Meng Wanzhou was born in 1972. She changed her name at the age of 16 and took her mother's surname.She is the daughter of Ren Zhengfei and his first wife.(Reuters)

Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei and the company's chief financial officer, has been arrested in Canada on suspicion of violating U.S. sanctions against Iran and faces extradition to the United States.The incident caused an uproar, causing tension between China and the United States, which had just reached a temporary ceasefire agreement on the trade war, and shocked the global financial market.

A spokesperson for the Canadian Ministry of Justice disclosed yesterday (December 6) that Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Vancouver on December 1. The US government is seeking her extradition, and a bail hearing will be held today.Authorities were unable to provide further information because the gag order proposed by Meng Wanzhou was already in effect.

Reuters quoted a person familiar with the matter as saying that Meng Wanzhou's arrest was related to violations of U.S. sanctions, but Reuters has not yet confirmed the exact nature of the violations.

In April this year, it was reported that U.S. authorities have been investigating whether Huawei violated U.S. sanctions by selling U.S.-origin products to Iran and other countries since 2016.

Huawei issued a statement yesterday stating that Meng Wanzhou was temporarily detained by Canadian authorities on behalf of the U.S. government while she was transiting in Canada. The U.S. is seeking her extradition to face unspecified charges in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York;Very little information has been provided to Huawei about the specific allegations and it is not aware of any wrongdoing by Meng Wanzhou.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Canada and the United States have not made any clarification on the reason for the detention

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a regular press conference yesterday that Canada and the United States have not provided any clarification on the reason for the detention so far.

He said that China has expressed its solemn position to Canada and the United States on this case, asking the other party to immediately clarify the reasons for the detention and release the detainees, so as to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved.

Meng Wanzhou is the vice chairman of Huawei and is regarded as the successor of Ren Zhengfei

The 46-year-old Meng Wanzhou is the daughter of Ren Zhengfei and his first wife. She is also the vice chairman of Huawei and is regarded as Ren Zhengfei's successor.She joined Huawei in 1993 and has successively served as director of the company's international accounting department, chief financial officer of Huawei Hong Kong, and president of the accounting management department.

The incident occurred during a sensitive period of Sino-US relations. The outside world is worried that this will cast a cloud over the upcoming Sino-US trade negotiations and ruin the Sino-US trade truce.Cornell University economics professor Eswar Prasad (Eswar Prasad) described to the New York Times that China and the United States have reached a fragile temporary truce agreement, which is now at greater risk of disintegration.

The leaders of China and the United States just met on the sidelines of the G20 summit, putting the brakes on the trade war that has lasted for several months. The two sides agreed to suspend the imposition of new tariffs on each other and resume negotiations, striving to reach an agreement within 90 days.

Some public opinion is associated with the ZTE incident in April this year, and pointed out that the U.S. move is intended to force China to submit in the upcoming trade negotiations.However, some analysts believe that behind the incident, it is not ruled out that the U.S. Democratic Party is disrupting the situation in order to break the Sino-U.S. trade negotiations.

During an interview, Chu Yin, a researcher at a global think tank, analyzed that Meng Wanzhou was detained on December 1, which was also the day of the China-U.S. summit meeting. The fact that the matter was delayed for a few days before being exposed was likely to avoid affecting the Sino-U.S. summit meeting..

He believes that the US government itself is not consistent, and Trump is only half the US president of the United States.Behind this incident, it is not ruled out that the hard-line Democrats are trying to sabotage the Trump administration's negotiations with China, which involves infighting in domestic politics in the United States.

Chinese public opinion overwhelmingly condemns the United States

Chinese public opinion condemned the United States one-sidedly yesterday. The Global Times accused the United States of resorting to despicable hooliganism and violating the consensus reached by the leaders of China and the United States in Argentina.

Xiakedao, a WeChat account of the Overseas Edition of the People's Daily, accused the United States of trying to use its powerful alliance system to turn domestic law into international law, and predicted that the Trump administration may repeat the "spirit of abandoning contracts" they have repeatedly demonstrated.

Wang Dong, executive deputy director of Peking University's China-US Humanities Exchange Research Base, pointed out to Lianhe Zaobao that the outside world has different speculations about the motives of the United States to attack Huawei.Judicial means are strangling China's neck technologically.

He said that the incident complicates the current issues facing China and the United States. China needs to do its best to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens, and at the same time respond calmly so as not to negatively affect the consensus reached by the two heads of state.China and the United States must now deal with very difficult trade disputes, avoid the worst through negotiations, and bring Sino-US relations back to a stable track.

The news of Meng Wanzhou’s arrest aggravated the investment market’s concerns about the renewed trade war between China and the United States. U.S. stock futures and Asian stock markets fell yesterday.5.69%.

(The reporter is the Shanghai correspondent of Lianhe Zaobao)