The 90-year-old former Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji (middle) appeared at Tsinghua University on the 11th of this month and took a group photo with successive deans.(Internet)

(Hong Kong/Taipei Comprehensive News) The Advisory Committee of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management held a meeting on the 11th of this month. Zhu Rongji, the 90-year-old former Chinese prime minister and the founding dean of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, made a rare appearance and took photos with previous deans.

Photos circulated on the Internet showed that Zhu Rongji was wearing a suit, smiling, and in good spirits, with the second dean, Professor Zhao Chunjun, supporting him tightly.

According to Sing Tao Daily, the last time Zhu Rongji made a public appearance was when he met with members of the Advisory Committee of Tsinghua School of Economics and Management after the closing of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Long-term persistence and continuous development.

Zhu Rongji is also the honorary chairman of the Advisory Committee of Tsingta University School of Economics and Management. The Advisory Committee has gathered Chinese and foreign business celebrities, including former US Treasury Secretary Paulson, Apple CEO Cook, Facebook founder and CEO Zuckerberg,Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, Terry Gou, president of Hon Hai Group, etc.

According to Taiwan's United News Network, when the Advisory Committee was held last year, the Chinese government had vigorously publicized that the leaders of the Chinese President met with overseas members of the Committee and members of Chinese entrepreneurs in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and held discussions, emphasizing that China will continue toPromote reform and development through opening up.

Zhu Rongji's last public appearance was in the afternoon of that day.Compared with last year, this year's advisory committee meeting was very low-key, and even the school did not release relevant news.

Xinhua News Agency reported on the 12th of this month that Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan met overseas members of the Advisory Committee of the Tsingta University School of Economics and Management and members of Chinese entrepreneurs in other members present.Wang Qishan is also one of the honorary members of the association.

The Washington Post previously reported that Cook visited China last week and attended the advisory board meeting.