In an exclusive interview with the CBS, Ren Zhengfei once again emphasized that Huawei has never provided any information to the Chinese government.(Screenshot of CBS interview)

Following an interview with BBC (BBC), Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei recently accepted an exclusive interview with the United States Colombia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS).In the visit, Ren Zhengfei emphasized that Huawei has never provided any information to the Chinese government.

In the CBS This Morning program this morning, Ren Zhengfei was first interviewed by American reporters.When asked if he had provided information to the Chinese government in any way or form, Ren Zhengfei said that he would not have once in the past three decades, and it is impossible to have in the next three decades.

As for whether Huawei will install the background formula for his equipment under Ren Zhengfei, Ren Zhengfei emphasizes that this is impossible.Because in the entire organization, we repeatedly emphasized that we cannot do this.If we really do this, American technology is so advanced, and it has long been discovered.This shows that we did not do this.

Asked that the outside world's doubts about the Chinese government obtained customer information through the back door, whether Huawei can refuse, Ren Zhengfei refers that it is normal for the outside world to have this doubt.But assuming cannot be used as evidence, the evidence should be based on the facts.

CBS sought comments from the U.S. Department of Justice, but has not yet received a response.

Earlier, Ren Zhengfei also emphasized in an exclusive interview with the BBC that he would not take risks to allow the company to participate in espionage, and would not risk doing such things that would be disgusted by our country and global customers.

He said that the Chinese government has clearly stated that it will not install any electronic backdoor, and Huawei will not accept anyone instructed to install the electronic back door. Our company will never engage in any spy activity. If we have this behavior, then I will dissolve this company.Essence