A case that was heard in court nearly 3 years ago has a result.

Yang Chenglin (first from the right), Yang Hai (second from the right), and Zhang Ting (third from the right) were tried in court.

On December 21, according to Xinhua News Agency, the Intermediate People's Court of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region publicly sentenced Yang Chenglin, the former party secretary and chairman of Bank of Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd., to the case of accepting bribes, embezzlement, and embezzlement of public funds.Two years of execution, deprivation of political rights for life, and confiscation of all personal property. After the two-year suspension of execution of the death sentence expires, it is commuted to life imprisonment according to law, and life imprisonment without commutation or parole; sentenced to eleven years in prison for corruption.And a fine of RMB 600,000;

Sentenced to 15 years in prison for the crime of embezzlement of public funds, decided to execute the death sentence with a two-year reprieve, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property., shall not be commuted or released on parole.Yang Chenglin's criminal income seized in the case will be recovered according to law, and the insufficient part will continue to be recovered.

The Baotou Intermediate People's Court found through trial that: from 2000 to 2013, the defendant Yang Chenglin used his positions as party secretary, chairman, and president of Hohhot Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., and party secretary and chairman of Inner Mongolia Bank Co., Ltd.For the convenience of others, seeking benefits for others, alone or together with specific related parties Yang Hai and Zhang Ting extorted and illegally accepted more than 307 million yuan of other people's property; embezzled more than 6.28 million yuan of public funds in the name of paying project funds and reimbursement of conference fees;

Together with Yang Hai and others, he embezzled public funds totaling more than 292 million yuan for personal use for profit-making activities.Among them, Yang Hai participated in accepting bribes of more than 141 million yuan and embezzling public funds of more than 257 million yuan; Zhang Ting participated in accepting bribes of 8 million yuan.

The Intermediate People's Court of Baotou City held that the defendant Yang Chenglin, as a state employee, took advantage of his position to solicit and illegally accept other people's property alone or together with the defendants Yang Hai and Zhang Ting to seek benefits for others.Bribery.Yang Chenglin used the convenience of his position to defraud public property, the amount was huge, and his behavior constituted a crime of embezzlement.Taking advantage of his position, Yang Chenglin, together with Yang Hai and others, embezzled public funds for personal use and carried out profit-making activities. The circumstances were serious, and his behavior constituted the crime of embezzlement of public funds.

Yang Chenglin committed several crimes and should be punished for several crimes in accordance with the law.The facts of the allegations made by the public prosecution agency are clear, the evidence is reliable and sufficient, and the charges have been established.The amount of bribes Yang Chenglin accepted was particularly huge, and some of the facts were extorted. The circumstances of the crime were particularly serious, the social impact was particularly bad, and it caused particularly heavy losses to the interests of the country and the people. The crime should be sentenced to death.

In view of the fact that he exposed the clues of other people's crimes and performed meritorious service; he voluntarily confessed the unrecognized facts of corruption after he came to the case, and he surrendered himself; he truthfully confessed the unrecognized facts of the crime of accepting bribes; he pleaded guilty and repented, and had statutory and discretionary circumstances for a lighter punishment, so the death penalty may not be executed immediately.At the same time, according to the facts, nature, and circumstances of Yang Chenglin's crime of accepting bribes, it was decided that after the two-year reprieve of his death sentence expires, his sentence will be commuted to life imprisonment in accordance with the law, and he will be imprisoned for life without commutation or parole.

Baotou Intermediate People's Court sentenced co-defendant Yang Hai to 19 years in prison for accepting bribes and embezzling public funds, and fined him three million yuan; co-defendant Zhang Ting was sentenced to 5 years in prison for taking bribes, and fined RMB 700,000.

Zhengshi noticed that as early as March 7, 2016, Yang Chenglin was suspected of committing bribery, corruption, and embezzlement of public funds and was tried in public at the Intermediate People's Court of Baotou City.At that time, due to the complexity of the case, the trial lasted for several days.

Yang Hai and Zhang Ting, who were sentenced together with Yang Chenglin, were also tried together with Yang Chenglin.Yang Chenglin and Yang Hai are father and son, and Yang Chenglin and Zhang Ting are lovers.

It is understood that Yang Chenglin once asked for and received money from others to buy houses for his mistress Zhang Ting in Beijing and Inner Mongolia, and bought 2 million yuan in insurance for Zhang Ting's two daughters; in order to decorate Yang Hai's house in the United States, Yang Chenglin asked others for50 million RMB;

Asked others to buy a Land Rover for himself, accepted mobile phones worth 260,000 yuan and photographic equipment worth 370,000 yuan from others; once took his relatives to travel to the United States on the grounds of going abroad to perform official duties, and bought copper worth 510,000 U.S. dollars.Horse sculptures and mammoth ivory products, but after returning to China, they asked their subordinates to reimburse them from their units.

Searching the official website of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection, there is no news about Yang Chenglin being investigated and dealt with.According to Xinhuanet, in June 2014, Yang Chenglin was detained by the Inner Mongolia People's Procuratorate on suspicion of accepting bribes. In July of the same year, the Inner Mongolia People's Procuratorate decided to arrest him.

In January 2015, the official website of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate reported that the former party secretary and chairman of Bank of Inner Mongolia, Yang Chenglin (at the main hall level), was suspected of accepting bribes, embezzlement, and embezzlement of public funds.

In September 2015, according to news from the Supreme Procuratorate's official website, Yang Chenglin filed a public prosecution for suspected bribery, embezzlement, and embezzlement of public funds.The indictment alleges that the defendant Yang Chenglin, as a state employee, took advantage of his position as the chairman of the Hohhot City Commercial Bank and the chairman of the Bank of Inner Mongolia to accept entrustments from others, seek benefits for others, and accept property from others;

For the purpose of illegal possession, he defrauded the Bank of Inner Mongolia twice; embezzled a large amount of funds from the Hohhot City Commercial Bank and the Bank of Inner Mongolia for personal use, and carried out profit-making activities. According to law, he should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of accepting bribes, embezzlement, and embezzling public funds.

Since the ninth amendment to the Criminal Law formally established the system of life imprisonment in August 2015, many people have been sentenced to death with a reprieve + life imprisonment.parole.

Wu Changshun, the Martial Lord of Jinmen who committed six crimes and is known as the most sinner of the fallen tiger; Bai Enpei, former deputy director of the Environment and Resources Protection Committee of the National People's Congress and former secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee; Wei Pengyuan, former deputy director of the Coal Department of the National Energy Administration; Yu Tieyi, the former deputy general manager of the material supply branch of Heilongjiang Longmei Mining Group Co., Ltd., and others were sentenced to death with a suspended death sentence and life imprisonment.

Including Yang Chenglin, these severely punished corrupt officials all have one thing in common: the amount involved is huge, exceeding 200 million yuan.

The Ninth Amendment to the Criminal Law makes the following provisions on life imprisonment: if a person is sentenced to death with a reprieve for serious corruption or accepting bribes, the court may, in light of the circumstances of the crime and other circumstances, decide at the same time to impose life imprisonment after the two-year reprieve has expired and commuted to life imprisonment.Sentence commutation, parole.

Ruan Qilin, a professor of criminal law at the China University of Political Science and Law, once explained to Zhengshi that life imprisonment is equivalent to a special reprieve, and it is a balance between controlling the death penalty for non-violent crimes and severely punishing corruption crimes.decreased, or even increased.

The capital punishment is the immediate execution of the death penalty, but from the perspective of humanitarianism, the international trend of death penalty, and China's death penalty policy, the application of the death penalty must be controlled.The increase in life imprisonment can make the death penalty for huge corrupt officials inevitable, and the death penalty inevitable.

In addition, Zhang Zhongsheng, former member of the Standing Committee of the Luliang Municipal Party Committee and former deputy mayor of the municipal government in Shanxi Province, was sentenced to death for accepting bribes and the crime of ignoring the source of huge amounts of property.The amount of bribery crimes is particularly huge. Among the 18 bribery crimes, two bribery crimes amounted to more than 200 million yuan.