Source: Let the world be filled with sunshine Feng Jiedong

Things I have to say about my ex-husband, Zhou Yanbo, Chairman of Xi’an Siyuan College

1. My ex-husband participated in politics with great brilliance,I was framed for no reason and left home

The Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will be held on January 26, 2019.My ex-husband, Zhou Yanbo, chairman of Xi'an Siyuan College and chairman of Century College of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, although he has been caught in the whirlpool of political double-dealing, will still participate in politics and provide guidance at the sacred Shaanxi Two Sessions as a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.He, a Canadian permanent resident with a Maple Leaf Card, seems to be a special case of the central government's political principle of strictly prohibiting foreign permanent resident holders from serving as deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

And I, a woman who had lived with him for more than thirty years, the mother of his only daughter, and his wife who had started a business from scratch for 15 years and accumulated more than 3 billion yuan in joint property, was framed by him at the age of 53.Cleanse yourself and leave the house, sweep the floor.

I asked myself over and over again: I have always been gentle, tolerant, and consider my family as my life. What did I do wrong to cause such a tragedy in my life?As for her former husband, who had an affair during marriage and abandoned his wife and daughter, why could he still enjoy his life of glamorous politics, numerous lovers, and spend money like water? Is there really no right and wrong, no right and wrong, and no justice?

Three years ago, when our only daughter was pregnant, her biological father took her to court, demanding that the property Zhou Yanbo and I had notarized as a gift to our daughter be taken back, and that her daughter should be purified and leave the house.

A tiger's poison does not eat its own children. What kind of father in the world can be so heartless and unjust?

A few days ago, I saw the news that the famous actor Wu Xiubo sent his lover who had been with me for seven years to prison, and then I thought of my husband who had lived with me for more than 30 years, and used various methods to cleanse me and my only daughterWhen I left home, I couldn't help sighing: With Wu Xiubo, I dare not trust my lover anymore; with Zhou Yanbo, I dare not trust my husband and father anymore.

Zhou Yanbo, who guided the country

2. The once happy lifewas smashed by the husband's four lovers

In the spring when I was 22, Zhou Yanbo and I became husband and wife.

In the summer when I was 24, my only daughter with Zhou Yanbo was born.Although the small family is not rich, it is still happy.

After 2000, Siyuan College, co-founded by Zhou Yanbo, developed smoothly and acquired a school in Beijing.I also resigned from public office to set up a landscaping company and run the Yinchuan College of the China University of Mining and Technology.At that time, everyone Zhou Yanbo praised me for my ability, saying that without Feng Jiedong, Zhou Yanbo would not be where he is today.

During the entrepreneurial stage, Zhou Yanbo said to the media: Looking at my lover who has been with me all the way, I am very grateful. I have the cause of running schools and educating people that I have worked hand in hand to support and help each other.

In early 2014, our only daughter planned to get married and needed to sign a prenuptial property agreement.On May 5, under the arrangement of Zhou Yanbo's lawyer Xue Jinsong, our family of three signed a property donation agreement at the notary office of Yanta District, Xi'an City, and notarized it, donating the equity of two companies held under my name todaughter.On May 6, Xue Jinsong arranged for our family of three to sign a gift agreement witnessed by a lawyer in Zhou Yanbo's office, and donated the equity of two companies held under Zhou Yanbo's name to his daughter.

Transcript of donation inquiry from the Notary Office of Yanta District, Xi'an

The only daughter is getting married, and the parents will give away the wealth they have worked hard for all their lives, hoping that the child will be safe and happy.What a beautiful and heart-warming story this is!However, my happiness only stayed for a very short time, and then my whole world began to collapse due to the accidental discovery that my husband Zhou Yanbo had cheated on many women in marriage.

On the flight to Beijing with my mother-in-law, the kind-hearted mother-in-law reminded me to keep an eye on Zhou Yanbo to prevent other women from destroying our family.She told me: Zhou Yanbo's middle school classmate LU once visited her at home and gave her many gifts; LU also said that she didn't like her husband, but liked Bobo (Zhou Yanbo).

I was very reassured about Zhou Yanbo. I didn't believe that my husband who had been with me for decades would cheat. After all, he is an educator, he is a teacher, and he will not do anything that violates morality.But in order to protect my family, I started to pay attention to Zhou Yanbo after returning to Xi'an, and checked his mobile phone.The content on the phone told me a cruel reality: my husband, a private educator in China and a deputy to the Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress (at that time), had actually cheated many times during his marriage.

What is even more frightening is that he cheated on at least four lovers at the same time, including XU, his female subordinate at Siyuan College in Xi'an, MA, his college classmate from Yinchuan City, and LI, his female subordinate at Beijing Bohua Hundred Schools Education Group.XX, and LU, a middle school classmate.These women flirted with him in text messages and WeChat, made appointments with him, and even called him her husband directly.

A text message from one of Zhou Yanbo's lovers on his birthday, calling her husband directly

3. My husband wrote a letter of commitmentbut continued to have sex with lovers behind my back

After discovering that Zhou Yanbo had cheated in marriage, in order to maintain the relationship between husband and wife and keep the family intact, I repeatedly persuaded Zhou Yanbo to return to the family.I said: As long as he doesn't associate with those women again, the past will be the past, and I am willing to look forward with him.I even told Zhou Yanbo: If you have a child with someone else, the child is innocent and we can raise it.At this time, I have put my dignity in the dust.

Zhou Yanbo also made a promise to me: In order to maintain the relationship between husband and wife with Feng Jiedong and keep the family intact, I, Zhou Yanbo, would like to make the following promises: 1. The son of Mr. LI has no blood relationship with me, Zhou Yanbo;XU X, LU X X and others' contacts; 3. If it is not possible, I am willing to transfer all the shares to my daughter; 4. The above commitments are legally binding and cannot be changed.

I had pinned my hopes on this letter of commitment, but it turned out that it was really just a flimsy piece of paper.

On the afternoon of August 2, 2014, Zhou Yanbo and XU went to Xi'an Jianguo Hotel to open a room.This day is Valentine's Day on the Chinese Valentine's Day. When I was with my daughter, Zhou Yanbo actually celebrated the festival with his lover.

On August 6, 2014, Zhou Yanbo and a certain MA had a room at the Beijing National Convention Center Hotel, and they stayed in the same room for three days and two nights.

On October 19, 2014, Zhou Yanbo took XU to buy a house in Qujiang Zhonghai Yuhu.

I have photos and videos of Zhou Yanbo's tryst with his lovers.The evidence is solid!

Even so, as a Chinese woman with a traditional family concept, I still hope that Zhou Yanbo can change his mind. I often persuade Zhou Yanbo, hoping to bring him back and return to the family through little efforts.

I tried my best to save my family, and I sent photos of text messages to Zhou Yanbo

4. On Women's DayI was wiped out by my billionaire husband

However, I never imagined that forbearance could not save my 30-year marriage, nor could it preserve the family that regarded it as life, nor could it share the more than 3 billion yuan of joint property accumulated by the husband and wife that they had accumulated through starting a business together.He actually left the house with debts.

In fact, I didn't know that Zhou Yanbo had already made up his mind to abandon his wife and daughter. While he pretended to be willing to return to the family to stabilize me, he secretly planned to transfer the joint property of the husband and wife.At the end of 2014, without any warning, Zhou Yanbo suddenly went to the court to sue for divorce. The reason was that his relationship with me for thirty years had broken down.When I learned that Zhou Yanbo sued for divorce in February 2015, I was really shocked, but I still wanted to make the last effort to save the family.

I mistakenly thought that if I did not agree to the divorce, the court would generally mediate in the first instance and would not issue a divorce; maybe after a period of calm, the couple could reconcile.Therefore, I issued a statement to the court that I did not agree to the divorce.Unexpectedly, Zhou Yanbo kept doing two things, mobilized all kinds of relationships, and even lied to the court that he had advanced lung cancer, and time was running out. He wanted to start his second marriage early and let the court dissolve the marriage early.

On March 8, 2016, without any mediation, the People's Court of Yanta District, Xi'an City granted the divorce in the first instance.

There are two inconceivable features in the verdict: first, it is rare for a divorce to be decided directly without mediation when the woman firmly disagrees with the divorce; second, there is no division of the joint property of our husband and wife worth more than 3 billion yuanUnder such circumstances, a divorce was hastily decreed.The only property that was awarded to me was a house in my name that was still paying off the mortgage.

This day is Women's Day, a day to protect women's rights.

I later found out that within one month after Zhou Yanbo sued for divorce, he had quietly transferred more than 3 billion yuan of joint property under his name to his driver Xi Zhonghua, his secretary Xie Chengyan, his lover Li's sister and theHis female secretary.The most bizarre thing is that Zhou Yanbo cheated the world and transferred the equity of Beijing Bohua Hundred Schools Group and Beijing Bohua Xuehan, the two companies with the largest assets, to Zhou Yanbo, another woman with the same name and different gender.The woman Zhou Yanbo was just an ordinary substitute teacher at Xi'an Siyuan College, and the wife of Zhou Yanbo's then secretary Xie Chengyan.

Zhou Yanbo secretly transferred all the property in his name before divorcing me. What he did was so ruthless, so cruel, and had no bottom line!

I filed lawsuits with the court regarding these several cases of transferring joint property between husband and wife.Zhou Yanbo wore the aura of being a deputy to the People's Congress of Shaanxi Province and used his connections in Shaanxi to petition and intercede in court.All the cases I sued, Zhou Yanbo procrastinated as much as he could, played all kinds of judicial procedures, and used all kinds of despicable means, so that I sued him in Xi'an for transferring the joint property of the husband and wife for nearly four years without results.In some cases, the first trial resulted in a result, but I lost the case!In stark contrast, I sued Zhou Yanbo in two cases in Beijing for transferring property. I sued at the same time, and the cases were similar., the transfer behavior is invalid.

I sued Zhou Yanbo in the case of property transfer in Beijing, and the court ruled that he had maliciously colluded with others during the divorce period to transfer and hide the joint property of the husband and wife, and the transfer was invalid

Before suing for divorce, Zhou Yanbo transferred the shares of Xi'an Xubang Industrial Company to his 80-year-old mother and 20-year-old nephew Zhou Junyi, saying that they were just holding it on behalf of them.In court, however, Zhou Yanbo told the judge that he had transferred the shares to his old mother according to the registered capital of 130,000 yuan, received cash from his mother, and issued receipts to his mother and nephew.The company is of huge value, how could it be transferred at a price of 130,000 yuan?Zhou Yanbo actually lied in court, saying that the company had been losing money for consecutive years, losing millions every year, and was only worth 130,000 yuan.Even the judge asked Zhou Yanbo in confusion: How did you consider transferring a company that has suffered huge losses for many years to your 80-year-old mother?However, even though it was so ridiculous, the court still lost the case in the first trial!

After filing for divorce, Zhou Yanbo illegally transferred his equity in Bailu Enterprise Company, the organizer of Xi'an Siyuan College, to his former secretary Shi Jianwei.In order to make it more difficult for me to recover my property, Zhou Yanbo arranged for Shi Jianwei to transfer the equity again to two companies controlled by Zhou Yanbo during the litigation.However, he lied in court that the equity did not belong to him but was held on behalf of someone else.But when I applied for judicial verification of the authenticity of the equity holding agency agreement, Zhou Yanbo delayed for two years without producing the agency holding agreement.Even so, the court did not dare to provide justice for me.

Zhou Yanbo's ability to manipulate local judicial operations behind the scenes is extraordinary.

5. I gave my daughter everything I hadZhou Yanbo actually wanted to take away everything from my daughter

As a typical traditional Chinese mother, I regard my only daughter as the apple of my eye and give all my property to her.Although Zhou Yanbo also signed the gift agreement, he did not actually give any of the wealth in his name to his daughter.

The property notarized as a gift to our daughter is less than one-tenth of our family’s total assets!However, after Zhou Yanbo filed for divorce from me, he did not let go of his daughter's property.He first asked lawyer Xue Jinsong, who had handled notarized gifts, to represent him at the notary office for reconsideration, requesting that the notarization of the gift be revoked.After a strict procedural review, the notary office responded: the notarization process was legal and the procedures were complete, and the request was rejected.Zhou Yanbo refused to do anything and went so far as to file a lawsuit with the Xi'an Intermediate People's Court, requesting to revoke the gift agreement signed on May 5, 2014 and to regain his daughter's property.The equity notarized as a gift to my daughter has been legally transferred to a company in Beijing introduced by Zhou Yanbo, and the proceeds from the transfer are in accordance with the law.After paying taxes, it has also been transferred to the daughter according to the agreement of the notarized gift agreement.But Zhou Yanbo lied to the court that he didn't know about it in order to confuse the public and achieve the purpose of regretting it afterwards.

Zhou Yanbo sent me a text message to introduce the buyer of Yinchuan University

When Zhou Yanbo sued, his daughter was already pregnant, which was a critical period for her health.I really want to ask Zhou Yanbo: Our only daughter, who was kind, sensible, and loving since childhood, was pushed into the dock by you just like that.Have you ever thought about how bad this behavior of not being honest with your daughter is!You sent your only daughter to court for the money you didn’t bring with you when you were born, and you didn’t take away when you died. You have vividly demonstrated the evil of human nature.

What kind of scumbag did I marry, who took me out of the house and did everything possible to take away everything from my daughter?

When his grandson was born in 2016, Zhou Yanbo not only ignored him, but also ignored his daughter's feelings, and sent his lawyer Chen to travel thousands of miles to Canada, trying to persuade his daughter, who was sued by him, to cooperate with him in court to collude with him and repent.Legally transferred equity.Zhou Yanbo, Zhou Yanbo, how cold-blooded are you?

In 2018, in the early stage of the trial of the donation case, the daughter learned that her grandmother was in poor health. After visiting her grandmother, she met Zhou Yanbo as scheduled.I haven't seen each other for more than three years, but Zhou Yanbo, as a father, is planning to negotiate a deal with his daughter, saying that as long as his daughter cooperates with him in court and helps him get back the transferred equity, he will let his daughter go in the gift case.When his daughter expressed that she was unwilling to do such dishonest things, Zhou Yanbo actually put her daughter on the WeChat blacklist and cut off contact with her.

Today, when I write these words, I am really helpless. Although a woman is weak, a mother is strong!

I believe that under the background of nationwide crackdown on judicial corruption, the era when Zhou Yanbo used his status as a deputy to the Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to intervene in cases at will will surely pass.Although justice is late, it will not be absent. I believe that a fair judgment will definitely come!

Feng Jiedong January 23, 2019