Early North Kanji

Singapore is very lively this year.Since the middle of the year, this equatorial island country has welcomed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, US President Trump, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and other international political stars.Entering November, Singapore will usher in a new wave of distinguished and rare visitors.

In mid-November, leaders of the 10 ASEAN countries attending the 33rd ASEAN Summit and the 13th East Asia Summit, as well as Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, Japanese Prime Minister Abe, and Russian President Vladimir Putin will all gather in Singapore.This is also the first time that Putin has set foot in the Lion City, which naturally attracts much attention.

Before that, there are two other rare visitors who will come to the local area next week.They are Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The two came to participate in the first Innovation Economy Forum hosted by Bloomberg. Wang Qishan will deliver a keynote speech on the morning of the 6th.

This is Wang Qishan's third visit abroad after he became the vice president of China. It is also the first time he has given a speech on an international high-end platform this year.Overseas media dramatized that Wang Qishan finally went to Singapore to fight the fire.

In fact, the forum was originally planned to be held in Beijing next week.The New York Times quoted an anonymous source in August as saying that due to the collision between the forum and China’s first import expo and the intensification of the Sino-US trade war, China proposed to postpone the event, so Bloomberg moved the event to Singapore.From the background analysis of the forum consultant Kissinger, U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson, and Bloomberg founder Bloomberg himself, it is believed that next week’s innovation economy forum will be an event dominated by moderate American elites toward China.party.

In terms of attitudes towards China, the ultimate goals of the American business community and hawkish politicians and soldiers are quite different.Although Wall Street does not object to President Trump’s pressure on China, their goal is to force China’s door to open wider so that the business community can enter the Chinese market for profit. The business community has never planned to leave and cannot do without the Chinese market and itsThe interests of the market; on the contrary, the hawkish politicians in the United States seek to isolate China by means of the Cold War, even at the expense of abandoning the international order established by the United States.

The political and business elites gathered at the forum next week obviously belong to the former.However, do these moderate former politicians still have influence on the Trump administration?The answer should be no.So far, Trump has adopted a trade war of attrition against China, including continuing to show a tough stance to demand unilateral concessions from China, boycotting the Shanghai International Import Expo, and so on.

At the same time, the pressure of the trade war on China is becoming more and more obvious. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China held a meeting this Wednesday and admitted that the current economic operation is stable and there are changes, the downward pressure on the economy has increased, and some enterprises have more difficulties in operating; The leader of the national president chaired a symposium on private enterprises yesterday and also bluntly stated that the uncertainty of my country's economic development has increased significantly, and the downward pressure has increased.

The Politburo meeting on Wednesday also stated that China's external environment has undergone profound changes, which is different from what was said at the Politburo meeting on July 31, which said that the external environment has undergone significant changes.All this clearly shows that China's top leaders are indeed worried about the economic outlook, and they also realize that the trade war and the containment situation of the United States will not stop for a while.

Under the pressure of public opinion questioning the advancement of the state and the retreat of the private sector, the leaders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China endorsed private enterprises in a high-profile manner yesterday, emphasizing that the private economy can only grow, not weaken private enterprises and private entrepreneurs are our own people.

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China also announced three priorities for economic development on Wednesday: helping private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises; stimulating market vitality and maintaining the long-term healthy development of the stock market; actively and effectively utilizing foreign capital to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of foreign companies in China.

These signals reassure private enterprises and foreign enterprises, and are closer to the original intention of China's reform and opening up.At a time when uncertainty is rising, the authorities' adoption of specific measures for market-oriented reforms will be more helpful in combating the pressure of the trade war than negotiating with the United States.

As for Wang Qishan's speech in Singapore next week, is it a firefight?Judging from the composition of the audience of the Bloomberg Forum next week, this forum is not an informal Sino-US dialogue, and Wang Qishan probably will not steal the limelight of the Shanghai International Import Expo in Singapore.

Wang Qishan's talk about the Sino-US trade war will of course attract everyone's ears to listen, but what people want to hear more is his explanation of China's specific measures to implement reforms.Let people be able to believe that the government's so-called policy declaration of strengthening private enterprises is not just lip service, but can be implemented in practice.