From February to May 2018, the first round of inspections of the 19th Central Committee carried out regular inspections on 30 local and unit party organizations, and will conduct regular inspections on the provinces and regions involved in the first round of inspections in Shenyang, Dalian, Harbin, Nanjing, Xiamen,The main responsible persons of the party committees and standing committees of the people's congresses, governments, and CPPCC party groups of 10 sub-provincial cities including Jinan, Qingdao, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Chengdu were also included in the inspection scope.


Recently, the official website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has released the inspection and rectification reports of these 30 inspection points.Among the 30 inspection and rectification reports, 27 tigers were named.

Fujian named Su Shulin and Xu Gang

The Fujian Provincial Party Committee stated that regarding the problems of implementing the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, we will carry out in-depth warning education on anti-corruption and upholding integrity.Include the special study and education of case interpretation as an important content of the theoretical study center group of party committees (party groups) at all levels in the province.Analyze the data of Su Shulin and Xu Gang's violations of discipline and law, hold a warning education conference for leading cadres across the province, learn profound lessons from it, and always tighten the line of defense against anti-corrosion and anti-change.

Heilongjiang: In-depth investigation against Tian Han, Sui and Han Gai

As of this year, Tian Fengshan, the former governor of Heilongjiang, and Han Guizhi, the former chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, have both been sacked for 14 years., Tian Han was mentioned again in Heilongjiang's inspection and rectification report.

Regarding the problem pointed out by the central inspection team to focus on solving the problem that the main responsibility is not fulfilled, the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee proposed: a special democratic life meeting was held for the inspection and rectification of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.Han Xuejian, Gai Ruyin) and other corruption cases were thoroughly investigated, deeply reflected, and criticism and self-criticism were carried out.

Regarding the problem pointed out by the central inspection team to focus on solving the problem of strengthening political ecology, the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee once again proposed: to strengthen the construction of a clean and positive political ecology, deeply learn the lessons of corruption cases such as Tian Han, Sui, and Han Gai, and strictly enforce the party's political discipline and rules, and resolutely investigate and deal with seven existing problems.

The Harbin Municipal Party Committee also mentioned Gai Ruyin in the rectification report.

Efforts were made to solve the problem of incomplete elimination of the bad influence of Gai Ruyin, the former secretary of the Harbin Municipal Party Committee.Ruyin case has a bad impact, every member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee comprehensively examines their own problems and deficiencies in combination with their thinking and work practice, deeply analyzes the essence of Gai Ruyin case, conducts in-depth analysis of party spirit, and seriously conducts criticism and self-criticism.

Jiangsu: Name Zhao Shaolin, Li Yunfeng, Yang and Ji

The Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee named Zhao Shaolin, Li Yunfeng, Yang Weize, and Ji Jianye in the inspection and rectification report.

Regarding the issue of insufficient warnings and education on corruption cases that have been investigated and dealt with, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee mentioned that the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee organized various party branches to organize life meetings to eliminate the bad influence of Zhao Shaolin and Li Yunfeng, and promote party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, strictly abide by discipline and rules, and always do their best.To be loyal, clean and responsible.The Nanjing Municipal Party Committee used the confessions of Yang and Ji as a negative teaching material to print and distribute the city leaders and cadres in charge of the city, and incorporated the further elimination of Yang and Ji's bad influence into the five-year inspection plan, and organized a special inspection to thoroughly clean up the relevant information and materials of Yang and Ji.Held a special democratic life meeting due to the bad influence of the season and season.

Nanjing Municipal Party Committee once again mentioned Yang and Ji in the inspection and rectification report.

In response to the lack of political acumen of the Municipal Party Committee, the deployment was not timely arranged, and the implementation was not in place, and some measures were mere formalities.Carrying out warning education is not in-depth. Some party members and cadres one-sidedly believe that eliminating the bad influence of "Yang and Ji" has little to do with them, and some even think that "making a big deal out of a molehill" is a problem. The Nanjing Municipal Party Committee said that it has adopted four rectification measures.

First, it emphasizes that party organizations at all levels in the city must deeply understand the serious and bad impact of Yang and Ji's case on all aspects of Nanjing's development from a political perspective, and earnestly shoulder the political responsibility to eliminate Yang and Ji's bad influence.The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee made a special study, issued a work plan to further eliminate the bad influence of Yang and Ji, and clarified 7 work measures.Zhang Jinghua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, called on the special mobilization and deployment meeting held on August 15th to demand that the whole city must improve its political stance, and take the elimination of the bad influence of Yang and Ji as a serious political task.This requirement must be resolutely eliminated by drawing a clear line of thinking, correcting deviations in work, and completely eliminating influence.Continue to carry out warning education to eliminate the bad influence of Yang and Ji, and focus on strengthening rectification in the aspects of breaking the circle culture, strengthening power constraints, and building a new type of political and business relationship that is friendly to the Qing, so that the majority of party members and cadres are truly baptized and purified.

Second, on the afternoon of August 25, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a special democratic life meeting to eliminate the bad influence of Yang and Ji, in-depth study and discussion, careful analysis, solid criticism and self-criticism, and clarified the direction of rectification based on inspection feedback.The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal Government, the Party Group of the CPPCC, and all departments of the Municipal Committee held a special democratic life meeting before September 3 to conduct comparative inspections, learn from one example, conduct comprehensive investigations, and make long-term rectifications, resolutely and completely eliminate the bad influence of Yang and Ji.

Third, systematically analyze the specific manifestations of Yang and Ji's bad influence in terms of economic and social development and comprehensive and strict party governance, and carry out systematic rectification.Pilot the construction of a political ecology evaluation system, explore the comprehensive use of information methods such as responsibility performance record platforms, assist in monitoring and early warning, grasp the political and ecological conditions of the city as a whole, and completely eliminate the bad influence of Yang and Ji.

Fourth, the elimination of the bad influence of Yang and Ji was included in the scope of the sixth round of inspection and supervision of the Municipal Party Committee, and in-depth inspections were carried out on 12 inspected party organizations to promote immediate and comprehensive rectification of problems found.Since the seventh round of inspections, the elimination of Yang and Ji's bad influences has been included in the list of key tasks, continuous inspection and supervision, and the work of eliminating Yang and Ji's bad influences has been extended to the grassroots.

Sichuan: The impact of Zhou Yongkang's poisoning is prominently manifested in five aspects

The inspection and rectification report of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee shows that the central inspection team pointed out that the thorough elimination of Zhou Yongkang's bad influence and the creation of a good political environment with a clean and upright political environment are not enough to continue to deepen the problem.Tighten at the front and loosen at the end, and treat both symptoms and root causes of insufficient force.

In this regard, the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee held a mobilization meeting in Sichuan Province to implement the feedback from the central inspection team. Peng Qinghua, secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, pointed out that Zhou Yongkang's influence in Sichuan was manifested in five aspects, namely, forming gangs and forming cliques;Lose ideals and beliefs, be a double-faced person; trample on the principle of the party's management of cadres, corrupt the ethos of the cadres; use power to engage in power-money transactions and benefit transfers; corrupt family traditions, and encourage relatives and children to use their power and lust for personal gain.

In order to deeply learn the lessons of the Zhou Yongkang case, Sichuan made the decision of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China to completely eliminate the influence of Zhou Yongkang's poison and continue to purify Sichuan's political ecology, comprehensively eradicate political pollution sources, and make every effort to create a clean political environment and a good development environment.

Chengdu was pointed out by the central inspection team as the problem of continuous deepening of education, and insufficient efforts to treat both symptoms and root causes.

The Chengdu Municipal Party Committee said: draw inferences from one instance and conduct in-depth investigations. During important meetings, important documents, and major deployments such as the municipal Party committee plenary session, rectification mobilization meeting, and special democratic life meeting, the serious harm of the Zhou Yongkang and Li Chuncheng cases was systematically analyzed, and the emphasis was placed on clarifying the comprehensive and thorough eradication ofThe importance of Zhou Yongkang and Li Chuncheng's bad influence, urged party organizations at all levels to carry out comparative self-examination, reflection and analysis in conjunction with special democratic life meetings, focusing on finding political deviations, and always tightening the string of political discipline and rules.

Hebei: Zhou Benshun, Liang Bin, Jing Chunhua, Zhang Yue, Yang Chongyong, Zhang Jiehui are on the list

The Hebei Provincial Party Committee named Zhou Benshun, Liang Bin, Jing Chunhua, Zhang Yue, Yang Chongyong, and Zhang Jiehui in the inspection and rectification report.

The Hebei Provincial Party Committee stated that in response to the feedback from the central inspection team that the provincial Party Committee had not thoroughly cleared up the bad influence of Zhou Benshun and others, the Hebei Provincial Party Committee held a provincial political warning education conference and comprehensively strictly governed the party and the implementation of rectification and reform based on the feedback from the central inspection team.At the meeting, Wang Dongfeng, Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, and Xu Qin, Governor of Hebei Province, held a symposium at the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission to strengthen comprehensive and strict governance of the party, deepen political warning education, and resolutely eliminate Zhou Benshun, Zhou Benshun,Yang Chongyong, Zhang Jiehui and others put forward requests for work related to their bad influence.

Beginning with the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, the special democratic life meeting for inspection and rectification was held layer by layer; the notice on thoroughly eliminating the bad influence of Zhou Benshun, Liang Bin, Jing Chunhua, Zhang Yue, Yang Chongyong, Zhang Jiehui, etc. and continuously purifying the political ecology was issued;Eliminate the bad influence of Zhou Benshun and others to further optimize the opinions of political ecology education, organize and hold a special meeting on the political ecology of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, carry out political warning education to look back, and comprehensively clean up the state-owned assets system.

At the same time, the political warning education conference of the province's political and legal system was held, and the theme month activities of strengthening political discipline and eliminating bad influences were carried out.bad influence on people.

Liaoning: Eliminate Bo Xilai and Wang Min's bad influence again

The Liaoning Provincial Party Committee stated: In terms of eliminating the bad influence of Bo Xilai and Wang Min and restoring the political ecology, a special rectification plan will be formulated to resolutely eliminate the bad influence of Bo Xilai and Wang Min in politics, ideology, discipline, work style, and workInfluence, and seriously investigate and deal with the problems of unruly, falsifying, and forming cliques.Party committees (leadership groups) at and above the county level in the whole province have deeply learned the lessons of Bo Xilai and Wang Min's serious violations of discipline as an important content of the inspection and rectification special democratic life meeting, strengthened political warning education, and used the case as a lesson to keep the alarm bell ringing.Party committees (party groups) at all levels focused on studying the important expositions of adhering to democratic centralism and maintaining the authority of the Party Central Committee and the centralized and unified leadership relationship, combined with eliminating the bad influence of Bo Xilai and Wang Min, and held a special study meeting for the theoretical study center group.

Shenyang was pointed out by the central inspection team that more efforts should be made to eliminate the bad influence of Wang Min and Liaoning's systematic canvassing and bribery cases.

The Shenyang Municipal Party Committee stated that it carried out special rectification actions, formulated an implementation plan for the application of the results of the special report on the political ecology of Liaoning Province in Shenyang City, carried out special rectifications to eliminate the bad influence of Bo Xilai and Wang Min, and guided leading cadres at all levels to strictly abide by political discipline and rules.The Theoretical Study Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee conducted special study, and all 23,097 grassroots party branches in the city held special organization and life meetings.

The Dalian Municipal Party Committee stated that in terms of eliminating the bad influence of Bo Xilai, it will vigorously carry out special rectification; party organizations at all levels in the city will hold special organization life meetings around eliminating the bad influence of Bo Xilai and Wang Min to further clean up the bad influence;The impact was included in the special edition of the city's anti-corruption warning education base as an important section of warning education explanations.

Guangdong: Looking back on the cases involving Li Jia and Wan Qingliang

Guangdong was pointed out by the central inspection team as the problem of incomplete elimination of the bad influence of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang.

The Guangdong Provincial Party Committee said: On July 24, it issued a notice to specially deploy the special democratic life meeting for inspection and rectification and comprehensive elimination of the bad influence of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang, requiring party committees (party groups) at and above the county level in the province to hold a special meeting before the end of AugustDemocratic life.

On August 17, the leading group of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee held a special democratic life meeting for inspection and rectification. It made it an important content of the special democratic life meeting to resolutely and completely eliminate the bad influence of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang, and deeply learned the lessons of Zeng Zhiquan's serious violation of discipline and law., Members of the leadership team of the Provincial Party Committee conducted in-depth investigations and analysis one by one, carried out serious criticism and self-criticism, and solved existing problems by drawing inferences from one instance.Comrade Li Xi conducted a comparative inspection on behalf of the leading group of the Provincial Party Committee, carefully investigated the existing problems around the inspection feedback, deeply analyzed the causes from the aspects of political position, responsibility implementation, style guarantee, political and cultural construction, management supervision, etc., and put forward 7 aspects, 24 specific rectification measures.The comrades of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee made personal comparison and inspection speeches one by one, combined with the actual situation of thinking, work and life to investigate and solve problems, deeply analyzed the reasons, and clarified the rectification measures.

At the same time, review the handling of cadres at the provincial level and below involved in the cases of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang.

The Guangdong Provincial Party Committee emphasized in the report: Strictly implement the five musts, seriously investigate and deal with the seven existing ones, resolutely and comprehensively eliminate the bad influence of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang, never allow political conspiracy and endanger the authority of the Party Central Committee;Cliques, gangs, circle culture, wharf culture; political and business collusion is never allowed to form interest groups.

The Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee stated in the rectification report that for the problem of not timely and thoroughly eliminating the bad influences of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang, the party organizations of units above the division level in the city held inspections and rectifications and a special democratic life meeting for comprehensively and thoroughly eliminating the bad influences of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang, From the six aspects of whether there is the bad influence of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang, whether there is good-naturedness and non-self-interested thinking, and whether there is a violation of the spirit of the eight central regulations, analyze the reasons in depth, and propose rectification measures;Thoroughly eliminate the bad influence of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang as an important part of the discipline education and learning month activities, hold a warning education meeting to resolutely and completely eliminate the bad influence of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang, make and play special warning films, and hold the original clean-up-Guangzhou CityResolutely and comprehensively eliminated the warning exhibition of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang's bad influence, and organized more than 20,000 party members and cadres to visit.

Shandong: Thoroughly eliminate the bad influence of Sun Zhengcai, Ling Jihua, Wang Min, and Yang Luyu

The Shandong Provincial Party Committee stated that it will take the complete elimination of Sun Zhengcai and Ling Jihua's bad influence as two specific actions for maintenance, dig deep into the clues of the problems reported by the central inspection, and make comprehensive efforts to eliminate Sun Zhengcai and Ling Jihua's poisonous work on the basis of careful analysis and research.Specific arrangements, resolutely eliminate political hidden dangers in politics, ideology, organization, discipline, and work style, remove the source of pollution, and create politically clear water and lush mountains.Liu Jiayi, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, put forward strict and clear requirements, urging leading cadres at all levels to take the lead in cleaning up, take the initiative to clean up, and focus on cleaning up from the depths of their thoughts, resolutely overcome problems that have nothing to do with themselves, pass by, and avoid major issues, and truly use actions to make a good political environment within the partyForest keeper.

At the same time, party committees at the provincial, city, and county levels, as well as party groups (party committees) of various departments and units held special democratic life meetings for leading groups, carefully investigated and analyzed, and further recognized the bad influence and serious political harm of Sun Zhengcai and Ling Jihua, as well as their dual nature,Concealment and deception, focus on political purges, conduct all-round investigations and cleanups, and ensure that the purges are in place.Adhere to both breaking and establishing, not only tracing the root cause, clarifying fallacies, but also focusing on rectifying the source, eliminating evil and strengthening the righteous, setting up correct thinking, good style of work, good orientation, and positive models, resolutely and thoroughly eliminating negative influences, and promoting the formation of a good political ecology.

The Jinan Municipal Committee named Ling Jihua, Sun Zhengcai, Wang Min, and Yang Luyu.

Thoroughly wipe out the bad influence of Sun Zhengcai and Ling Jihua.The first is to effectively improve political standing.Sun Zhengcai and Ling Jihua are a combination of political deterioration, economic greed, and life corruption. They are typical corrupt elements who have not restrained themselves after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.What they have done has completely deviated from the nature and purpose of the party, seriously damaged the image of the party, caused great losses to the cause of the party and the country, and brought serious damage to Shandong's political ecology. The impact is extremely bad, and the lessons are extremely profound..On August 21, the Municipal Party Committee held a meeting of the Standing Committee to study the relevant decisions of the Provincial Party Committee on a special topic. Compared with the bad influences of Sun Zhengcai and Ling Jihua in seven aspects, they had a deep understanding of the true face and serious harm of Sun Zhengcai and Ling Jihua.political position.The Municipal Party Committee will Xinhua News Agency, the People'sArticles published by newspapers and other media about the elimination of Sun Zhengcai and the bad influence of Ling Jihua were compiled into volumes and distributed to district, county and municipal departments. All party members and cadres were organized to study and understand carefully, and effectively unify their thoughts on the central decision-making deployment and the work requirements of the provincial party committee..All districts and counties, municipal departments, and some central and provincial units stationed in the economy held a special democratic life meeting for inspection and rectification. The thorough elimination of Sun Zhengcai and the bad influence of Ling Jihua was an important content, deeply analyzed the root cause of the problem, and strengthened the implementation of rectification.The second is to do a good job in the clean-up work.Organize leading cadres at all levels to conduct a comprehensive review of behavior, not only to clear words, but also to clear actions; not only political thoughts must be cleared, but work, work style, and discipline must also be cleared.Combining solving specific problems with solving general problems, solving current problems and solving long-term problems, focusing on solving problems from the source and fundamentally, ensuring that no dead ends, no gaps, and no blind spots are left.

Thoroughly eradicate the bad influence of Wang Min and Yang Luyu.Wang Min and Yang Luyu ignored the party's political discipline and rules, were disloyal and dishonest to the party, played double-faced, acted double-faced, and alienated from the party central committee, causing bad political influence and seriously damaging Jinan's political ecology.The Municipal Party Committee clearly stated that the thorough elimination of Sun Zhengcai and the bad influence of Ling Jihua should be closely combined with the thorough elimination of the bad influences of Wang Min and Yang Luyu, and the strict implementation of the political life system within the party, the active promotion of inner-party democracy, and the strict implementation of disciplines in the selection and appointment of personnel, etc.clearly stipulated.Eliminate bad influences on the political ecology, resolutely eliminate the circle culture, wharf culture, and good relatives and close friends formed by Wang Min and Yang Luyu in Jinan;Eliminate bad influences in terms of rules, and resolutely put an end to problems of disobeying discipline and losing contact with organizations; eliminate bad influences in terms of approval and use of power, and resolutely eliminate problems of unauthorized use, abuse of power, and abuse of power in the fields of land, housing, construction, and planning.

The Qingdao Municipal Party Committee resolutely eliminated the evil influence of Sun Zhengcai and Ling Jihua, resolutely fulfilled the five musts, put an end to the seven existing ones, severely investigated and dealt with double-faced people and double-faced people, achieved absolute loyalty to the party, and truly became a politically sensible and honest person.people.