Cui Yongyuan recently reported that there was something strange about a private enterprise rights protection case heard by the Supreme Court of China, and a key file disappeared from the court office.(the Internet)

In the face of Cui Yongyuan's accusation, the Supreme Court initially refuted the rumors through the media, saying that the relevant reports and remarks were not true; however, it changed its stance two days later and issued a circular stating that the investigation process had been initiated.Seriously.

Cui Yongyuan, the former host of China Central Television, has thrown another shock bomb recently, reporting that there is something wrong with a private enterprise rights protection case heard by the Supreme Court of China. A key case file has mysteriously disappeared from the court office.The Supreme Court responded last night that it had launched an investigation and would deal seriously with anyone violating the discipline.

Cui Yongyuan posted on Weibo last Wednesday (26th): Is there a thief in the Supreme Court?!The 100 billion mining rights case file in northern Shaanxi has been stolen for two years and has not been found yet!, aroused public attention.

The 100 billion mineral rights case in northern Shaanxi is a private enterprise rights protection lawsuit that has been going on for 12 years. It revolves around an investment company in Shaanxi, Kaiqilai, and the Xi’an Geological and Mineral Exploration and Development Institute (referred to as the Xi’an Institute), with a valuation of 100 billion yuan (About S$20 billion) dispute over the ownership of coal mines.

Based on the analysis of the Chinese media, Kechley and the Western Exploration Institute signed a cooperative exploration agreement in 2003, but the latter also signed an agreement with another Hong Kong company, which sparked the controversy of one daughter and two marriages.After more than 10 years of litigation between the two parties, Kechley successfully appealed in December 2017, which was seen as a manifestation of the central government's protection of the property rights of private enterprises.

However, a year after the case was finalized, Cui Yongyuan's Weibo post brought the case to the surface again.In the past five days, Cui Yongyuan posted several microblogs one after another, saying that the case file actually disappeared from the Supreme Court judge's office in November 2016.

Cui Yongyuan said that the judge Wang Linqing, who was in charge of the case, found that all the original and deputy files of the second instance were missing, and immediately reported to his superiors; but when he checked the surveillance video afterwards, he only saw a black screen, and the Supreme Court did not arrange to investigate, report the case, or ask the judge to make up a new file.

It was reported that more than 20 days before the case files were lost, Zhao Faqi, the person in charge of Kechlai, had publicly reported in real name that the main leaders of Shaanxi had intervened in the case.

Public opinion is concerned about the lack of judicial justice and the spirit of the rule of law

In the face of Cui Yongyuan's accusation, the Supreme Court refuted the rumors through the media the next day, saying that the relevant reports and remarks were not true; however, it changed its stance two days later and issued a notice stating that the investigation process had been initiated.Take it seriously in accordance with the law.

Yesterday, China's financial media, China Times, released another video of Wang Linqing's self-report.The man mentioned in the video that before he was preparing to write the verdict, he found that the case file in the office had been stolen strangely. I think through this video... just to leave some evidence for myself to protect myself from accidents.

He finally said: How can it be said that the monitoring is broken, and it is a new monitoring system, and there are two monitoring systems at the door of my office. If one is broken, it is impossible for both of them to be broken!This video further deepened the outside world's speculation about the trial process.

The case is full of doubts, which has aroused public concern about the lack of judicial justice and the spirit of the rule of law.A netizen said: Touching the bottom line, dereliction of duty and breaking the law, the people will not let it go.Another netizen reminded: The key to governing the country according to law lies in the team of judges who are in charge of the courts. They are the last guardians of social fairness, justice and conscience.

Zhang Ming, a professor of political science at Renmin University of China, told Lianhe Zaobao: The problem may exist in many institutions, but now that the problem is exposed in this way, and it is exposed to the public, it is more can the case file be lost?How could it be possible to steal without tracing?You will have many question marks.

The Beijing News quoted a lawyer’s analysis that the case file records the entire process of the case from the first instance. Once lost, it may not be possible to go back to the entire judgment process of the case, and it is difficult for the parties to claim which level of court to defend their rights.

According to analysis, the side file of the case is similar to a confidential document. Once lost, the responsible person may be held criminally responsible for the crime of dereliction of duty. The specific crimes involved include the crime of leaking state secrets and the crime of dereliction of duty.