1/1 Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada and faces extradition to the United States.

(Sing Tao Daily reported) Meng Wanzhou, vice chairman and chief financial officer of mainland technology giant Huawei Group, was arrested in Canada and faces extradition to the United States. The incident has continued to escalate.Following the day before yesterday, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng summoned the Canadian ambassador to China to make representations, and yesterday also urgently summoned the US ambassador to China to lodge stern representations and strong protests, requesting the withdrawal of the arrest warrant for Meng Wanzhou, and said that "China will take actions based on the actions of the US side."react further".However, Le Yucheng did not link the incident with the Sino-US trade negotiations. The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Le Yucheng summoned U.S. Ambassador to China Branstad, "to make solemn representations and strong protests against the U.S. side's unreasonable demands that the Canadian side detain the head of Huawei who was in transit in Vancouver, Canada." He pointed out that what the U.S. has doneIt has seriously violated the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens, and its nature is extremely bad.China firmly opposes this and strongly urges the US to attach great importance to China's solemn position, take immediate measures to correct its wrongdoing, and revoke the arrest warrant against the Chinese citizen.China will make further reactions depending on the actions of the US. On the day of Meng Wanzhou's arrest, the Chinese and U.S. heads of state held a dinner in Argentina and reached a consensus to temporarily suspend the imposition of new tariffs and start negotiations for 90 days.After the incident, the Ministry of Commerce of China still stated that it is confident that China and the United States will reach an agreement within the next 90 days.Trump, on Twitter, liked the statement from China's Commerce Ministry and said the talks were going well. The news of Meng Wanzhou's arrest came out on the 6th, and the Chinese official media handled it in a low-key manner, but yesterday's attitude changed significantly.Including People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, and Global Network, all issued comments on the incident, becoming more hawkish. Most of the internal texts were aimed at Canada. When expressing dissatisfaction with the United States, they appeared to be circuitous. The People's Daily "Zhongsheng" column, which means "Voice of China", stated that the Canadian police made the choice of presumption of guilt without a trial and conviction, and put handcuffs and shackles on the parties."Brutally trampling on their basic human rights and insulting their personal dignity, how can this be the way a civilized country should behave?" The Xinhua News Agency pointed out that according to the Canadian leader himself, he knew about the relevant actions in advance, but he did not communicate with the Chinese side (notification), "but allowed this kind of bad incident to happen, fueling the unilateral hegemony of the United States, hurting theThe feelings of the Chinese people.” At the Global Times annual meeting in Beijing the day before yesterday, retired military major generals such as Zhao Xiaozhuo, Qiao Liang, and Yang Yi all felt helpless about Meng Wanzhou’s arrest, believing that China would not be able to change America’s “long-arm jurisdiction” in a short period of time.", "This breath is hard to swallow", can only strengthen the understanding of the existing laws of the United States and find ways to evade them. Thirty people, including Lu Songxiong, a member of the Legislative Council of the Federation of Trade Unions, and Deng Jiabiao, a district member, went to the US Consulate General in Hong Kong yesterday morning to petition to protest the unreasonable arrest and demand the release of Meng Wanzhou.Some demonstrators wore masks of US President Trump and held cards from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to protest.Deng Jiabiao said that the incident "coincidentally" happened during the Sino-US trade war, and Huawei is the world's second largest mobile phone sales company, which has the meaning of international political struggle behind it. Meng Wanzhou attended the bail hearing in the Supreme Court of British Columbia on the 7th local time.The prosecution accused her of conducting transactions with Iran through Skycom, a shell company registered in Hong Kong, in violation of US sanctions against Iran, and conspiring to defraud a number of financial institutions.The prosecutor said she was a flight risk and asked the judge not to grant her bail.The judge did not make a ruling, and the hearing continued on Monday local time.