News from the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and National Supervision Commission on September 25, according to news from the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: A few days ago, with the approval of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted an investigation on Han Yingzhen, the former inspector of the Jilin Provincial Department of Commerce, for serious violations of discipline and law.Filed a case review investigation.

After investigation, Han Yingzhen violated political discipline and resisted organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations, accepted gift money in violation of regulations, and traveled on official business trips.Taking advantage of the convenience of the position, collaborating with others to defraud the country's foreign trade and economic special funds is suspected of corruption; using the convenience of the position to seek benefits for others in business operations and other aspects and accepting property is suspected of accepting bribes.

As a party member and leading cadre, Han Yingzhen has lost her ideals and beliefs, her sense of purpose is indifferent, her selfish desires are inflated, she uses public power for private purposes, and reduces public power to a tool for personal gain. This seriously violates the party's discipline, constitutes a violation of the law and is suspected of committing a crime.Moreover, after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, they still do not know how to stop, do not restrain themselves, and do not stop. The nature is bad and the circumstances are serious, so they should be dealt with seriously.According to the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China and the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant regulations, after research by the Standing Committee of the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and approval by the Provincial Party Committee, it was decided to give Han Yingzhen the sanction of expulsion from the party; cancel her retirement benefits according to the regulations; confiscate her illegal income;Suspected crimes are transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law, and the property involved is transferred with the case.(Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision) Qin Qinghai, former director of Jiamusi Grain Bureau, received more than 4.7 million bribes and was sentenced to ten years in prison

Qin Qinghai in court.Figure

A few days ago, the People's Court of Tangyuan County publicly pronounced the first-instance verdict on the bribery case of Qin Qinghai, the former director of the Grain Bureau of Jiamusi City.Qin Qinghai said in court that he would obey the judgment and would not appeal.The judgment is now in effect.

After the trial, it was found that from 2011 to 2018, the defendant Qin Qinghai served as the deputy mayor of Tongjiang City, the director of the Tongjiang Bacha Island National Nature Reserve Administration, the party secretary and director of the Jiamusi Grain Bureau, etc.During the period of employment, alone or together with his wife, he used the convenience of his position to seek economic benefits for others or adjust his position, and received a total of RMB 4,717,240 in property from others.

The People's Court of Tangyuan County held that the defendant Qin Qinghai, as a national employee, took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others, and illegally accepted or extorted property from others.His behavior has constituted the crime of accepting bribes.Although the defendant Qin Qinghai had the circumstances of extorting bribes, he was given a heavier punishment, but in view of his confession, return of all stolen money, and remorse, he was given a lighter punishment, and the court made the above judgment.

(The original title was Qin Qinghai, former director of Jiamusi Grain Bureau, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for accepting bribes)