(Reporter Cui Xiankang, Shan Yuxiao) A screenshot of a document of the party group of the China Law Society has recently been circulated on social media, showing that Li Shichun, the director of the research department of the society, constituted a crime of dangerous driving. The prosecution decided not to prosecute because the circumstances of the crime were minor.In view of Li Shichun's serious violation of discipline, the party group of the China Law Society decided to suspend him from his post and accept organizational investigation.

People close to the China Law Society said the document was authentic.Li Shichun himself told the Caixin reporter: The judiciary has the most objective information, and I am only a party involved, so it is not appropriate to speak.

On September 25, the party group of the China Law Society issued a decision on the suspension of Comrade Li Shichun.The document reads: On August 21, 2018, Li Shichun’s drunk driving constituted a crime of dangerous driving. Due to the minor crime, on September 12, the Beijing Dongcheng District Procuratorate made a decision not to prosecute.

In view of Li Shichun's serious violation of party discipline and government discipline, the party group of the Institute of Economics decided to suspend his post as secretary and director of the party branch of the research department and accept organizational investigation.According to informed sources, on August 21, Li Shichun was caught by the traffic police near a hotel in Wangfujing, Beijing, while driving while drinking.

A Caixin reporter contacted Li Shichun by phone.He said: The situation grasped by the judiciary is the most objective, and I am only a party involved, so it is not appropriate to speak.Regarding accepting the investigation by the organization, he said that the organization department will handle it in accordance with the relevant regulations.

According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law, driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated constitutes the crime of dangerous driving, and is subject to criminal detention and a fine.

Liu Xing, director of the Political Department of the Beijing Dongcheng District Procuratorate, told Caixin that generally speaking, prosecutors believe that drunk driving constitutes a crime, that is, drunk driving has reached the level.As for how Li Shichun's crime was determined to be minor in this case and why he made the decision not to prosecute, he said that he did not know the specific situation, and did not provide a decision not to prosecute the case.

The China Law Society is a national mass organization and academic organization in the field of law and law. It has offices, research departments, external liaison departments, and membership departments. The research department is one of its core departments.

According to information on the official website of the China Law Society, the research department is the functional department responsible for the management of legal societies, and is specifically responsible for the management of dozens of national legal societies. In addition, the research department is also responsible for formulating plans and plans for legal research topics and organizing their implementation, undertake the bidding and establishment of ministerial-level legal research projects, the construction of legal think tanks, the awards for outstanding talents and achievements, and the holding of Chinese jurists forums.

The Research Department consists of four divisions: the Academic Organization Division, the Academic Research Division, the Legal Achievement Application Division, and the Legal Society Management Division.

According to public information, Li Shichun, 48, is a native of Ruian, Zhejiang Province. He graduated from the Department of Political Science and Education of Wenzhou Normal University in his early years. After staying at the school for three years, he was admitted to the China University of Political Science and Law.The director of the editorial department of the Legal Publishing House became a department-level cadre.

In 2005, Li Shichun was promoted to the deputy editor-in-chief of China Law Journal, a law journal under the China Law Society, and became a deputy department-level cadre.

In 2007, the China Law Society established the Legal Information Department. Li Shichun was in charge of the preparation, served as the director of the Legal Information Department, and officially became a department-level cadre.In June 2014, Li Shichun was appointed as the director of the Research Department of the China Law Society and has served since then.

In addition, Li Shichun is also engaged in decision-making consulting work in the fields of national legislation, judicial reform, administrative law enforcement, etc., and serves as a part-time professor and doctoral supervisor in many domestic law schools.

Li Shichun's last public appearance was on August 17.According to a report from the Legal Network, on August 17, the sixth grass-roots-level legal research activity organized by the China Law Society was held in Hangzhou.A total of more than 40 representatives from the Bureau and China Mobile Communications Corporation went to the headquarters of Alibaba Group for investigation.

During the survey, Li Shichun and the general manager of Alibaba's public affairs department co-chaired the symposium.

People in legal circles told Caixin that the China Law Society determines a number of provincial and ministerial-level research projects every year. As the director of the research department, Li Shichun holds the authority to approve projects and has great influence.There have been many reports that Li Shichun had an accident before. In 2015, he was exposed to a text message incident involving organizing banquets, entrusting him to enroll in school, and publishing articles.

From November 2016 to January 2017, the 15th Inspection Group of the 18th Central Committee conducted a special inspection on the party group of the China Law Society.When giving feedback on inspection issues, the central inspection team stated that the party’s leadership of the Law Society has weakened, and the implementation of central decision-making and deployment in combination with its own functions is relatively lacking; political awareness is not strong enough, due diligence is insufficient, and the ideological work mechanism is not sound; some departments and unitsThere is a tendency of profit-oriented, and the supervision of the affiliated research associations is lax.

Insufficient attention has been paid to grassroots party building and systemic party building work, the work has not been carried out realistically, the party's organizational life is not strictly carried out, and the dual organizational life and the three meetings and one lesson system are not in place.The selection and management of cadres is not standardized enough, and there are problems such as illegal part-time jobs and remuneration

.Comprehensive and strict governance of the party is ineffective, mental problems in violation of the eight central regulations still occur, the management of overseas (border) groups and funds is not strict, and there are risks of corruption in the use of special funds and the establishment of research projects.