This year marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Liu Shaoqi.On November 24, Hunan Province held a symposium to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Comrade Liu Shaoqi's birth. He deeply remembered Comrade Liu Shaoqi's immortal feats for the party and the people, and recalled and learned from Comrade Liu Shaoqi's lofty demeanor and revolutionary spirit.

At the symposium, Liu Yuan, son of Comrade Liu Shaoqi, deputy director of the National People's Congress Finance and Economics Committee, Hu Henghua, member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee, Zhuang Chao, director of the Party History Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee, and Zhou Hui, secretary of the Ningxiang Municipal Party Committee, made speeches from different perspectivesIt commemorates Comrade Liu Shaoqi's great achievements and noble demeanor, and expresses the admiration and nostalgia of the people in his hometown for Comrade Liu Shaoqi.

The following is the full text of Liu Yuan's speech:

Life for the revolution, death for the cause of communism Liu Yuan, son of Comrade Liu Shaoqi, vice chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress

On behalf of the relatives of Comrade Liu Shaoqi, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, the Changsha Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and the Ningxiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for the series of careful arrangements made to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Comrade Liu Shaoqi’s birth.

Over the past few days, from the central government to local governments, from Beijing to Changsha, we have commemorated, remembered, and cherished the glorious life of Comrade Liu Shaoqi.As a descendant, I can never forget my father's lofty spiritual demeanor of serving the revolution all his life and dying for the cause of communism.

Among them, there are two things that touched me the most: First, in January 1967, during the Cultural Revolution, at the moment when my father was wronged and in the most difficult situation, I still suggested to the Party Central Committee with a high sense of responsibility as a Communist Party member to end the crime as soon as possible.lsquo;Cultural Revolution rsquo; liberated veteran cadres, so that the country suffered less losses, and firmly believed that history was written by the people.

The second thing happened in April 1967. My father told us his will: You want to scatter my ashes in the sea. Like Engels, I want to watch the world realize communism.

On November 23, at the commemorative symposium held by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, even at the difficult time of lsquo;Cultural Revolution rsquo;, he still vowed lsquo; a revolutionist will live for the revolution and die for the cause of communism forever.No change rsquo;.

This time back to Hunan, on the expressway from Changsha to Huaminglou, a signboard was printed with the words of Shaoshan, the hometown of Mao Zedong, and Huaminglou, the hometown of Liu Shaoqi, and in the middle was a photo of the two great men standing side by side on the Tiananmen Gate.My father and Chairman Mao are both from Hunan, and their ancestral homes are only a hundred miles apart.

After the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1922, my father returned to Changsha to assist Comrade Mao Zedong in leading the revolutionary movement in the Hunan area. After the two revolutionaries met for the first time in Qingshuitang, Changsha, they started a cooperative struggle that lasted for more than 40 years.Together they have made great contributions to the cause of Chinese revolution and construction.

My father was the earliest advocate of Mao Zedong Thought. At the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my father made a complete summary and systematic exposition of Mao Zedong Thought in his report on revising the Party Constitution.The establishment of Mao Zedong Thought is a great contribution of my father.As a child of Huxiang, I was greatly shocked when I saw this scene. I was deeply moved by the people in my hometown paying tribute to the older generation of revolutionaries in this way.

Today, we are here to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Comrade Liu Shaoqi's birth, and to review his father's glorious life is to sum up historical experience and keep in mind historical lessons.Lessons are more precious than experience. We must learn deeply, maintain democratic centralism, strengthen and maintain unity within the party, and never let historical tragedies repeat themselves.

That's all I'm going to say, thank you again for all the work the people in my hometown have done to commemorate the 120th anniversary of my father's birth.