According to a report by the China Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision News on December 26, Chen Wei, a former member of the party group of the Land and Resources Bureau of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, and the former director of the Municipal Land Collection and Storage Center, used his power to store 400 million yuan in public funds in violation of regulations, helping his daughter complete the collection and storage tasks and getting money from it.profit.Chen Wei thought he had just played a side-ball, and he was lucky, but he received disciplinary action and was dismissed.

The following is the original text of the report:

The wrongly deposited 400 million public funds

For me, just one sentence can help my daughter complete the storage task.It is precisely because of lax ideology and loss of supervision of power that I have touched the red line of discipline.For Chen Wei, who has hundreds of millions of dollars in financial funds, using public funds to save money for his daughter is nothing more than a matter of his own words. Such a violation of regulations will naturally lead to disciplinary action.

Help her daughter make huge profits

In April 2017, the online reporting platform of the Ganzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection in Jiangxi Province received anonymous reports from the masses, reflecting that Chen Wei, a former member of the party group of the Ganzhou Municipal Land and Resources Bureau and former director of the Municipal Land Collection and Storage Center, used his power to store public funds in violation of regulations to help his daughter Chen complete the acquisition.The problem of storing tasks and profiting from them.In May of the same year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection successively transferred letters and visits reporting the same problem.The Ganzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee attached great importance to the complaints received and dealt with them together, and handed them over to the First Disciplinary Supervision Office for investigation.

According to the investigators of the Ganzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, in the early stage of the investigation, Chen Wei did not take his disciplinary violations seriously, thinking that it would make no difference which bank the public funds were in.It's just a matter of lax management.He didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until the investigators brought out the Chinese Communist Party's disciplinary regulations.

Back in May 2014, Chen Wei’s daughter Chen was hired as a staff member of a branch in the development zone of a commercial bank in Ganzhou after passing the examination. As a young employee, Chen felt a lot of pressure and repeatedlyShe proposed to ask her father to help her acquire savings.Seeing her daughter working so hard, Chen Wei felt a little distressed, so she wanted to help her.

On November 9, 2015, with the approval of the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Land Collection and Storage Center opened a loan account at the development zone branch where Chen was located.The next day, Chen Wei instructed the Chief of the Comprehensive Section of the Municipal Land Collection and Storage Center to arrange financial personnel to contact Chen to handle the relevant account opening procedures.On the 16th of the same month, Chen Wei instructed to deposit the 300 million yuan loan returned by the Municipal Urban Investment Group into the account.On December 31, 2016, the municipal finance department allocated another 100 million yuan to the account.And this huge sum of 400 million yuan was stuck in the account until October 2017 when the inspection team of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision carried out the verification.Due to the shelving of related projects, the account has not handled any loan business.

In this way, Chen Wei easily helped his daughter Chen to complete the task of collecting deposits, and Chen received a total of more than RMB 1,585,200 in performance awards from the bank for overfulfilling the task of collecting deposits, and actually received more than 986,500 yuan after tax.

Seeing his daughter's happy smiling face, Chen Wei felt a little uneasy, but he was still lucky. He felt that it was just a side-kick, and that no one else knew about it except for a few cadres under him.

The bamboo basket fetches water in vain

Using the convenience of one's position to provide help and seek benefits for relatives working in commercial banks to collect deposits is a new type of violation of discipline discovered in the supervision and enforcement of discipline.

In June 2017, the former China Banking Regulatory Commission's notice on further regulating the behavior of banking financial institutions to absorb public deposits stated that if the spouses, children and their spouses of the responsible persons of the public fund depositors and other directly interested personnel are employees of banking financial institutions,The employee should be avoided, and those who do not avoid according to the regulations will be dealt with severely by the organization.Although the notice clearly requires that the relative avoidance system be implemented for the storage of public funds, in fact, the use of power to solicit storage is extremely concealed, and it is not only difficult to find out in supervision, but also difficult to investigate and deal with.

At present, there are some loopholes in the supervision of financial funds. I love my daughter very much, so I took advantage of the loopholes in the system.Chen Wei said frankly that he only needs to make a few phone calls for such a small matter as recruiting storage.

According to the case-handling staff of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the Municipal Land Collection and Storage Center has a large flow of funds, but currently there are no strict and standardized storage regulations. It is basically up to Chen Wei to decide which bank to store public funds in, so he will easily helpThe daughter completed the task of collecting and saving 400 million yuan.

In Chen Wei's eyes, the performance reward of nearly one million yuan received by Chen was a reward for his daughter's outstanding work, which is a legitimate income.

It is precisely because power is corrupted by selfishness and family affection is captured by selfishness that the sense of rules and the red line of discipline are left behind by Chen Wei.In the end, Chen Wei had nothing to do with fetching water from a bamboo basket.

In June 2018, the Ganzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection gave Chen Wei a serious warning within the party, and after the Provincial Department of Land and Resources agreed, Chen Wei was dismissed from office, and the economic benefits obtained by his daughter were confiscated from the state treasury due to Chen Wei’s violation of discipline.

Establish rules and regulations to plug loopholes

The storage of public funds has the characteristics of large flow, long cycle, and strong stability. It has always been the "meat and cake" that various banks are vying for. If there is no effective supervision and restraint, it is easy to cause profit transfer, and even become a "corruption""Private plot rsquo;.The person in charge of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Ganzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Municipal Finance Bureau said.

To control the chaos of public funds storage, it is necessary to plug loopholes, make up for shortcomings, squeeze the rent-seeking space of power, clean up the source, establish rules and regulations, and treat both symptoms and root causes, so as to achieve efficient and standardized management and use of public funds.Combined with the problem of public funds storage exposed in the Chen Wei case, the Ganzhou Municipal Supervisory Committee insisted on playing the fundamental role of investigating and handling cases, and issued a supervision proposal to the Municipal Finance Bureau on the establishment of a competitive storage system for public funds.

According to the supervision proposal issued by the Municipal Supervisory Committee, the Municipal Finance Bureau quickly started the work of cleaning up the accounts of budgetary units.In the first half of 2018, 335 budget units at the city level, including self-revenue and self-support units, were organized to conduct self-examination, and 30 budget units with a large number of accounts and large fund balances, a total of 171 bank accounts, conducted key spot checks.

On this basis, the re-opened accounts, idle accounts, similar accounts, and due loan accounts shall be cleaned up and merged.In this clean-up, a total of 17 bank accounts of budgetary units were canceled, of which 6 loan accounts were canceled by the Municipal Land Collection and Storage Center, and 94 accounts of other units also went through the withdrawal procedures one after another.

Under the guidance of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the Municipal Bureau of Finance, together with the Municipal People's Bank, jointly issued the Implementation Measures for the Bank Account and Fund Deposit Management of Ganzhou Municipal Budget Units, requiring the public funds of the municipal budget units to be deposited through public bidding or collective decision-making.Confirmed and stipulated that when the municipal budget unit newly selects a bank for depositing funds, it shall require the bank to issue a letter of commitment to clean governance.

As administrative institutions and banks that are closely related to this system, they expressed their support for the competitive deposit of public funds.Only half a month after the implementation of the management and implementation measures, the city's National Sanitary City Work Headquarters became the first unit to choose a depository bank through collective decision-making.Judging from the current situation, the public fund deposit interest rate provided by the bid-winning bank to the bidding unit, on the basis of conforming to the benchmark interest rate, has been improved to varying degrees compared with that before the bidding, realizing the preservation and appreciation of deposits.

The person in charge of ICBC Ganzhou Branch believes that this bidding method has created opportunities for all banks to compete fairly. Everyone is fighting for strength and service, thus forcing banks to improve service quality.

The implementation of the competitive deposit system of public funds clarifies the competitive requirements and operating procedures for the deposit of public funds from the system level, which not only revitalizes the stock, improves efficiency, and standardizes management, but also cuts off the interest chain behind the storage of public funds.The person in charge of the Ganzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection said that in order to effectively prevent the transfer of interests through the use of power, Ganzhou City is currently studying and implementing the newly revised disciplinary regulations of the Communist Party of China. Taking Chen Wei's case of violation of discipline as a negative example, it is involved in finance, development, etc.Departments with concentrated funding projects such as Reform and Urban Investment will deepen warning education.