Original title: After the Julu County Party Committee Secretary Meeting, the surprise organization of the participants' examinations, some people were surprised and some were stunned

On October 26, just after the end of the Xingtai City Propaganda and Ideological Work Video Conference, Sun Baoxiang, Secretary of the Julu County Party Committee, conducted a test on the participants in the county branch venue: asked the city leaders how many times Julu was mentioned in the meeting.Some people were stunned, some were surprised, some did it with a swipe of a pen, some were embarrassed and thought hard, some thought it was a fuss, and some said that the secretary regarded himself and his comrades as teachers and students.

In fact, this is not the first exam organized by the secretary after the meeting. If comrades cannot pay attention and think about it, it may not be the last.

Analyzing the content of the examination questions after the secretary meeting is nothing more than the work arrangement and deployment of the superior leaders, the main data related to the work of the county, the policies and measures issued by the county, and the characteristic highlights of the county.

From the content of these examinations, it is not difficult to see the secretary's concern and thinking about the work of the county. It is not difficult to see that this is not a whim.Comrades can use their hearts no matter what work they do.

The test is the disciplinary style of comrades.Participating in a meeting is also work, not just sitting and resting. You need to be able to listen and remember clearly, so that you can see the problem accurately and think through it when you go back, so that you can implement the spirit of the meeting in place.

The test is the execution ability of comrades.The policies of the county have been determined and the measures have been introduced. Whether the comrades grasp it is directly related to the effectiveness of the work.If you don't know, don't understand, how to talk about execution, how to talk about implementation.

The test is the research and judgment ability of comrades.The test data is to let comrades learn to analyze, learn to think, and learn to compare, to see what progress has been made vertically compared with Julu, and where horizontally compared to Julu.Take an objective look at Julu’s strengths and weaknesses, and have a sense of shame and urgency for the backward work. After knowing the shame, you will be brave enough to catch up; you will have a sense of honor and pride for the advanced work, boost your confidence, and make persistent efforts.

The test is the pattern of comrades.It is necessary to consider the work of the unit and the system from the perspective of the overall situation of the county.It is necessary to understand the work progress of each unit and industry in the county, so that the bottom line is clear and the direction is clear, and mutual complements and support are promoted to promote the overall work of Julu to a higher level.

From this point of view, the secretary's organization of the exam is not just a formality and meaningless, but a great significance and well-intentioned.The leaders and comrades of all units have thought of this, and they have long insisted on such good manners, good execution, good thinking habits, and a good overall view. Will the secretary still organize exams...