I checked my eyes and met the right person. I just checked my eyes with you. From then on, you are Huai workers.Students, welcome!

We must know that calling our parents can’t just ask for money, we can’t stalk our parents when we’re broken, we can’t refuse to repay our credit loans, we can’t occupy a seat on the high-speed rail.

What I want to remind you is: don't let the game hook your soul, don't let Douyin mess up your mind, don't let takeaway hurt your stomach, and don't let online loans make you cry.

Jiangsu internet celebrity principal Ning Xiaoming once again used popular and vivid language to win a lot of applause at the opening ceremony.

The scene of the opening ceremony.Image source: Official website of Huaihai Institute of Technology

On the morning of September 10, Huaihai Institute of Technology held the opening ceremony for the 2018 freshmen. Principal Ning Xiaoming delivered a speech on the theme of embracing the great era and expressing youth without regrets.

The speech manuscript obtained from Ning Xiaoming shows that the full text is 5,000 words long, with a full hundred characters running through it.According to his introduction, starting from August, he prepared for this speech for a month.

As shown at the beginning of the article, the biggest style of this speech is witty, humorous, and down-to-earth, expressing his views on university life and other aspects in a popular and vivid way, as well as earnest warnings.

This speech continued his usual Ning style.At this time last year, Ning Xiaoming, who had just assumed the post of president of Huaihai Institute of Technology, also carefully prepared a vivid speech. That time, he used a hundred new words throughout the text.

This year is the first year of lsquo;post-2000s’ entry into university in an all-round way. We must learn to understand them and get close to them.Ning Xiaoming told The Paper reporters.

See the warmth in the details: celebrate the birthday of the birthday as usual

At the beginning of the speech, Ning Xiaoming called on all the students to sincerely say happy holidays to the kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, middle school teachers, and university teachers who have trained them.

Afterwards, he asked three questions to the freshmen, quickly enlivening the atmosphere in the form of interaction.

The third question is, he asked those who were in love before the college entrance examination, please raise your hand.It seems that not many people raised their hands. I don’t know if you believe it or not. Anyway, I don’t believe it. Ning Xiaoming’s response made the audience burst into laughter.

Through the big data of freshmen, the school has calculated that September 10th is the birthday of 14 freshmen.Ning Xiaoming also presented birthday cakes to Wang Kanghong and other 14 birthday stars on behalf of the school, and led the audience to sing birthday songs together.

The Paper reporter noticed that at the opening ceremony of freshmen last year, Ning Xiaoming sent blessings to the students who celebrated their birthdays that day.I believe that this birthday will be very memorable for them. We also use this method to let all the students feel the warmth of the big family of the school.Ning Xiaoming told The Paper reporter.

The link of gift packages is not over yet.Later, he talked about the fact that most of the student dormitories in the school have not yet installed air conditioners, and bluntly said that this is a pain in his heart.

Here, I promise you that before the high temperature arrives next year, all the air conditioners in the student dormitory will be installed in place!Ning Xiaoming's statement once again won applause from the audience.

Ning Xiaoming told The Paper that he was a little nervous about giving the gift package.The school had previously held a meeting to study, and initially decided that the dormitory air conditioners should be installed in place within two years at the latest.

Now, he has taken the lead on self-pressurization to reduce that time limit to one year.

It’s not that the school doesn’t have the money to buy air-conditioning, but that besides installing air-conditioning, it also needs to solve a series of problems such as circuit modification, and the cost of this series of problems is five times that of the air-conditioning itself.Ning Xiaoming told The Paper the difficulties behind this.

But in the face of many parents' suggestions, Ning Xiaoming still decided not to give himself a way out.To tell you the truth, just the night before the opening ceremony, I was still hesitating whether to make this commitment.He said.

summarized four sentences and pointed out the pain points of college life

The Paper reporter noticed that at the opening ceremony in 2017, Ning Xiaoming used one hundred new characters throughout the text, but this time, it became one hundred big characters.

Big, representing the big era, university and university life, Ning Xiaoming said that when he wrote his speech, he followed this sequence and logic, advancing layer by layer.

First of all, he pointed out that this is a great era of a brand-new technological revolution, a great era of China becoming a powerful country, and a great era of profound changes in education.

Secondly, he believes that universities are places where adults are cultivated, the atmosphere is passed on, and great love is bred.Among them, great love, in essence, comes from the value power and moral power of the individual's heart.

We must know that calling our parents can’t just ask for money, we can’t stalk our parents when we’re broken, we can’t refuse to repay our credit loans, we can’t occupy a seat on the high-speed rail.Ning Xiaoming constantly used current affairs cases in his speeches.

As for college life, Ning Xiaoming said, there are always many inexplicable jokes.For example, as long as you are courageous, you can take seven days off a week, and a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. The more you get to the exam, the more you will be, intermittently complacent, and you will continue to eat and wait to die.

Students, I want to solemnly tell you today that it is easy to go to college. This is just a fairy tale, and fairy tales are full of lies.Ning Xiaoming said in his speech.

In his speech, he solemnly reminded all the freshmen: don’t let the game hook your soul, don’t let Douyin mess up your mind, don’t let takeaway hurt your stomach, and don’t let online loans make you cry.

According to his introduction, it took a week to refine this sentence, which is also, in his opinion, several common problems faced by college life.It's not that you can't use Douyin, but some students can't stop once they use it, and they are addicted to it, which is not good.Before taking up the post of president of Huaihai Institute of Technology, Ning Xiaoming had worked with students for more than ten years and knew how to get along with students.

Finally, he gave three tips to the freshmen, which are adapting to the environment, cultivating great feelings, and tempering great skills.

In his view, feelings may not necessarily make people rich and well-off, but they can make people live more valuable.

At the same time, there are no shortcuts on the road to success.Only down-to-earth hard work is the smartest way to obtain the truest happiness.Ning Xiaoming said at the opening ceremony.