Chinese communications equipment giant Huawei is in a troubled time. Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei finally spoke out today to refute accusations that the company engages in espionage on behalf of China.He also said that US President Trump is a great president who dares to cut taxes on a large scale, which is beneficial to the business community, but only by treating companies and the country well can we attract companies to invest in the United States.

According to the Hong Kong Economic Daily, Ren Zhengfei said in Shenzhen today that he is patriotic and supports the Communist Party, and has never done anything to harm the world. His personal political beliefs are not closely related to Huawei's business operations.

Huawei has been in trouble recently. Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada last month and is on bail pending extradition from the United States.Wang Weijing, a senior executive of Huawei in Poland, was recently involved in espionage activities and was recently arrested there.However, Huawei emphasized that Wang Weijing was suspected of violating the law due to personal reasons and decided to immediately terminate the employment relationship with Wang Weijing.

Ren Zhengfei said Huawei has never received any government request for improper information.If Huawei is asked to provide sensitive customer information, he will refuse.

According to reports, Ren Zhengfei is downplaying Huawei's role in tense relations between China and the United States, while emphasizing the possibility of cooperation with the United States.He also said he would wait and see whether Trump would intervene in the case of his daughter Meng Wanzhou.

Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei is just a sesame seed in the Sino-US trade friction.He described Trump as a great president who dares to cut taxes on a large scale, which is beneficial to the business community. However, only by treating companies and the country well can companies be attracted to invest in the United States and Washington can obtain sufficient tax revenue.

Ren Zhengfei expressed confidence that Huawei's revenue this year will increase from more than US$100 billion last year to US$125 billion.He pointed out that Huawei is not a listed company and does not need beautiful performance reports. If they do not want Huawei to enter certain markets, we can scale back a bit.As long as we can survive and feed our employees, we have a future. Founder Ren Zhengfei made a rare statement: Huawei did not assist the Chinese government in espionage activities

In an interview with foreign media at the Shenzhen headquarters, Ren Zhengfei said that in the 30 years since Huawei was founded, no government has ever asked Huawei to provide improper information.If Huawei is asked to provide sensitive customer information, he will refuse.

Chinese telecom giant Huawei has been in constant trouble recently. Its founder Ren Zhengfei made a rare statement yesterday, denying that Huawei assists the Chinese government in espionage activities.

According to reports from Bloomberg, Reuters, and the Wall Street Journal, Ren Zhengfei said in an interview with foreign media at Huawei’s Shenzhen headquarters that in the 30 years since Huawei was founded, no government has ever asked Huawei to provide improper information.If Huawei is asked to provide sensitive customer information, he will refuse.

Ren Zhengfei pointed out that he loves the motherland and supports the Communist Party, but will not do anything to harm the world. His personal political beliefs have nothing to do with Huawei's business operations.

He also revealed that he misses his daughter Meng Wanzhou very much.Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's chief financial officer, was arrested in Canada last month and is currently out on bail.

In addition to Meng Wanzhou, Wang Weijing, a senior executive of Huawei's Polish branch, was recently arrested by Poland on suspicion of espionage.Although Huawei emphasizes that Wang Weijing was arrested for personal reasons on suspicion of violating Polish laws, the incident has had a negative impact on Huawei's global reputation and raised concerns that Huawei faces a comprehensive ban in Europe.

Brock Silvers, director of Shanghai Kaiyuan Urban Development Fund, believes that Ren Zhengfei does not often give interviews and it is a wise move for him to speak out publicly this time.Huawei's business in Europe is currently facing a real and existential crisis, and it is only natural to respond to it.Ren Zhengfei's interview with the media also showed that he takes the current situation very seriously.

Ren Zhengfei is interviewed by foreign media for the third time since he took charge of Huawei in 30 years

This is Ren Zhengfei's third official interview with foreign media in the 30 years since he took charge of Huawei.Ren Zhengfei yesterday also tried to downplay Huawei's role in tense relations between China and the United States, while emphasizing the possibility of cooperation with the United States and saying that he would wait and see whether US President Trump would intervene in the case of his daughter Meng Wanzhou.

Ren Zhengfei said that in the Sino-US trade dispute, Huawei is just a sesame seed.Trump is a great president who dares to cut taxes on a large scale to benefit companies. However, the U.S. government needs to treat companies and other countries well in order to attract them to invest and generate enough tax revenue.

Although the United States continued to curb Huawei's global business expansion last year, Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei is confident that its revenue this year will exceed US$100 billion (S$135 billion) last year and increase to US$125 billion.

He also pointed out that Huawei is not a listed company and does not need beautiful performance reports. If they do not want Huawei to enter certain markets, we can reduce the size.As long as we can survive and feed our employees, we have a future.