As a public institution funded by the state finance, Tianjin Railway Vocational and Technical College has successively undertaken many training projects such as the Tibetan secondary vocational class, the Ministry of Railways high-speed rail training class, and the Beijing Railway Bureau high-speed rail training class.More than one million yuan was withheld from the food expenses of these training programs.Recently, Li Qunxian was finally sentenced to four years in prison.

Undertake various training courses and specifically withhold food expenses

The predecessor of Tianjin Railway Vocational and Technical College was Tianjin Railway Engineering School. The verdict shows that the school is a public institution funded by the state, whether it is before or after the name change.

Li Qunxian, formerly the dean of Tianjin Railway Vocational and Technical College, was born on October 25, 1954, Han nationality, a university graduate, and a member of the Communist Party of China.He was criminally detained on May 7, 2014 on suspicion of corruption, bribery, and a huge amount of property of unknown origin, and was arrested on May 23, 2014 on suspicion of corruption.

The trial of this case lasted four years. On July 24, 2017, the People's Court of Hongqiao District, Tianjin made a first-instance verdict.After the verdict was pronounced, the public prosecution organ Tianjin Hongqiao District People's Procuratorate filed a protest, and the defendant Li Qunxian also filed an appeal.The Tianjin No. 1 Intermediate People's Court conducted a second-instance trial. Judgment Documents Network recently announced the second-instance judgment. The second-instance sentence was changed to multiple crimes and punished. It was decided to implement a fixed-term imprisonment of four years and a fine of RMB 200,000.

The verdict shows that: In June 2011, the Railway Academy undertook the 14th phase of the professional and technical personnel training project of the Ministry of Commerce to assist the Tanzania-Zambia Railway, for which the Railway Academy signed a written training contract with China Earth Group.The contract stipulates that the accommodation, food and other related expenses standards for the trainees shall be implemented in accordance with the non-expenditure standards and financial management measures for foreign aid training courses held by the Ministry of Finance, and the food standard is 140 yuan per person per day.

But in the actual training process, Li Qun first implemented the standard of 70 yuan per person per day, and included the extra training expenses in the college's finances.

In November 2012, during the extended audit of the National Audit Office, the Trade Audit Bureau found that the Railway Academy lowered the standards and intercepted 978,300 yuan in food expenses and pocket expenses, and suggested recovering them according to law.After negotiation between the Railway Institute and Zhongtu Group, the two parties signed an agreement. In May 2013, the Railway Institute returned the intercepted food expenses and pocket expenses totaling 470,800 yuan.

The verdict also shows that it was the school's usual practice to withhold food expenses—from August 2010 to June 2012, the school successively undertook Tibet secondary vocational classes, Ministry of Railways high-speed rail training classes, Beijing RailwayDuring this period, Yang, the deputy director of the logistics department of the school, together with Shen, Zhao, and Han, took the method of lowering the food standard, withholding and privately dividing more than 850,000 yuan of food expenses, while Li Qunxian used his positionTaking care of Yang and others for convenience.

The outstanding principal committed the crime of accepting bribes and a huge amount of property of unknown origin

It can be found on the Internet that Li Qunxian was awarded the title of Outstanding Principal of Vocational Education in China when the First Outstanding Principal of Vocational Education in China was held in 2005.

But it is such an outstanding principal who was accused by the public prosecution agency: the defendant Li Qunxian, as a public servant in a state-owned institution, used the convenience of his position to embezzle public property in a huge amount;Huge; abuse of power, causing major losses to national interests; family property and expenditures obviously exceed legal income, the difference is huge, and should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of corruption, bribery, crime of abuse of power by personnel of state-owned institutions, and crime of unknown source of huge amounts of property.

The court found that Li Qun first took advantage of his position to accept bribes and take care of the client during the process of recruiting counselors and teachers in the school.

In addition, Zhu and Lu, former employees of the Railway Institute, registered and established Tiecheng Company. The company has been using the building of the Railway Institute as its business premises, but has not paid rent to the Institute.The public prosecution agency accused the company of bribing Li Qunxian many times in order to use the house of the Railway Academy for free.

However, after the trial, the court held that with regard to the fact that the training center, the adult education department, the recruitment and employment department, and the finance department paid labor fees, the defendant did not have the subjective intention of illegally occupying state-owned property, so it did not constitute a crime of corruption;Due to insufficient evidence, the public prosecution agency’s accusation of the fact of the business card cannot be established; the public prosecution agency accused Li Qunxian of taking advantage of his position to make Tiecheng Company use the house of the Railway Academy for free, and received 115,000 yuan in cash from Zhu several times;Li Qun first took advantage of his position to take care of Yang and others during the process of intercepting and privately dividing the food expenses by Yang and others, and received 88,000 yuan in cash from Yang for many times. Because the evidence has not yet reached the definite and sufficient standard,The allegations cannot be established.At the same time, the public prosecutor's accusation that Li Qunxian committed the crime of abuse of power by a member of a state-owned institution cannot be established because Li Qunxian's actions did not cause major losses to national interests.

In the end, Li Qun first committed the crime of accepting bribes and was sentenced to one year in prison and a fine of RMB 200,000.It was decided to implement a fixed-term imprisonment of four years and a fine of RMB 200,000.Li Qun was unable to explain the source of the property balance of 2.09 million yuan, which was recovered according to law.

(Originally titled "Outstanding Principal Focuses on Food Expenses and Withholds Millions to Deposit in a Small Treasury")