The 13th session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held the fourth plenary meeting today (12th). Ling Youshi, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the honorary researcher of the Honorary Researcher of the Contemporary Chinese Cultural Research Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, made a enthusiastic insisting on adhering to a rich and peaceful practice of a Chinese principle.Looking forward to speaking on the conference on both sides of the strait.The speech of Ling Youshi caused a negative comment on netizens. In her speech, she was accused of exaggerating and unnatural high eight -degree tone, which made many netizens really can't listen!The accent is too weird?

Ling Youshi said that he was a member of a Taiwanese port area born in Taiwan at the age of seventeen to move to Hong Kong.She said, it can be said that a ordinary Taiwanese girl like me, a foreign guest of Hong Kong, can go through lsquo; one country, two systems, and rsquo.It depends on the narrow pattern of jumping out of Taiwan Island, and it is more than possible for the country's continuous prosperity and progress and compatibility.

Ling Youshi said that there is only one China in the world, and the only legal representative government in China is the government of the People's Republic of China.I am proud of being able to participate in the political system of the country as a positive Chinese!