On November 14, 2018, it was learned from the Shayang Public Security Bureau of Hubei Province that the bureau had cracked a series of criminal cases of extortion and extortion of leading cadres.

According to Liu Weijun, director of the Office of the Shayang Public Security Bureau, Peng searched the Internet for information on leading cadres in government, enterprises, universities, etc., synthesized pornographic photos of women and girls through Photoshop technology, and then sent them to leading cadres together with extortion letters for extortion.

According to reports, after investigation, it was found that Peng sent a total of more than 300 letters, and has successfully blackmailed 10 cases, receiving 1.302 million yuan in transfer funds.The victims verified by the police are 1 person at the deputy department level, 7 people at the director level, and 2 people at the deputy department level. There is still a large amount of case evidence that requires further investigation and evidence collection by the police.

The police arrested the suspect Peng Mou (middle) in Shenzhen

It is learned from the Shayang Public Security Bureau that the series of extortion cases originated from anonymous letters received by two department-level cadres of a certain unit in Shayang County.In May and June of this year, department-level leading cadres Wang and Liu, who worked in the county's unit, received an anonymous letter respectively.

According to Liu Weijun, the letters are ordinary registered letters, and the postmark addresses are from the Fusha Post Office in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, and the Meiyuan Post Office in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.Each of the two letters contains a letter printed on A4 paper and contains two photos.One photo was a pornographic photo of the same leading cadre who had never seen a woman, and the other photo contained USB flash drives, magnetic disks, etc.

The letter said, I am a private detective, and I have been entrusted to catch you.As long as you remit 170,000 yuan to the designated account within a few days after reading the letter, after the money arrives, I promise to deliver all the video tapes, CDs, and audio tapes to you in person.

If you don't send money, you will be reported in two ways.One is to write a letter of report to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Procuratorate or even the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and attach all the evidence; the other is to post all your corruption stories on the Internet so that the general public can see how you are an officialYou know, it will be hard for you not to become an Internet celebrity by then.

Immediately afterwards, Wang and Liu successively handed over the letters to the local discipline inspection commission, asking the discipline inspection department to verify and refute the rumors.On June 6 this year, the Commission for Discipline Inspection determined that the letter was a letter of extortion and transferred it to the Shayang Public Security Bureau.The police interrogated Wang and Liu, and both of them denied the contents of the letter.The Bureau was immediately under investigation.

Liu Weijun said that the police screened the above two letters and found that the handwriting was different, and there was no name or address of the sender.The police went to post offices in Wuhan and Guangdong to investigate the surveillance video, but did not obtain any valid information.After investigating the remittance account in the letter, the police found that the owner of the bank account was named Xie Qingguo, and his activities were determined to be in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, and Heze City, Shandong Province.On June 28, the police found Xie Qingguo in Heze, Shandong, but he did not know that someone else used his ID card information to open a bank account.

On July 5, another 2 department-level leading cadres from a bureau in Shayang reported the case and received similar extortion letters.The police checked the handwriting and found that the letters had similar handwriting and the same content, but the bank account numbers were different.Immediately, the police combined the case for investigation, investigated the remittance bank account number in the letter, and checked the flow of funds.

On the afternoon of August 3, the Heshuikou Sub-branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province appeared the transaction information of the remittance bank account in the letter.Police from the Shayang Public Security Bureau immediately rushed to Shenzhen to obtain bank video surveillance.

Liu Weijun said that the criminal suspect has strong anti-investigation capabilities, and entered the bank's video surveillance area in disguise, wearing a peaked cap and a mask.The police retrieved videos along the way, and used video research and analysis to track the suspect's trajectory, lock the suspect vehicle, and find out the suspect Peng.

According to the police investigation, Peng Mou, 40 years old, from Loudi City, Hunan Province, is a driver of a Shenzhen Technology Co., Ltd.With the assistance of the company, the police arrested Peng and found a number of bank cards involved in the case, stacks of blank envelopes, peaked caps, masks and other items from his vehicle.

At Peng’s home in Shuangfeng County, Loudi City, Hunan Province, the police also searched and found multiple bank cards, 36 unsent letters with their addresses written, and photo paper.

According to Peng’s confession, in 2012, he had no intention of listening to other people’s speeches in a karaoke hall. He collected photos of leaders on the Internet and PS them into pornographic photos.ten thousand yuan.

Peng, who owed foreign debts at the time, decided to blackmail after hearing this.Liu Weijun said that Peng searched the Internet to collect information on leaders of governments, central enterprises, and universities across the country, posted the collected images on pornographic photos, fabricated samples of extortion letters, and delivered them widely.

The Shayang police found two 2G USB flash drives from Peng’s residence in Shenzhen. After technical processing, the recovered data showed that Peng had collected more than 300 pieces of information on leading cadres from various places on the Internet, and more than 300 pornographic photos of leading cadres had been uploaded successfully..

Liu Weijun said that according to the current investigation progress of the case, this series of extortion cases is only one person, and no other persons involved have been found yet.

He said that Peng cast a wide net, and the leading cadres suspected of extortion included all parts of the country, and they were not concentrated in any area. Regarding the 10 leading cadres who have been successfully blackmailed, it is inconvenient to disclose relevant information.