At present, the Sino -US trade delegation is still continuing to consult.On Tuesday (March 12), US trade representative Robert Lighthizer said at the Senate Hearing that he called Liu He on Monday and talked with the Chinese delegation again on Wednesday.

It can be seen that, after the seven -disciplinary trade consultation, although there is still no new meeting arrangements, the representatives of the two parties remain closely linked.

So, what kind of negotiating opponent is Liu He?

Chinese President ... When the US President Barack Obama Guoan Donilon met in May 2013, he introduced an assistant to the latter and emphasized that he was important to me.

This person is Liu He.

It is important ... label to Liu He.

Since 2018, the Sino -US trade war has become a problem that Beijing urgently needs to be solved.Let the Sino -US trade war cease fire.

Since it is negotiating, the two sides are indispensable.Since the negotiations between the two parties are closed to talk, how Liu He has reported with the American media and the American media in front of the negotiating table, and the Chinese media have rarely reported it. In addition, Liu He himself does not like to say more in front of the media shot.Touch the negotiator.From another perspective, you may wish to find the answer from the Donald Trump government's statement and action.

For the first time, Liu He specially visited the United States for trade in March 2018. At that time, Liu He lacked the meeting of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which showed the anxiety of Beijing.As a result, Liu He stayed in Washington for 5 days. US President Donald Trump did not meet with him, and the White House did not meet at the beginning of Liu He's visit.Two months later (May 2018), Liu He visited the United States with special envoys ... and that time, China and the United States reached a consensus without a trade war, and Trump met for the first time.

Trump's attitude towards Liu He changed in 2019. On January 28, Liu He just arrived in Washington, and the White House welcomed a statement in the name of Trump. He also previewed Trump in advance that Trump met with Liu He.From February 19th to 20th, Liu He visited the United States again. The White House also issued a welcome statement, and Liu He was once again met with Trump.

I saw a major agreement before seeing a major agreement and met quickly. Trump has experienced a triple change on the issue of Liu He, which may be related to the progress of Sino -US trade negotiations, but we cannot ignoreIt may have been allowed to watch it separately.

Compared with Trump, it usually takes more than half an hour to meet Liu He. The longest time to confront Liu He should be the US trade representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasurer Steven Mnuchin (Steven Mnuchin,To.

Unlike the usual smile and the gentle, Mnuchin, Littich is unsmiling and belongs to a trade hardline.This character is almost a nightmare -like existence for Japan. He once folded the negotiation list on the negotiating table into a paper plane and threw it to the Japanese negotiating staff to make the latter chaos.Essence

Is the US Trade Tsarian setting up the set of dealing with Su Ri on Liu He?After all, such tricks are tried and tested in both countries.However, from the current observation of various media, Littichia put away Liu He's arrogance and domineering gesture, but performed well.

On January 30, Liu He visited the United States to negotiate with Littichze and others. At the opening ceremony, Littichia showed a little nervousness.

During the consultation in Beijing on February 14, Liu He and Wrightsze, who were embraced, talked with the atmosphere.

On February 21, Liu He visited the United States again, and Litterzawa smiled at the opening ceremony.

At the welcome dinner of the seventh round of trade negotiations, Littiche welcomed Liu He at the door and visited the Breser State Hotel. Litticho was Liu He's tour guide and speakers.

In the seventh round of high -level trade negotiations between China and the United States, the two sides called for takeaway, while Leitheizer and Liu He exchanged food. The former ate Chinese chicken rice, and the latter ate American burgers.The two also discovered a common habit: only drink boiled water.

It is said that Jiangshan is easy to change nature. For so many years in the field of trading in Littich, it is the leader who does not take his opponent in his eyes.At the reception of Liu He, we completely saw a different Littich. What is this transformation?The opponent he faces may be people who do not eat hard and hard, and have stronger principles.Liu He is a negotiating opponent who cannot be underestimated, and even in Lytechizawa, he is a opponent who is comparable to himself.

People must be self -respectful.The reason why Liu He was able to be treated by Littichzer's eyes explained that he admired his own order in this trade negotiation.

Of course, Liu He is also a difficult opponent.In March 2018, the Sino -US trade war broke out. Liu He and the United States conducted seven rounds of high -level trade negotiations. The unchanged Chinese negotiator was always Liu He.The United States has gone through several waves of personnel adjustments: at the beginning, Mnuchin and Peter Navarro partnered, and then became the US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. Then it was the Wrights we saw.Ze and Mnuchin.

What does the change of the front -line personnel in the United States explain?At least one point is clear: Trump is not satisfied.Sino -US trade issues are so serious. Liu He can reach an agreement with Mnuchin and others so smoothly that the United States may underestimate the opponent.The confrontation between Liu He and Littichze and others explained that China and the United States sent a trump card in China and the United States. Lytechizer was not easy to deal with. Liu He was also the same.

Liu He once studied at Harvard University. Professor Graham Allison of Harvard, who was professor, commented on him: Liu He was serious and capable of being capable (Capable Person).I am familiar with economics and understand history.From the perspective of Western media, Liu He is ... relatives and behind -the -scenes think tanks.A senior CCP official who is familiar with the Chinese Communist Party's style and attitude and understands the Western economy and history has reached the front line with the United States. Beijing said that he was reluctant to fight a trade war or not afraid of fighting the trade war.