In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important instructions of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the work of Sichuan, deeply learn the lessons of Zhou Yongkang's serious violation of discipline and law, and thoroughly eliminate the influence of Zhou Yongkang's poison, recently, the provincial party committee issued a decision on thoroughly eliminating the influence of Zhou Yongkang's poison and continuously purifying the political ecology of Sichuan.(hereinafter referred to as the decision), put forward 17 measures from the five aspects of politics, ideology, organization, culture, and discipline, comprehensively eradicate political pollution sources, and make every effort to create a clean and positive political ecology and a good development environment.

The decision pointed out that we must always put the party's political construction in the first place, and resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with comrades in the leadership at the core.Strictly implement the provisions of the Provincial Party Committee on resolutely maintaining the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee. Any work advancement and innovation must be based on the implementation of the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment.It is not allowed to have policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom.

Always take resolutely achieving the two safeguards as the primary political discipline, focus on discovering and solving the seven existing problems, seriously investigate and deal with double-faced people who are not loyal to the party, dishonest, and double-faced people who violate the law.The phenomenon has no market in Sichuan.

Seriously implement the political life within the party, strictly implement certain guidelines for political life within the party under the new situation, earnestly strengthen the construction of democratic centralism, earnestly organize special democratic life meetings, focus on eliminating the influence of Zhou Yongkang's persecution, and deeply learn from Li Chuncheng, Guo Yongxiang, Li Chongxi,Li Chengyun and other serious violations of discipline and law have learned lessons, talked about harm, finding the root cause, and grasping rectification, resolutely preventing and overcoming the phenomenon of being harmonious and making good judgments.Unswervingly promote political inspections and inspections, establish a three-level inspection and inspection linkage supervision network at the provincial, city and county levels, and promote the extension of comprehensive and strict party governance to the grassroots.

The decision requires that ideological construction should be taken as a basic construction, and a spiritual foundation should be built with firm ideals and beliefs.Firmly arm the mind, guide practice, and promote work with the leaders of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristicsThe spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Promote the normalization and institutionalization of two learning and one doing learning and education, deepen big learning, big discussion, and big research activities, and continue to strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs.

Take the strengthening of the four self-confidences as the key to building a socialist ideology, adhere to the correct guidance of public opinion, and firmly grasp the leadership of ideological work.

The decision pointed out that it is necessary to fully implement the party's organizational line in the new era and focus on cultivating a team of high-quality cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible.Establish a correct orientation for selecting and employing people, put political standards first, highlight both ability and integrity, put morality first, and appoint people on their merits, and resolutely use cadres who are not politically competent or honest.Improve the implementation of policies and measures to encourage cadres to take on new roles in the new era, and support and encourage cadres who dare to take on a clear-cut stand.

Strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations, and build grass-roots organizations into strong fighting bastions for propagating the party's ideas, implementing the party's decisions, leading grass-roots governance, uniting and mobilizing the masses, and promoting reform and development.Persist in leading grassroots governance with party building, carry out in-depth demonstrations of grassroots governance, and purify and restore grassroots political ecology.

The decision requires cultural self-confidence to support political determination and build a healthy and upright political culture.Cultivate a positive and healthy political culture within the party, inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, carry out full-coverage political warning education, continue to strengthen the construction of political ethics, pay attention to the construction of family education and family style, and vigorously promote loyalty, honesty, fairness and decency, seeking truth from facts, and integrityand other values, and enhance the political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and corruption resistance of party members and cadres.

Further promote the simplification of administration and decentralization of power, refine the negative list of government-business exchanges, seriously investigate and deal with violations of discipline and law such as infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, collusion between officials and businessmen, and benefit transfer, and promote the establishment of a new type of friendly government-business relationship and create a favorable environment for development.

The decision emphasized that we must put the party's discipline and rules at the forefront, and strive to win an overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption.Maintain the high-pressure situation of punishing and combating corruption without relaxing, insist on no restricted areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance, insist on heavy containment, strong pressure, and long-term deterrence, insist on investigating both bribery and bribery, and continue to strengthen the atmosphere of not daring to stop.The clues to the Zhou Yongkang case found in the central inspection feedback and supervision and law enforcement will be dealt with seriously in accordance with discipline and law.

Keep an eye on the new manifestations and new variants of the Four Winds, resolutely investigate and deal with any discovery of violations of the Four Winds, and resolutely prevent the rebound of the Four Winds.

Take greater efforts to rectify formalism and bureaucracy, continue to deepen the special treatment of corruption and work style in the field of poverty alleviation, carry out in-depth special treatment of the one-card management of financial subsidy funds for the benefit of the people and farmers, further promote the special campaign against gangsters and evil, and continuously improve the people'sA sense of gain, happiness, and security.Strengthen daily supervision and management, implement the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, deepen the use of the four forms of supervision and discipline, catch the small ones early, and blame the small ones at every turn, so that biting ears and sleeves and sweating red faces become the norm.