Personnel Department of the Henan Provincial CPPCC told politics that the appointment and removal was normal personnel transfer, and the Henan Provincial Party Committee had decided that Yang Zhengchao went to work in other positions.Essence

Yang Zhengchao was born in Xinzai County, Henan Province in February 1959. He worked in Xin Cai County in the early days of work. In 1999, he served as member of the Standing Committee of the Runan County Party Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission of Runan County, Henan Province. He began to work in anti -corruption.

According to the People's Daily, in the 6 years of Yang Zhengchao's disciplinary committee secretary in Runan County, the county's disciplinary inspection and supervision organs have investigated and dealt with 823 cases of disciplinary violations, which will be 100 million yuan for the country's economic losses;There were 149 cadres, and none of the party members and cadres were dealt with.

In 2005, Yang Zhengchao was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhumadian City, a member of the Party Committee of Henan Investment Group Co., Ltd.In 2008, Yang Zhengchao was transferred to the Standing Committee of Zhoukou and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

According to Xinhua.com, in September 2008, Yang Zhengchao went to the mouth of Zhoukou with a halo of various honors.Can the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission really anti -corruption?How much ability is anti -corruption?At the local network forums in Zhoukou, there were various questions and guessing sounds.

The above report states that while Yang Zhengchao was familiar with the situation, he threw out the unexpected first ax mdash; mdash; he published a letter to Guangda netizens through local websites.Any cases that infringe on the interests of the masses will be seriously investigated and dealt with, and they will never be able to accommodate.Subsequently, Zhoukou set off a anti -corruption storm.

According to Henan Daily reports in 2014, in the 15 years of disciplinary inspection work, Yang Zhengchao’s iron -handed case was famous.lsquo; bug rsquo;

It is reported that for more than 5 years in Zhoukou, Zhoukou City Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs have been investigating and investigating 8308 cases of violations of discipline and violations, and 8,707 people are given to party and government and discipline.Retain economic losses of 2.8 billion yuan.

Yang Zhengchao also received many honors.According to the People's Daily report, he has won the title of advanced workers of the national disciplinary inspection and supervision system for two consecutive sessions.In February 2002, the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection made a decision on the development of Comrade Yang Zhengchao. In May 2004, the Henan Provincial Party Committee made a decision on the development of Comrade Yang Zhengchao.

The work report of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that the majority of disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres must seriously learn from Ying Ying and Yang Zhengchao and other national disciplinary inspection and supervision systems.Resolutely struggle with negative corruption, care about the care of cadres and the masses, and strict requirements on themselves and relatives.

In August 2013, Zhao Hongzhu, then the Secretary of the Central Secretariat and Deputy Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection made instructions: Comrade Yang Zhengchao was a typical typical, promoting his advanced deeds, for turbulent positive energy, cultivated a good style, and carried out the mass line education practice activities.It has a positive role in promoting.

In 2015, Yang Zhengchao was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Zhoukou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission as the Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Henan Province. In January last year, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Henan Provincial Supervision Committee.

Political affairs noticed that after 2015, Yang Zhengchao served as the deputy team leader of the inspection team in the two rounds of central inspections to conduct inspections of CITIC Group, CIC, Sichuan Province and other units.

In June 2017, he wrote two studies in the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News to regain self -confidence, and review his journey since he was engaged in disciplinary inspection and supervision.

In June 2015, I organized me to serve as Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Henan Province and in charge of disciplinary review.I deeply feel that the political responsibility on my shoulders is even greater and the burden is heavier. I can only be exhausted, do not humiliate the mission, work well, and return to the organization.Over the past two years, my colleagues and I have deeply felt that the strict and stricter of the party has become stricter and stricter. Our responsibility positioning, working methods and work style must be turned deep and in fact.

In these years, it has been under pressure, pain, and loneliness, but it has not been shrinking. This is the need for responsibilities and mission, and it is also the department of ideals and beliefs.Do not forget your original intention and move forward, it is always the political character and unremitting pursuit of disciplinary inspectors.

Yang Zhengchao's resume

Yang Zhengchao, male, Han nationality, was born in February 1959. He was born in Xinzai County, Henan Province. He joined the work in 1981 and joined the Communist Party of China in 1982. He has a bachelor's degree.

1977.08--1978.04 Huanglou Farm, Henan Province Huanglou Farm Educated Youth

1978.04--1980.12 Agricultural Machinery Professional Learning of Agricultural Machinery School in Zhumadian

1980.12--1983.12 Technician and secretary of the Youth League Committee of Yangzhuang, Yangzhuang, Xin Cai County, Henan Province

1983.12--1984.04 The Deputy Township, Vice Township, Yangzhuang, Henan Province

1984.04--1988.08 Secretary of the New Cai Tuan County Party Committee of Henan Province

1988.08--1992.12 Deputy Director of the Economic Development Research Center, Henan Province, Director of the County Sport Reform Commission, and Director of the County Light Textile Bureau

1992.12--1999.05 Deputy Mayor of Runan County, Henan Province 1999.05--001.09 Standing Committee Member of the Runan County Party Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission of Henan Province

2001.09--2003.07 Deputy Secretary and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Runan County Party Committee of Henan Province

2003.07--2005.04 The Supervision Bureau of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhumadian City, Henan Province is held at the disciplinary inspector, deputy secretary of the Runan County Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission

2005.04--2007.09 Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhumadian City, Henan Province

2007.09--2007.11 member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Henan Investment Group Co., Ltd., Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhumadian

2007.11--2008.07 Henan Investment Group Co., Ltd. Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Workers' Supervisor, Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhumadian

2008.07--2008.09 Henan Investment Group Co., Ltd. Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Workers' Supervisor

2008.09--2014.02 Standing Committee Member and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhoukou City, Henan Province

2014.02--2015.06 Deputy Secretary and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhoukou Municipal Party Committee of Henan Province

2015.06--2018.01 Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Henan Province

2018.01-- 2019.01 Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Henan Province and Deputy Director of the Provincial Supervision Committee

Director of the Population Resources and Environment Committee of the 12th Henan Provincial Committee of the CPPCC in 2019.01-03.03.