The scene of Meng Hongwei's wife Grace middot; Meng holding a press conference in Lyon, France on October 7.(AFP)

(Washington/Hong Kong Composite News) Overseas media have recently reported on the identity and experience of the wife of Meng Hongwei, the former chairman of Interpol and the vice minister of the Ministry of Public Security of China, claiming that her mistress was a high-ranking mistress and lived a luxurious life.Annual salary of more than 5 million yuan (RMB, the same below, 1 million Singapore dollars).

Meng Hongwei disappeared after returning to China at the end of September. His wife Grace middot; Meng (transliteration, Grace Meng) reported the incident to the French police and even accepted interviews with international media in a faceless manner, forcing Chinese officials to hastily announce that Meng Hongwei was investigated for corruption.But Grace Meng, who has always kept her secret to the outside world, strongly denies that her husband is involved in corruption.

The Prism News Chinese website, a Twitter account registered in Washington, USA, quoted sources and Twitter netizens on Wednesday (10th) and Friday (12th) respectively, and reported that Grace middot;Meng Hongwei is 19 years younger. The two quickly lived together after meeting in 2004, and re-established a family in 2005 after they divorced.

According to reports, after Gao Ge remarried, with the help of Meng Hongwei's power, she became the busiest wife in history, which netizens jokingly called: within 10 years, she obtained three doctoral and master's degrees in different majors, gave birth to a pair of twins during her doctoral dissertation defense, and held multiple positions at the same time.Directors and executives of large domestic and foreign enterprise groups.

According to reports, Gao Ge has never shown up in the workplace, but in 2016 alone, her annual salary as a director of a bank in Beijing reached 420,000 yuan, and her second job in a Hong Kong company called Chaowei also earned 400,000 yuan a year.

The report also pointed out that Meng Hongwei bought several properties in the center of Beijing for Gao Ge, and was picked up by a nanny car when he came in and out, and he flew first class on the plane.After Gao Ge took medicine and gave birth to a pair of twins, the mother and child were sent to France to live in a large villa, to study in an international school, and to hire drivers and nanny to take care of them.According to a rough estimate, Gao Ge's annual expenses are not less than 4 million yuan, which obviously cannot be maintained by Meng Hongwei whose monthly salary is less than 20,000 yuan.

The report also said that Gao Ge has always claimed to have graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University with a bachelor's degree, but in fact she only has a college degree. From 2004 to 2013, she obtained a master's degree in business administration, a master's degree in law and a doctorate in economics from Beijing University of International Business and Economics and a top university.Suspected of serious academic fraud.

None of the above reports can be confirmed at this time.Hong Kong Apple Daily searched the company register and found no connection between Hong Kong Chaowei and Gao Ge's registered company in Hong Kong.Apple Daily also pointed out that the background of the Prism News Chinese website that broke the news is mysterious, and the website displayed on its Twitter account cannot be logged in.

Some netizens also questioned that the so-called revelations were Chinese officials launching a public opinion war to denounce Meng Hongwei in order to strengthen the legitimacy of the investigation.