On November 13, according to Tianjin media reports, for a period of time, the democratic life meetings held by some party organizations in Tianjin have become outrageous.

The report discloses: There is a democratic life meeting of the party committee of some units., How to implement the deployment of the Municipal Party Committee, and how to purify the political ecology.There was also a democratic life meeting of the party committee of a certain unit, and there was a scene of laughter.

This is not the first time Tianjin has criticized the ineffectiveness of eliminating Huang Xingguo's bad influence. Many units and individuals have been notified before.Among them, the most typical one is Wang Jiandong, former party secretary and chairman of Tianjin Northern International Trust Co., Ltd.

In June last year, Wang Jiandong was removed from office.In the municipal party committee's briefing, it specifically mentioned its perfunctory behavior in the work of eliminating Huang Xingguo.

(Wang Jiandong) Not paying enough attention to the important deployment of the municipal party committee to eliminate Huang Xingguo's bad influence and further purify the political ecology, and the promotion and implementation were not effective. After receiving the municipal party committee documents, they were simply circled and archived, and this work was not deployed according to the municipal party committee's requirements.The notification said.

In September this year, Wang Jiandong was prosecuted on suspicion of accepting bribes and corruption.

Tianjin kicked off the eradication of Huang Xingguo's bad influence, starting in February last year.In the same month, the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee adopted the working opinions on eliminating the bad influence of Huang Xingguo and further purifying the political ecology.

In April last year, the tenth Tianjin Municipal Party Committee conducted its seventeenth round of inspections.The inspection found that: Some party organizations are not politically sensitive, have insufficient understanding of eliminating Huang Xingguo's bad influence, purify the political ecology, and have gaps in action. Circle culture and good-heartedness still exist to a certain extent.

In August last year, the first round of inspections of the 11th Tianjin Municipal Party Committee carried out special inspections on the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Planning Bureau and other units.Afterwards, 5 units entered the list, and they were notified of their ineffectiveness in eliminating Huang Xingguo's bad influence.

According to the inspection feedback, the Tianjin Municipal Planning Bureau responded passively to the work of eliminating Huang Xingguo's bad influence;Ecology is not taken seriously; Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises launched a special campaign to eliminate Huang Xingguo’s bad influence, purify political ecology, and deal with inaction and non-responsibility.Ecological work is not implemented, and there is a circle of cultural soil.

In addition to the above-mentioned units, the inspection team of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee also found that many units were not serious about eliminating Huang Xingguo's bad influence, restoring the political ecology, and leading cadres' democratic life would not be serious and go through the motions.

According to news at the beginning of this year, the municipal party committee ordered 29 party committees (party groups) to reconvene the annual democratic life meeting and 20 party committees (party group) to reconvene the special democratic life meeting.

In November last year, the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee held a symposium on the purification of political ecology, sounding the alarm for the clean-up work.

The meeting stated that those who did not pay enough attention to the work of purging Huang Xingguo's bad influence, purifying the political ecology, ineffective implementation, ineffective results, discounts, or making changes will be resolutely criticized in a circular..