Yang Hengjun, 53, was born in China. He once served in the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was naturalized in Australia in 2000.(Reuters)

According to Reuters, AFP and other reports, Yang Hengjun and his family flew from New York to Guangzhou last Friday, but lost contact after arriving at Guangzhou Airport on Saturday and did not transfer to Shanghai with his family as planned; Yang Hengjun also lost contact in China in 2011.The Sydney Morning Herald quoted sources as saying that Yang Hengjun was suddenly arrested by national security officers while queuing.

(Beijing/Sydney Comprehensive News) The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed yesterday that Yang Hengjun, a Chinese-Australian and well-known online commentator, was recently detained in China and accused him of endangering China's national security. China has officially informed the Australian Embassy of this.

Mo Shaoping, Yang Hengjun’s lawyer and a well-known Chinese human rights lawyer, pointed out on the same day that Yang Hengjun was accused of espionage.

According to reports from Reuters, Agence France-Presse and others, Yang Hengjun flew from New York to Guangzhou with his family last Friday (18th), but lost contact after arriving at Guangzhou Airport on Saturday and did not transfer to Shanghai with his family as planned; Yang Hengjun also flew to Guangzhou in 2011.Lost contact in China.The Sydney Morning Herald quoted sources as saying that Yang Hengjun was suddenly arrested by national security officers while queuing.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade confirmed in a statement last night that Chinese authorities had informed the Australian embassy in Beijing that they had detained Yang Hengjun.

Australia criticizes China for not reporting in time

Australian officials yesterday criticized China for not reporting the detention in a timely manner.Australian Defense Minister Pyne, who arrived in Beijing yesterday for a visit, pointed out that it was disappointing that Beijing took four days to notify Canberra of Yang Hengjun's detention last Saturday; the China-Australia consular agreement requires notification within three days.

Australian Foreign Minister Payne also said at a press conference in Canberra: According to the requirements of the consular agreement, (China) has now given notification, but perhaps not in the most timely manner. I am not saying that the agreement has been ignored, (but) the notification has been delayed., I will ask for an explanation on this procedure.

Payne also said that the staff of the embassy in China will meet with relevant parties in China to understand the nature of Yang Hengjun's detention and seek consular visits.

When asked at a regular press conference yesterday about Australia’s questioning of China’s failure to report in time, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying confirmed the news of Yang Hengjun’s detention: Australian citizen Yang Jun (Yang Hengjun’s real name) is suspected of engaging in activities that endanger China’s national security.His criminal activities have recently been taken compulsory measures by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of State Security and reviewed.The case is currently in the process of being prosecuted according to law.All legal rights and interests of Yang Jun have been fully guaranteed.

She also said that after the Chinese side took compulsory measures against Yang Hengjun, it has officially notified the Australian embassy in China.

Mo Shaoping, a Chinese lawyer who once defended Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, revealed that Yang Hengjun’s family has invited him to serve as their attorney, but he has not yet had the opportunity to meet with Yang Hengjun, who is currently under residential surveillance.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) quoted Feng Chongyi, Yang Hengjun’s friend and associate professor at the China Studies Center at the University of Technology Sydney, as revealing that he had recently advised Yang Hengjun not to travel to China, but Yang believed he was safe.

Feng Chongyi and Australian journalist Garnaut, both friends of Yang Hengjun, pointed out that the diplomatic dispute between Canada and China over the Huawei Meng Wanzhou incident, followed by the detention of Canadian citizens Michael Kovrig and Spavor, made them worried about Yang Hengjun's safety.Yang Hengjun was detained for the same reason as the above two people.

Australia has previously expressed concern about the arrest of two Canadians in China. The former Australian diplomat also joined more than 140 former foreign envoys and scholars from around the world in writing a joint letter to the Chinese President... on Tuesday, urging him to release them..

Australian Defense Minister Pyne, who visited China yesterday, is expected to discuss with China the issue of Australia's ban on Huawei's participation in the country's 5G telecommunications network construction.But Payne said yesterday there was no evidence linking the Yang case to Meng's arrest in Vancouver.

Yang Hengjun, who calls himself a democracy hawker, is a commentator and writer who criticizes China's current ills. He is 53 years old and was born in China. He is originally from Suizhou City, Hubei Province. He once served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and was naturalized in Australia in 2000.The New York Times pointed out that he has been living in New York with his family for the past two years and has been a visiting scholar at Columbia University.