Fan Bingbing was fined 880 million yuan (RMB, the same below) by the Chinese taxation department today for tax evasion with yin and yang contracts.

The Beijing News reported that this major news surprised people.Some time ago, when people were actively fighting for the 5,000 yuan personal tax exemption, some high-income earners in some industries avoided huge tax amounts through yin and yang contracts, which greatly weakened the function of personal tax to adjust the gap between the rich and the poor and make up for the thin.

Therefore, while reducing the burden on low- and middle-income groups by revising the individual tax law, and at the same time strengthening tax collection and management for high-income groups, making individual tax more fair and equitable to regulate income should be two aspects of the reform coin.

The significance of the investigation and handling of Fan Moumou's tax evasion case through yin and yang contracts by the tax functional department this time is to implement the concept that tax management is also a tax policy while promoting system reform, and to increase legal constraints and regulatory rigidity through specific actions, so that individual taxIt has truly become an important tool to adjust the income gap and promote social fair development.

More importantly, while the relevant state departments are investigating and punishing taxpayers' tax evasion, the State Administration of Taxation has also launched an accountability procedure.The relevant persons in charge and relevant responsible personnel of the Sixth Sub-bureau and other competent tax authorities shall be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations.

In fact, strengthening tax supervision and promoting taxpayers to pay taxes according to law is an important duty of the tax department.If a major tax evasion case occurs within the jurisdiction of the tax department, if the tax department fails to carry out effective supervision in accordance with the law, it should also assume corresponding supervision responsibilities and should be dealt with accordingly.Only in this way can the country's taxation laws and regulations be implemented, and the original intention of the individual tax reform to reduce the low- and middle-income groups and strengthen the supervision of high-income groups can be realized.

It is precisely from the above point of view that the strengthening of individual tax supervision should not only show the sword to taxpayers, but also requires the taxation functional management department to supervise according to law, especially for relevant personnel who fail to perform their duties and do not act.The inaction of the assigned supervisory duties damages the national interests and the rights and interests of the people. The Ministry of Finance of Mainland China issued 900 million SGD bonds in Hong Kong

The Ministry of Finance of Mainland China announced that it will issue 4.5 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S$900 million) of treasury bonds through the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's debt instrument central settlement system, which will be tendered next Wednesday (10th) and delivered next Friday.receive.

According to a report by Radio Television Hong Kong, the 2020 national debt totaling 3 billion yuan has an annual interest rate of 3.65%, and the other 1.5 billion yuan 2023 national debt has an annual interest rate of 3.8%.

The Ministry of Finance appointed Bank of Communications Hong Kong Branch as the issuing and depositing agent, responsible for assisting the Ministry of Finance in handling the tendering of additional treasury bonds.