On the evening of February 18, local time, the Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) released an exclusive interview with Ren Zhengfei, the founder and CEO of Huawei.During the interview, Ren Zhengfei said that the United States would not destroy Huawei Hellip; Hellip; the United States could not represent the world.If Britain trusts Huawei and the United States does not, then we will transfer investment from the United States to Britain.

He resolutely opposed the United States's allegations of political motivation.He also said that Canada caught Meng Wanzhou, he was caught by the wrong person.

The pictures of this article are BBC video screenshots

The West is not bright, and the United States cannot represent the world

Regarding the fact that the United States has continued to pressure other countries recently and render Huawei threats, Ren Zhengfei warned that the United States could not destroy us.The world needs Huawei because we are more advanced.Even if they persuade more countries not to use Huawei for the time being, we just narrow the scale.

He said that even if the United States is pressured, it will only allow us to improve our products and services.

The BBC reporter asked that if the United States successfully pressures other countries and let them resist Huawei, what will happen?

Ren Zhengfei said: The West is not bright and the East is bright.The north is not bright and there are south.The United States cannot represent the world.The United States only represents a part of the world.

Earlier on the 17th, the Financial Times stated that the British government had concluded that the risks generated by Huawei's communication equipment by 5G networks could be effectively controlled. This conclusion hit the United States' efforts to put pressure on its allies and also caused Huawei to participate in participation.Britain 5G emerged.Regarding Huawei in the UK, BBC reporters asked: Considering investment and employment, how important Huawei is in the UK in the UK?Can you guarantee that Huawei will not withdraw from Britain and will not bring employment opportunities out of the UK?

Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei will not withdraw from our investment, and we will continue to invest in the UK.

We still believe in Britain and hope that Britain trusts us more. We will invest more in the UK.Because if the United States does not trust us, we will transfer investment from the United States to Britain.

They caught Meng Wanzhou, maybe the wrong person

When the interview talked about Ren Zhengfei's daughter Meng Wanzhou, Ren Zhengfei explicitly opposed the charges of the United States.

First of all, I oppose what the United States does.This behavior of political motivation is unacceptable.The United States likes sanctions on others. As soon as there is a problem, they will use this good method.We oppose this, but now we have embarked on this road and we will solve it through the court.

Ren Zhengfei also said that the Meng Wanzhou incident has no effect on Huawei's business. In fact, we have developed faster. He said, so they caught Meng Wanzhou and may be the wrong person.They may want to catch her, Huawei will decline, but we have not declined and we are still moving forward.Our company has established procedure rules and no longer needs to rely on someone.Even if I am gone, the company will not change the track.

Regarding the unprecedented allegations of Huawei by the Chinese government for espionage, Ren Zhengfei firmly denied it.

The Chinese government has clearly stated that it will not install any backdoor program, and we will not install it.We will not disgust our country and customers around the world for this kind of incident.

Our company will never engage in any spy activity.If we do this, I will close the company.