Xinhua News Agency on March 26. On the 26th of the Ningbo Intermediate People's Court in Zhejiang Province, the former deputy minister of the Central Propaganda Department Lu Wei suffered a bribery case.Three million yuan; recovered the property obtained by Lu Wei's bribery and their interests, and paid the state treasury, and continued to recover.Lu Wei's court expressed his obedience to the judgment and did not appeal.

After hearing, it was found that from 2002 to 2017, the defendant Lu Wei used the member of the Xinhua News Agency party group, secretary -general, deputy president, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Minister of Propaganda Department, Deputy Mayor of Beijing, Director of the National Internet Information Office, State CouncilThe deputy director of the News Office, the director of the Office of the Central Cyber Security and Informatization Leading Group, and the deputy minister of the Central Propaganda Department, and the convenience conditions for the formation of authority and status, are the network management, business operations, and promotion of relevant units and individuals in network management, enterprise operations, and position promotion.It helps to provide help in work transfer, and directly or through the illegal acceptance of others and obtain the property given by the above units and individuals, a total of more than RMB 32 million.

The Ningbo Intermediate People's Court believes that the defendant Lu Wei's behavior constitutes a crime of bribery, and the amount is particularly huge, and it should be punished according to law.In view of the fact that after Lu Wei arrived in the case, he confessed his own crimes and took the initiative to explain the facts that the case of the case that had not yet mastered the crime of bribery, pleaded guilty, and actively refunded the stolen money.Punishment from it.The court made the above judgment.

On November 21, 2017, Lu Wei was announced to fall off the horse.

On November 23, 2017, the official website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Wen Luwei revealed: Don't think that no one will ask yesterday.

The article states that the problem was before, and the horse was in the current.Looking back, Lu Wei is a typical representative of the three categories of people being investigated and punished.Lu Wei once served as the director of the Central Cyberspace Office. His dismissal reminds people that the Central Inspection Team in the first half of this year conducted a mobile inspection of the Central Cyberspace Office.The motorized inspection went straight to the key people, key affairs, and key issues.Lu Wei was reviewed by the organization, which not only demonstrated the powerful power of inspecting the sharp sword, but also formed a strong deterrent to corrupt elements. Don't think that what happened yesterday would be asked today.The punishment that should be received will sooner or later come.

On February 13, 2018, Lu Wei was doubled:

After investigation, Lu Wei seriously violated political discipline and political rules. Yang Fengyin violated and deceived the central government. He was irregular and wanted to discuss the central government.Others, pull gangs and make small circles; seriously violate the spirit of the eight central regulations and the discipline of the masses, and frequently enter and leave private clubs, engage in privileges, rude style, and bustle.; I violate the discipline of integrity, conspiring and private, collecting money and collecting money; illegal work discipline, selectively implementing the central government's strategic deployment of the central government on the work of online information;Use the convenience of the job to seek benefits for others and receive huge amounts of property suspected of accepting bribery.

As a senior cadre of the party, Lu Wei lacks ideals and beliefs, and has no principle of party spirit. He is extremely unfaithful to the Party Central Committee. All four consciousnesses are all of them.After the eight major, they do not converge and do not know. The problems are seriously concentrated. The masses have strong reflection. The political problems and economic problems are typical. The nature is very bad and the plot is particularly serious.According to the relevant regulations such as the Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China, it was studied and submitted to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and submitted it to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval.Relevant state organs are handled in accordance with the law.

In July 2018, Lu Wei was prosecuted: Lu Wei, former deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was suspected of accepting bribery and was investigated by the Zhejiang Provincial Supervision Committee. After being designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, he was transferred to the Ningbo People's Procuratorate in Zhejiang Province for review and prosecution.Recently, the Ningbo People's Procuratorate has filed a public prosecution to the Ningbo Intermediate People's Court.Prosecutor's prosecution accused: defendant Lu Wei used him as a member of the Xinhua News Agency's party group, secretary -general, deputy president, member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China, Minister of Propaganda Department, Deputy Mayor of the Beijing Municipal People's Government, Director of the National Internet Information Office, State Council Information OfficeDeputy Director, Director of the Office of the Central Cyber Security and Informatization Leading Group, and Deputy Minister of Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, etc., make benefits for others.For others' uniform interests and illegally accepting huge property, they shall be held criminally responsible for bribery.

Lu Wei resume

Lu Wei, male, Han nationality, born in January 1960, native of Chaohu, Anhui, member of the Communist Party of China.He joined the work in October 1978, graduate degree, master's degree, senior journalist.Since 2000, it is an expert in special allowances of the State Council.Representative of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

1978.07mdash; MDASH; 1978.10 Luji Brigade, Miaogang Township, Chaogang Township, Anhui, returned to hometown educated youth;

1978.10mdash; MDASH; 1984.09 Teachers, Middle School Teachers, Guilin Wind Dynamic Tool Factory Mechanical Workers, Propaganda Director (1982.09-1985.08 Study at the Chinese University of Radio and Television University);

1984.09mdash; mdash; 1991.04 Secretariat and officers of the Guilin Intermediate People's Court, reporter and editorial assistant of Guangxi Legal Daily;

1991.04mdash; MDASH; 1994.06 Xinhua News Agency, Guilin Reporter Webmaster, President of Guilin Branch;

1994.06mdash; mdash; 1997.11 Vice President of the Guangxi Branch of Xinhua News Agency and member of the party group;

1997.11mdash; mdash; 2001.10 President of the Guangxi Branch of Xinhua News Agency and Secretary of the Party Group (1997.09-2001.06 Study in Graduate Class at Guangxi University);

2001.10mdash; MDASH; 2001.11 Deputy Secretary -General of Xinhua News Agency, concurrently served as the general manager of the office;

2001.11mdash; MDASH; 2004.05 member of the party group, deputy secretary -general, secretary general of Xinhua News Agency, general manager of the general manager's office, president of China Economic Information Co., Ltd., and director of the News Center;

2004.05mdash; MDASH; 2011.03 Vice President of Xinhua News Agency and a member of the party group.Director, chairman of the Financial Information Exchange, Chairman and General Manager of the National Financial Information Center Co., Ltd. (06.09-09.01 Study at the Graduate Class of the Central Party School, 06.09-06.11 Study at the Provincial and Ministerial Division of the Central Party School, 08.11-11.07 in ChinaRenmin University of Renmin University for a master's degree);

2011.03mdash; mdash; 2013.04 The Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Propaganda Department, Deputy Mayor of Beijing;

2013.04mdash; MDASH; 2014.05 Director of the National Internet Information Office and the Deputy Director of the Central Foreign Promotion Office, and the Deputy Director of the State Council Information Office;

2014.05 Deputy Minister of the Central Propaganda Department, director of the Office of the Central Cyber Security and Information Technology Leading Group, and Director of the National Internet Information Office;

2016.06mdash; mdash; 2017.11,Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party.