Recently, Songyuan City notified five typical cases of party members and cadres violating political discipline.These 5 typical cases are:

Li Dawei, the former director of the Songyuan Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio and Television, and the former chairman of the Municipal Sports Federation, and others confronted the issue of organizational censorship.In 2015, the procuratorate discovered the problem of the private small treasury set up by the former Sports Bureau of Songyuan City. In early 2016, in order to deceive the organization, Li Dawei ordered Han Song, the deputy director of the former Sports Bureau of Songyuan City, and others to burn the original certificate of the small treasury.

From August to November 2017, the discipline inspection and supervision agency investigated some personnel involved in the former Sports Bureau of Songyuan City. Li Dawei ordered Han Song and others to keep an eye on a room in a hotel opposite the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and repeatedly inquired about the case from the inspected personnel.Obstructing co-accused persons from providing evidentiary materials to the discipline inspection and supervision organs.Li Dawei has also repeatedly convened secret gatherings of relevant personnel involved in the case in his home and office of the unit to study in series and resist organizational censorship.

Li Dawei and Han Song also had other serious violations of discipline. In March 2018, Li Dawei and Han Song were expelled from the party and dismissed from public office respectively.

Zhang Qingan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the former Construction Bureau of Songyuan City, was not resolute in implementing the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, discounted, flexible, and disloyal and dishonest to the Party.From 2006 to 2009, Zhang Qingan engaged in money and rights transactions with some illegal real estate developers and builders involved in the implementation of the shed reform project for personal gain. Not only was he not firm in implementing the national shed reform policy.

Discounts, flexibility, and direct intervention and meddling in regulatory matters provide convenience for illegal development companies, resulting in some illegal development companies winning bids in violation of regulations, illegal demolition, illegal construction, delaying relocation, and even deceiving the masses, causing multiple batches, large-scale, long-termMass group visits and leapfrog visits, some problems have not been resolved so far, and continue to cause extremely bad political and social impacts and serious consequences.

From March to April 2018, when the discipline inspection and supervision agency verified the relevant situation with him, Zhang Qingan actively cooperated with the investigation on the surface, secretly inquired about the investigation situation, found excuses to delay the time to return to Songyuan for a talk, and fled to other places.Zhang Qingan also had other serious violations of discipline. In August 2018, Zhang Qingan was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office.

Zhao Shuxin, the former deputy director of Songyuan City Municipal Engineering Administration, was disloyal and dishonest to the party, and resisted organizational censorship.In March 2017, when Zhao Shuxin realized that the organization was about to censor him, he and his wife Liu took bank statements, sorted out family property, and arranged income and expenditure to study and resist the organization's censorship.

In April 2017, when the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency verified to Zhao Shuxin that he had provided assistance to an individual businessman in handling the planning procedures for a new cold storage and received favor fees, Zhao Shuxin ostensibly cooperated with the investigation, but shifted the responsibility for the investigation to the deceased person, and reported toOrganizations provide false information and cover up the facts.Zhao Shuxin also had other serious violations of discipline. In May 2017, Zhao Shuxin was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office.

Gao Honghai, former chairman of the People's Congress of Chaganhu Township, Qianguo County, has bad political conduct and false accusations against others.From 2010 to 2015, Gao Honghai used the influence of his position to help his nephew Gao Mou bid for and undertake the construction of cement road projects in several administrative villages in Changlong Township by affiliating with qualified companies.

In 2017, in order to help Gao settle the project payment, Gao Honghai arbitrarily fabricated other people’s violations of discipline and reported to the discipline inspection and supervision organs, in order to achieve his personal purpose of putting pressure on the main leaders and related personnel of Changlong Township, causing adverse social impact.In May 2018, Gao Honghai was given a one-year party probation and administrative dismissal.

Guo Xianyu, the former head of the Changling County Forest Public Security Brigade, confronted the issue of organizational censorship.From July to August 2017, when the discipline inspection and supervision agency asked Guo Xianyu about purchasing and subcontracting forest land, Guo Xianyu provided false information that his mother, Mr. Gao, had purchased forest land and covered up the fact that the two had a loan relationship., against organizational censorship.Guo Xianyu also has other serious violations of discipline. In September 2017, Guo Xianyu was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office.

The circular emphasized that the party organizations at all levels in the city should put the party's political construction in the first place, combined with the rectification of cadres' style of work, dig deep into the clues of party members and cadres violating political discipline, and transfer them to the discipline inspection and supervision agencies in a timely manner.

Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at all levels should regard the two maintenances as the foundation of their lives and the key to performing their duties, highlighting the norms and implementation of political discipline, paying attention to viewing and grasping problems from a political perspective, and assisting party committees (party groups)Progressively strengthen the construction of the political ecology and promote the continuous improvement of the political ecology within the party.(Songyuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Municipal Supervisory Committee)