1/1 Global Times annual meeting, many military generals attended.

(Reported by Sing Tao Daily) The Global Times, a subsidiary of the People's Daily, held its annual meeting yesterday. Chinese and foreign experts and generals of the People's Liberation Army had a fierce confrontation on the Sino-US trade war.Major General Qiao Liang of the Air Force believes that the United States is using an "imperial approach" to contain China's rise, and cited the Huawei Meng Wanzhou incident as an example, pointing out that China cannot blindly compromise.However, some experts say that the Sino-US trade war is conducive to promoting China's deepening reforms.Yuan Peng, president of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said the Huawei incident was just an episode. The 2019 Global Times Annual Conference "China-U.S. Game and World Changes" was held in Beijing yesterday. Editor-in-chief Hu Xijin gave a very friendly opening speech.He said that he often uses Apple mobile phones to post Weibo, but did not choose Huawei or ZTE in the context of the trade war, which caused a lot of criticism."I think we should stop discriminating against foreign brands when China has a large foreign trade surplus today." Major General Qiao Liang, a professor at the National Defense University, believes that the United States is adopting an "imperial approach", just as the British Empire restrained the rise of France back then.In the past, China knew nothing about this. "We have Eastern thinking, and we hope to look at the world with a gentleman's thinking, but the West is completely different from us." The Meng Wanzhou incident is a very good "sober agent" for China.."Facing such an opponent, blindly compromising and blindly competing are not acceptable. We should pay attention to the rules." Rear Admiral Yang Yi, former director of the Institute of Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, said, "China-US relations are now at a very critical and dangerous crossroads." He believes that the strategic goals of China and the United States seem to be mutually exclusive, and both sides believe that the other's goal is to hurt themselves.The current situation is that the United States is attacking and China is defending. "We must not lose control, not suffer losses, be neither impatient nor impetuous, and be prepared for protracted combat." Lieutenant General Wang Hongguang, the former deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region, also made it clear that under the background of China and the United States moving toward a new Cold War, the South China Sea is undercurrents, while the Taiwan Strait is "a volcano about to erupt.""Whether you look at the subjective situation or the objective situation, the Taiwan Strait issue is the focus of attention. Conflicts in the Taiwan Strait are easy to occur, but it's just a matter of size." However, some experts at the scene were very optimistic.Yuan Peng, dean of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, believes that China-US relations are generally successful, with neither a hot war nor a cold war.The Meng Wanzhou incident that occurred after the G20 meeting between the leaders of China and the United States was not a gaffe in Sino-US relations, but an episode.China has more active shaping capabilities than at any time in history. Cai Ruide, chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China from the United States, said that the Sino-US trade friction will have a "win-win" result.Opening up the market is good for both China and the United States.Sun Zhe, co-director of Columbia University's China Project, also believes that through this trade war, China can usher in a better new era by comprehensively deepening reforms.