Pak Chi, who held a V-shaped photoshoot on 1/1, looks quite good.

(Reported by Sing Tao Daily) It was recently rumored that Cecilia Cheung secretly gave birth to her third child at the Sanatorium and Hospital. The media asked Emily, the manager of Cecilia Cheung, for confirmation but did not receive a response.He never showed up, making rumors rampant.Until the day before yesterday, Bai Zhi was rumored to be a mom again for a week, and it was finally exposed. In the photos on social networking sites, she was wearing a first pair of black pants and long hair covering her cheeks.protected from the wind. Cecilia Cheung, who threatened on social networking sites earlier this year that she wanted to pursue multiple daughters, has not shown up since May this year. A few days ago, there were rumors that she secretly gave birth to a wealthy Singaporean boyfriend who is over 60 years old at the Sanatorium and Hospital on the 25th of last month.Son, becoming a mommy for the third time, but Bai Zhi did not respond to the rumors, her manager Emily only said that she had no response, and Bai Zhi's friends also expressed their ignorance. Until the Sunday before yesterday, a day to enjoy family fun, Bai Zhi was seen taking Quintus to the Shenwan Yacht Club. The rumored secret birth finally showed up after a week!The cause is food writer KOL "Glass Zhu" Bonnie Chu uploaded a photo of Cecilia and her son Quintus on social networking sites the day before yesterday, and left a message: "Today's children's fun day ran into my good sister Ceci again, Quintus is getting taller and more handsome!" In the group photo, Bai Zhi raised the "V" sign to the camera, and she seemed to be in a good mood. Although she was wearing a black super and long hair to cover her face, she also felt that her cheeks were obviously plumper and rounder than before.The red knitted long-sleeved shirt has a bottle collar. The temperature rose on Sunday but it was still tightly wrapped. It is rumored that she has only been a mother for the third time for a week. Is she afraid of being blown by the wind in the street? Bonnie Chu responded to the media yesterday that she did not know about the rumors that her friend Bai Zhi gave birth secretly last week. She revealed that she met Bai Zhi at the Shenwan Yacht Club.But I don't feel like I just gave birth to a child, and I don't think there is any reason to go out to have a shower right after giving birth. In addition, Cecilia's ex-husband Nicholas Tse recently filmed his own cooking show in Taipei, and invited Taiwanese actress Janine Chang to be the guest of the show. A few days ago, tourists caught Ting Fung and Janine Chang in Beitou, tasting special delicacies while shopping at the scene. It turned out that the two had been filming for several days.Following their trip to Beitou, the two were captured again the next day at the Wugu evening market in Taipei. In the photo, Ting Fung and Janine Chang were buying food in the market, and they were friendly with the people and chatting with the market boss.