CCTV News: Soldiers should stay closer to the battlefield!This is the voice of Liao Xinhua, the captain of a security team in the southern theater, and also his unswerving original intention.

In Liao Xinhua's office, there are three aerial paintings, which are based on the battle of Yijiangshan Island. The design and composition are all from Liao Xinhua's hands: one of them, three Tu-2 bombers lined up in the sky above the island, openedThe magazine is ready to bomb the ground, and the emblem of the People's Liberation Army Air Force on the fuselage is impressively eye-catching.In another painting, an Il-10 attack aircraft roared past a military port, and the warships in the port billowed thick smoke. Against the backdrop of Yiyi white clouds and green islands, the fighter plane looked extraordinarily mighty.

The Battle of Yijiangshan Island was the first time that the army, sea and air forces cooperated in combat.This group of aerial paintings originated from Liao Xinhua's exploration of the winning mechanism of joint operations in theaters. Behind each painting is his unique understanding and deep thinking about war.

Liao Xinhua led the backbone test system.Photo by Qi Zhichao

The chief actuary in the Chinese military account

In Liao Xinhua's team, there is an unwritten rule: everything comes first, it doesn't count as not talking, not writing, or not planning.

Winning a modern high-tech war cannot be separated from the support of accurate data, and only actuarial calculations have a chance of winning!Liao Xinhua made up his mind to make new breakthroughs in knowing the enemy.

In late autumn, over a certain sea area, a red-blue confrontation exercise against the background of joint operations entered into intense heat.

Suddenly, the blue side sent multiple fighter planes and ships to fly around and cruise around the sea seemingly aimlessly.Sneak attack?Formation?The blue team's unreasonable battle made the staff of the red team's command post helpless.

Liao Xinhua quickly led the staff team to carry out action research and judgment on the enemy, make a threat assessment, and at the same time put forward countermeasure suggestions to our command post.In front of a set of accurate data, the enemy's true intentions gradually surfaced in the offensive and defensive confrontations...

When the Southern Theater was first established, how to quantify and evaluate the effectiveness of the theater's joint combat system became a difficult problem for the first generation of theater personnel.Liao Xinhua led the team to pioneer the idea of joint theater simulation tests, and worked together with a number of military industrial units and colleges to overcome this difficulty and built the first theater joint combat laboratory in the entire army.This can directly serve the commander, present the final result, and make it closer to actual combat. It can support us to carry out some necessary deduction and simulation work, and use it as a platform to serve joint operations.

Captain Liao Xinhua took key talents to a naval base to investigate related issues and exchange work experience with the captain to collect relevant data and information.Photo by Wang Zhen

Concentrate on fighting with the attitude of fighting tomorrow

In recent years, Liao Xinhua, no matter he is on a business trip or on vacation, has inspected each place as a predetermined battlefield, climbed to the commanding heights, and looked at the surrounding environment; inspected the existing facilities, calculated their anti-destruction capabilities and strike capabilities; collected weather informationData, calculate the impact on combat; step on the sand and stones on the road, and evaluate what equipment is suitable for marching.

Liao Xinhua collected a lot of sand bottles, and put labels on the bottles, recording the time, place, temperature, etc. of sand collection.As long as laser guidance or infrared imaging guidance weapons are used, they will face the influence of the battlefield environment.Bring it back and let the professional department take it for in-depth analysis, testing and measurement.What others see from the sand is the scenery, but what Liao Xinhua sees from the sand is the battlefield.

The theater is responsible for the sacred mission of managing, guarding, and stabilizing one side. It is the command center for winning future wars. If you win a battle, you should go to the main battle position in the theater!Liao Xinhua and his team have successively completed 16 types of missions and simulation deduction of more than 70 actions, developed 13 sets of professional system software, and achieved more than 20 achievements in joint operations, of which 9 achievements in two categories filled the gap in the combat field of the entire army.The theater joint combat command provided precise support.

Obsessed because of love

For Liao Xinhua, dealing with military theories, weapons and equipment, and combat operations is a very pleasant thing, and the more he studies, the more fun he feels.He jokingly described that studying war is like free love. What may be boring in the eyes of others, in his view, is full of happiness and sense of gain. Studying war has long become a habit.

Beginning in the first grade of elementary school, at his request, his family subscribed him to the knowledge of ships, aviation, and weapons.Since then, he has formed an indissoluble bond with these three major knowledge magazines, which has never stopped for more than 30 years.

There is a professional library called a treasure house in the team, with a collection of more than 3,000 volumes, most of which are personal collections contributed by Liao Xinhua.

Because of his extensive knowledge in the military field, even if he is cross-service, cross-field, and cross-professional, he can clear it up and ask questions. His comrades admire Liao Xinhua's Xinhua Dictionary of combat issues.

Loving the military, studying the military, and delving into the military are the minimum requirements for every soldier.

On the road to a strong army, Liao Xinhua will go further and more firmly!