On December 29, 2018, the website of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that recently, with the approval of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted an investigation into the serious violation of discipline and law by Tan Runhong, the former secretary of the Youxian County Party Committee in Hunan.After investigation, Tan Runhong violated political discipline and resisted organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations, used office space beyond the standard, and accepted tourism activities funded and arranged by private business owners;

Violating organizational discipline, failing to truthfully report personal matters; violating integrity and discipline, accepting gift money, using the convenience of his position to seek benefits for relatives and friends in business, borrowing money from management and service objects for a long time, and engaging in power and money sex with many womenTrading; violating the discipline of life; taking advantage of the convenience of the position to seek benefits for others in the transfer of river sand and gravel mining rights, land transfer, construction of engineering projects, procurement of medical equipment, etc., and collaborating with specific related parties by carrying basketsJointly accepting other people's property, the amount is particularly huge, suspected of accepting bribes.

As a party member and leading cadre, Tan Runhong has lost his ideals and beliefs, has no party spirit and principles, and has extremely inflated selfish desires. He uses his power to amass money crazily, is greedy, corrupt, and morally corrupt.After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is a typical example of not restraining, not stopping, and not knowing how to stop.

According to the regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Actions and the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant provisions, after the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the approval of the Provincial Party Committee, it was decided to expel Tan Runhong from the party and dismiss him from public office, and terminated his representative at the 11th Hunan Provincial Party CongressQualifications, confiscated his disciplinary and illegal income, and transferred his suspected crimes to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law.

The “basket” mentioned in the double-open circular is a Hunan saying, which refers to the use of the authority or influence of leading cadres in public resource transactions, real estate development, administrative approval (licensing), state-owned assets management, financial, and fiscal project fund allocation.Acting as an intermediary in such fields as mediating, providing assistance, and cooperating with others (individuals or units) to obtain benefits for others and seek personal gain.

Tan Runhong was previously investigated in September this year when he was serving as secretary of the county party committee.

It is worth mentioning that just two days before Tan Runhong was announced to be double-opening, the Propaganda Department of the Zhuzhou Municipal Party Committee announced on Weibo that Tan Runhong's mistress, Liu Anjiao, was arrested by the Yuhu District People's Procuratorate on suspicion of accepting bribes.Liu Anjiao took advantage of Tan Runhong's position, and the two jointly received more than 10 million yuan in cash from several private business owners, and they were suspected of accepting bribes.

According to public information, Tan Runhong was born in August 1976 in Chaling, Hunan. He worked in a Hunan wood-based panel factory at the age of 19 and entered the economic field at the age of 20. He successively worked in Zhuzhou City Trust and Investment Company and Zhuzhou City Finance Bureau. Since 2008, he has been aDeputy Secretary and Director of the Management Committee of Dongjialong High-tech Industrial Park, Zhuzhou National High-tech Zone, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy District Chief of the Lusong District People's Government.

In May 2010, Tan Runhong, who was 34 years old at the time, began to take charge of Zhuzhou County. During the past five years, he successively served as a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Deputy County Head, Executive Deputy County Head, County Head, and County Party Secretary.In August 2016, he was evenly transferred to Youxian County under the jurisdiction of Zhuzhou City as the secretary of the county party committee until he was sacked last year.

When Tan Runhong was transferred to Youxian County, he gave a speech of more than 3,000 words at the county-wide leading cadre meeting: Today I officially reported to the cadres and the masses of Youxian County. From today onwards, I will take Youxian County as my hometown.We share the same breath, responsibility, honor and disgrace with You County.From today onwards, I am one of the 800,000 people of Youxian County; from today onwards, I will breathe and share fate with Youxian County, share responsibilities, struggle together, and advance and retreat together with Wealth and Disgrace.

He stated: I must stay at work day and night, work hard, protect my home, take care of the housework, and serve my family well.

In less than a year, on May 7, 2017, a poisoning and suffocation accident occurred in Jilinqiao Mining Company in Youxian County, killing 18 people and injuring 37 others.On the second day after the accident, Zhuzhou City held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and six cadres, including Wang Zhuowen, the deputy magistrate of Youxian County at the time, were dismissed.

In addition, after Tan Runhong arrived in Renyou County, he also vigorously developed online lending, P2P and other industries. In the past two years, You County has been called the first county of P2P.

At the end of 2016, the Youzhou Internet Financial Innovation Center was formally established. Tan Runhong said at the inauguration meeting that he is afraid of not being able to think of it, not afraid of not being able to do it; not afraid of not being able to do it, but not being afraid of thinking about it.

Written by Political Affairs News (WeChat ID: zsenews) / proofread by Xu Tengfei Wang Xin