In July this year, Shi Chenglong, former member of the party group and vice chairman of the CPPCC in Fengyang County, Anhui Province, paid attention to Ai Wenli, the former vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial CPPCC.Prior to this, the deputy department-level cadre and the deputy minister-level leader Ai Wenli did not have much intersection in their official careers.

At that time, Shi Chenglong saw the news of Ai Wenli's voluntary surrender on his mobile phone, and his heart was strongly shocked.Earlier, the Chuzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision received a report against Shi Chenglong and conducted a preliminary examination of the clues of the problem.The investigation team gradually approached the fact of violation of discipline, which made Shi Chenglong panic all day long and had trouble sleeping and eating.

According to what Shi Chenglong said, half a month later, the surrender of Wang Tie, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial People's Congress, completely became the last straw that overwhelmed his psychological defense. I think if I don't surrender, I may never have another chance.

On October 13, the China Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision News published a report introducing this example of continuous surrender and the logic behind it.Previously, the media mostly described this relationship in terms of chronological order.

The Paper noticed that the Chuzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection released the news of Shi Chenglong’s voluntary surrender on August 20, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission released the news of Ai Wenli’s surrender on July 31, and Wang Tie’s surrender.The news was on August 17th.In other words, within four days after Wang Tie's news was announced, Shi Chenglong made his choice.

China Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision News pointed out that Shi Chenglong seized the opportunity: After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with the leaders and comrades at the core has remained calm, sober, tenacious and persistent on the road, and has been promoting comprehensive strictness without stopping.Party governance has developed in depth.A series of hard-to-reach measures demonstrates our party's firm determination that the fight against corruption will not change course, and allows many discipline-breaking and law-breaking cadres who still have the illusion of avoiding crimes to gradually understand the situation and return to the correct path of believing in the organization and taking the initiative to explaincome up.

The report also introduced that on August 23, the Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision released the news that Chen Hongsheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Liangxi District Committee and executive deputy head of Wuxi City, had voluntarily surrendered.Within a week, two more party members and cadres in Wuxi City voluntarily surrendered.From department-level leading cadres to top leaders of enterprises to grassroots cadres, although the cases involved by these three people in Wuxi are not related, the reason that prompted them to surrender is the same.

A few days ago, after seeing the report of Chen Hongsheng voluntarily surrendering, I was greatly touched.As Su Hui, the former general manager of Wuxi Huishan Water Treatment Co., Ltd. said, my problems cannot be avoided. I must seize the opportunity and surrender as soon as possible to be freed!Four days later, on August 27, Su Hui voluntarily surrendered to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Huishan District.

In addition, according to the report, not long ago, Lin Mou, head of the Dongchen Station of the Xiangshan County Highway Management Section in Zhejiang Province, came to the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee and voluntarily surrendered.Seeing my colleagues being "picked out" one by one, I was very anxious... evading is not an option after all, and it is better to surrender to the crime than to be frightened.However, Lin's actions gave birth to a domino effect. In less than a month, Qian, the secretary of the Party branch of the county highway management section, and Weng, the chief of the engineering management section, surrendered to the county discipline inspection commission.

The Paper mentioned in a report by The Paper that recently, local discipline commissions and supervisory commissions have begun to attach vocabulary such as surrender and surrender to their notifications.

This list ranges from the provincial and ministerial level to the county level, including: Wang Shequn, former member of the Standing Committee of the Handan Municipal Party Committee and head of the United Front Work Department, who surrendered himself;Gang Zhentao, member and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress; Wang Tie, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial People's Congress who surrendered;Wang Daiquan, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Zhong Honggang, deputy director (director-level) of the Seventh Inspection and Investigation Office of the Wuhan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and others.