The picture shows the hotel where Ma Teng held a centenary banquet for his son.Photo by Dong Yongxin

According to the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News on January 7, after reflection, I deeply realized that due to my weak political concept and weak sense of discipline, I made serious mistakes. I deeply regret my behavior and am willing to accept organizational punishment.I will learn from this lesson deeply, strictly abide by party rules and discipline in my future work and life, and regulate my own behavior.This is the confession made by Ma Teng, the principal of Xiangnan School in Tongwei County, Gansu Province, in his self-criticism.

As his position was promoted step by step, Ma Teng gradually relaxed his requirements and restraints on himself, and luck gradually got the upper hand.After the promulgation of the eight central regulations, they still go their own way and violate discipline.On September 10, 2017, without reporting to the organization, Ma Teng held a 100th birthday party for his son and illegally accepted a gift of 4,100 yuan from colleagues in the unit; from May 2017 to July 2018, Ma Teng paid 30The square meter office was decorated as a suite, and the office space was used beyond the standard until it was discovered by the inspectors.

Conceal the east and the west to confuse the audience

In July 2018, the Tongwei County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision received an online report transferred from superiors, reporting issues such as Ma Teng, the principal of Xiangnan School in Tongwei County, making a big deal about hosting his son's 100th birthday party.

In order to prevent forgery of evidence, on the morning of July 16, we went downstairs to Ma Teng's house as soon as possible and called him to inform him to bring his son's "100th Birthday Banquet" gift book to investigate.The County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision dispatched the first discipline inspection and supervision team to conduct preliminary verification of relevant issues after receiving clues to the contractor's problems.

However, Ma Teng evaded it on the grounds that the book of favors was taken to Xinjiang by his father-in-law.

Ma Teng's dodging aroused the suspicion of the inspectors.After analysis and judgment, the inspectors suspected that Ma Teng was delaying time.What was originally an uncomplicated issue has become intractable due to the lack of key evidence.

Unable to get the book of favors, the inspection team decided to listen to Ma Teng's own statement first, to see if they could find any clues.

My child is the first grandson of my father-in-law. He was very happy and suggested that we hold a 100th birthday banquet to celebrate... A total of 16 tables were booked for more than 160 people, including 30 colleagues from the unit... Ma Teng said toThe inspection team explained the specific situation of the centenary banquet, while recalling the list of colleagues from the unit that participated in the banquet that day.

The inspection team obtained a list of colleagues who participated in the banquet and the gift money recalled by Ma Teng, a total of 2,750 yuan for 30 people.The inspection team realized that this list may not be comprehensive and true. To fix the evidence and seek breakthroughs, the main battlefield of the inspection needs to be transferred to Xiangnan School in Tongwei County.

Move flowers and trees to darken Chencang

I work in this bungalow!In the afternoon of the same day, Ma Teng took the inspection team members to a bungalow with the sign of the principal's office.However, the inspection team members keenly discovered that the office facilities were simple, with a curriculum posted on the wall and no files on the desk. It did not seem like a principal's office.

Is this your office?Faced with the inspector's question, Ma Teng nodded without thinking.So, where did you work before?Ma Teng was stunned for a moment, and said falteringly: I used to work upstairs, but I moved down early.

Take us up there and have a look!The inspection team immediately stood up. This time, Ma Teng was visibly panicked.

However, Ma Teng reluctantly led the inspection team upstairs.In the upstairs office, the inspection team saw that the desk was full of documents he had reviewed, with all the office facilities, and there was a suite next door.This is Ma Teng's real office. After measurement, the office is 30 square meters in total.With reference to the regulations on the construction standards of office buildings for party and government agencies, the area of office buildings for township-level principals shall not exceed 24 square meters, which is obviously exceeding the standard.

Regarding Ma Teng’s excessive use of the office, I reminded Ma Teng by name at last year’s district-wide principal meeting, but he said there was no problem. Later, I went to his office and reminded him again to make rectifications, but he didn’t listen.The principal of Xiangnan School District told the inspection team when he mentioned that Ma Teng's office space exceeded the standard.

When the truth comes out, you will eventually be punished

After many inquiries, the inspection team found the logistics director of Xiangnan School who kept a love book on the day of the centenary banquet.After repeated evasions, he still accepted the verification team's request to talk. I kept the favor book that day. I collected a total of 24 gifts from the school's banquet and proxies. I paid 100 yuan in friendship gifts myself, and the banquet went quickly.At the end, I handed over the book of favors to Ma Teng and left.

After comparison, the verification team found that the list was not completely consistent.Ma Teng concealed the number of participants!The verification team decided to expand the scope of the verification and conduct interviews with all the personnel in the two lists to further understand the verification.

I went there and gave a gift of 100 yuan. There were also colleagues from the unit that I went to...

I accompanied Ma Teng's father-in-law's family at the banquet, and the money was directly given to Ma Teng's son, and I went with me...

I didn't go, I was given a gift of 100 yuan, I heard that there are also faculty and staff who went...

Through the investigation of more than 70 teachers and peripheral personnel of the school, the people who participated in the banquet gradually became clear.In the end, the facts of the case came to light, and Ma Teng illegally accepted gifts of 4,100 yuan from 41 people under management.

Ma Teng has been working in the office suite on the second floor of the school's teaching building. The principal's office in the bungalow is actually the office of his wife (the school's teacher).While verifying the number and amount of gift recipients, the verification team further verified the fact that Ma Teng had been using office space beyond the standard since he became the principal of Xiangnan School.

On September 8, 2018, after deliberation and decision at the Tongwei County Education Party Working Committee meeting, Ma Teng was given an intra-party warning and ordered to return the gifts received in violation of regulations and vacate the office space that exceeded the standard.

The problem of "four styles" is a chronic disease that is difficult to cure. Party members and cadres are not allowed to use their power or influence to invite management service recipients to participate in weddings and funerals, let alone make money by taking the opportunity.Discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels have issued repeated orders to strictly prohibit the use of office buildings in violation of regulations. This is not a formalism of "big thunder, small rain", and must not be careless.This case once again shows that party members and cadres must remember that discipline is a live high-voltage line. If you ignore disciplinary rules, you will only be severely punished by discipline.Investigators said.

New ordinance red line

Article 91: Anyone who takes advantage of his power or the influence of his position to arrange weddings and funerals, causing adverse effects on society, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a sanction of removal from his position within the Party; those who take the opportunity to make money or have otherThose who infringe on the interests of the state, the collective and the people shall be punished severely or aggravated, up to expulsion from the party.

Article 109: Violate regulations on office space management and other regulations, and commit one of the following acts. If the circumstances are serious, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibilities shall be given a warning or a serious warning; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be dismissed from their party positions.Punishment:

(1) Deciding or approving the construction and decoration of office buildings, training centers, and other facilities;

(2) Over-standard equipment and use of office space;

(3) Chartering or occupying guest rooms or other places for personal use with public funds.