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The Greater China region is celebrating the Chinese New Year this week. There was no breaking news at first, but the Australian media suddenly quoted an anonymous source reporting that the wealthy Chinese businessman Huang Xiangmo has been listed as an unwelcome person by the Australian side.It was allegedly rejected due to character issues.This former Australian overseas leader and political benefactor has once again become the focus of public opinion.

As early as two years ago, Huang Xiangmo was besieged by the local media because he was accused of buying politicians and boosting China's political and diplomatic agenda through political donations in Australia.One of the anti-foreign interference and espionage laws passed by the Australian Parliament last year requires lobbyists to report whether they are serving the governments of other countries. He is almost always mentioned in media reports.

49-year-old Huang Xiangmo is originally from Jieyang, Guangdong. In 2003, he founded the real estate company Shenzhen Yuhu Group. In 2011, in order to expand his business, and because of the good air and living environment, his family immigrated to Australia.In the following five years, he donated 2.7 million Australian dollars (S$2.59 million) to the two major parties in Australia, and established close relationships with many political figures in the country, including the fact that he had to resign because his connections were exposed one by one.Labor MP Dunson.

Dunsen not only received donations from Huang Xiangmo, but also checked the progress of his naturalization application for him, reminding him that he might be monitored by intelligence agencies. In a press conference for the Chinese media, he contradicted the position of his own party and Australian officials, and spoke in support of Beijing'sSouth China Sea claims.

During Huang Xiangmo's tenure as the president of the Australian Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China from 2014 to 2017, he met officials from China as a representative of Australian Chinese businessmen, and also led a delegation to Beijing to participate in a meeting held by the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China.His work performance has been praised by Chinese officials.As a result, Australian media have pointed out that the association is the Australian branch of the United Front Work Department, which implements China’s national policy directions.

Some scholars pointed out that there are actually loopholes in the reasoning of the media. Huang Xiangmo did donate money to politicians and interacted with Chinese officials, but there is no hard evidence to directly prove his connection with Chinese officials.Due to China's complex and obscure political and business environment, it is often difficult for Chinese businessmen's money to be traced back to its true source.

When Huang Xiangmo issued a statement yesterday, he kept complaining, claiming that he was treated unfairly and had his visa revoked for reasons that were unfounded, full of prejudice, and groundless.He also said that he has not violated any laws and regulations in Australia. Chinese political donations are part of political participation in accordance with the law and are exactly the same as other ethnic groups in Australia.As for promoting China's peaceful reunification, it is in line with Australia's foreign policy and international commitments since 1972, as well as Australia's multiculturalism and freedom of speech.

The outside world has no way of knowing whether Huang Xiangmo is an official agent of the Chinese government, or a completely spontaneous patriotic self-made five (the Fifty Cent Party who brings its own dry food and does not receive official Chinese subsidies).His statement seems to make sense, but there are many people who refute him.

On trade issues, Europe and the United States have often accused China of closing its own market while taking advantage of the opening of other countries' markets.In terms of exerting political and cultural influence, this asymmetry of strict control on one side and open door on the other side is actually very obvious.Coincidentally, the US media also reported this week that the US branch of the Chinese state media China Global Television Network (CGTN) has registered with the US Department of Justice as a foreign agent at the request of US officials.Whether it's CGTN or Huang Xiangmo, they all show that some countries are becoming increasingly wary of China's form of political influence and have begun to impose sanctions and resist.