Fan Bingbing was killed by a movie, and Cui Yongyuan, a media person who kicked the yin and yang contract earlier, recently disappeared online.(Take from Weibo)

(Beijing News) After the Chinese actress Fan Bingbing was fined 880 million yuan in tax evasion of the yin and yang contract last year, she was killed by her new work. Cui Yongyuan, a Chinese media person who exposed the matter, recently disappeared and was accused of lost contact.

Comprehensive Weibo and other aspects, Fan Bingbing has recently publicized that she killed the films she filmed in 2017 through social media, suspected to be returning to the way to make a whole way.

The well -known Weibo account of Chinese movies, Star Entertainment Sauce, posted her killing photos yesterday (February 24), and said in the text that the play was a new work from Fan Bingbing, saying that Fan Bingbing's resources have always been very good.

It is worth mentioning that Cui Yongyuan issued a yin and yang contract signed by Fan Bingbing's earlier film bombing through Weibo on Weibo on the 14th of this month, and said that he heard that he would come back, and the contract model was exposed.The intention is to prevent Fan Bingbing from returning.

However, Cui Yongyuan's Weibo account has stopped updating from the 21st, which is similar to Fan Bingbing's new film.The actress Yuan Li, who was familiar with Cui Yongyuan, broke the news on Weibo the day before yesterday (23rd) that he had lost to Cui, and the Weibo was then deleted.Netizens generally believe that this is related to the loss of the case of the 100 billion mineral rights case in Shaanxi.

The Shaanxi 100 billion mineral rights case refers to the dispute over the cooperation exploration contract of Xi'an Geological Minerals and Development Institute in Shaanxi Yulin Kichle Energy Investment Co., Ltd.. The Supreme Court made a second trial judgment on the case at the end of 2017.

Cui Yongyuan kicked the case at the end of December last year and disappeared in the Supreme Court in the Supreme Court.Wang Linqing, a judge of the case handling and the assistant judge of the Supreme Law, appealed in several videos exposed a few days later.

However, the official Chinese official announced the results of the investigation last Friday (22nd), saying that the dossier theft was intentionally done by Wang Linqing himself because he was dissatisfied with the unit in his work.

China Central Television also broadcast the interview clip of Wang Linqing on the TV that night.Because Wang Linqing not only stole some of the case materials of the second trial of the 100 billion mineral rights case in Shaanxi, but also shot videos and sneak shots of some sub -roll materials, and published the materials to access the Internet. The content involved national secrets. ThereforeFile the case.

The survey also confirmed that the content of Cui Yongyuan's disclosure on the Internet came from Wang Linqing. Cui in his studio helped Wang Linqing to record videos such as the loss of so -called case papers and monitoring video black screens. The above videos were released online by Cui Yongyuan's editing.

As of yesterday, Cui Yongyuan's main Weibo account daily reading volume was less than 1,000. His other Weibo account Xiao Cui Reading Club Reading was greater than 1 million, so he believed that his main Weibo account had been blocked.The two Weibo accounts have not been updated in the near future. Netizens believe that he may involve the mining right case and was officially interviewed.

Since being kicked, the public opinion was uproar. In the video and documents that broke the news, Wang Linqing hinted that the main leader of the Supreme Court had the suspect of inappropriate intervention in the case, causing the association of the Supreme Law or the vibration of the Supreme Law.The conclusion announced by the investigation team is equivalent to returning to the innocence of Zhou Qiang, the dean of the Supreme Court of China, and reducing the pressure on behalf of the Supreme Law on behalf of the Supreme Law in the National Two Congress (the annual meeting of the CPPCC) next month.

Cui Yongyuan issued the yin and yang contract signed by Fan Bingbing's earlier shooting movie on Weibo on the 14th of this month, and said that he heard that he was going back, and the contract template was exposed again.However, Cui Yongyuan's Weibo account has stopped updating from the 21st, which is similar to Fan Bingbing's new film.