According to People's Daily Online: On the afternoon of January 16, Lou Qinjian, Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, while attending the deliberation of the Huai'an delegation at the second session of the 13th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, raised questions about Jinhu's expired vaccine.The incident emphasized the need for serious accountability in accordance with laws, regulations and disciplines.

Lou Qinjian said that the interests of the masses are no small matter. We must adhere to the people-centered development idea at all times and always carry out work from the standpoint of the masses. All parts of the province must deeply reflect on the problems and deficiencies exposed in the incident and draw inferences from one example to other cases.Act quickly, investigate thoroughly, plug loopholes and solve problems.

Lou Qinjian pointed out that food and drugs are related to life and health, so we must be extremely responsible and cannot tolerate any oversights. This is the most basic attitude issue.For food and drugs, any substances that are prohibited from being added by national laws will be beaten as soon as they are discovered; anyone who knows that they have expired and has not strictly taken them back, but continues to sell and use them, will be severely punished in accordance with the law;

Any dereliction of duty or negligence must be strictly investigated in accordance with laws, regulations and disciplines.He said that lessons must be learned and supervision must be in place. We must start from both the supervision system and supervision technology to improve the relevant mechanisms in each link of vaccine production, transportation, use and recycling to ensure full-process supervision, full-process tracking, and full-chain traceability.Drugs that are about to expire must be promptly warned and dealt with in a timely manner. With rich local resume, a Shaanxi official was double fired

According to the Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Recently, with the approval of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has investigated Wu Xincheng, counselor of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government, former deputy director and member of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, former director of the Provincial Grain Bureau and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, for serious violations of discipline and law.A case review investigation was carried out.

After investigation, Wu Xincheng violated political disciplines and resisted organizational review; violated organizational disciplines, used his authority to seek benefits for others in terms of job promotions, job transfers, etc. and solicited and accepted property, and failed to truthfully report personal matters to the organization; violated integrity disciplines and acceptedGifts, gifts, and consumer cards that may affect the fair execution of official duties, and using the influence of authority and position to seek benefits for his spouse’s business activities;

Violating work disciplines, intervening and intervening in construction projects of subordinate units in violation of regulations; violating life disciplines.Violation of national laws and regulations constitutes illegal duties.Taking advantage of the convenience of one's position and the convenience created by one's authority and status to seek benefits for others and to solicit and accept huge amounts of property is suspected of bribery.As a leading party member and cadre, Wu Xincheng has lost his ideals and beliefs, betrayed the party's purpose, has no principled stand, is disloyal to the party, has weak awareness of law and discipline, has lost his moral defense, has a bad family tradition, and has a corrupt work style. His behavior has constituted a serious violation of discipline and is suspected of a crime., and did not restrain or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is serious in nature and has bad influence, and should be dealt with seriously.

In accordance with the Disciplinary Punishment Regulations of the Communist Party of China, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on the Punishment of Civil Servants of Administrative Agencies and other relevant provisions, after study by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee meeting and submitted to the Provincial Party Committee for approval, it was decided to expel Wu Xincheng from the party and be dismissed from public office; his disciplinary and illegal income will be confiscated;The suspected criminal issues and the money and property involved were transferred to the procuratorate for handling according to law.